
A Lady's Revenge by Tracey Devlyn

blodeuedd's review

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OH there is only one person in this dungeon, damn! Oh well, I will rescue that person anyway, even though the only person in this dungeon was supposed to be the woman called raven. The awesome spy. But this woman can't be her. I almost changed my mind and left her there.
Great logic there Guy.

I will not tell Guy that I know this is a trap, I will rush headstrong into it, even though we could make a trap ourselves and save us a LOT of time. But I am just a headstrong young woman that do not listen to men.
And almost gets kidnapped more times than I can count.

But it was still fun. The villain was an idiot too. I mean you had her SO many times. LOL.
The heroine was an idiot cos she kept putting herself in the villain's path.
The hero, well he was actually not an idiot later on, but how he put up with her. Oh man.

The fall in love. She is all I am ruined..yeah, you were a spy. Duh. Women! They conquer the bad guy and live happily ever after.

rainelle_barrett's review

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Awesome! This book was awesome. It had twist, suspense, action, drama, romance and steamy romance with seduction. Guy was fantastic in this romance. His male dominance and protection over Cora was enough to long for. I love Dincs and Bingham. There part in this whole story brought a few snickers and laughter from me. All in all this was a wonderful book.

gemmalaszlo's review

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An impressive debut. If I hadn't known that this was the author's first novel, I would never have guessed. It was very polished. The writing style was flowing and easy to read. The author obviously did her research, but there were no annoying info-dumps in this book. The historical backdrop was just that, a backdrop for the plot, not a textbook.

If you're looking for a "fluff" romance, then this is not the book for you. This is not a brain-candy novel. There are several scenes that might be disturbing to more sensitive readers. But if you want a gritty, sensual spy story, then you will enjoy this.

The characters were well-drawn and had great chemistry. They weren't too perfect as to be believeable, but they weren't too flawed as to be unlikeable. I was able to cheer for them. The intrigue plot was well-written and fast-paced, but the author was able to strike a good balance between the mystery and the romance. A tacked-on love story is a pet peeve of mine, but that didn't happen here.

I will definitely be on the lookout for more books by this author in the future.

alexiachantel's review

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Do you have anything in your life you would sacrifice yourself for? Loved ones might be what comes to mind first. Cora certainly puts herself on the line multiple times in her attempts to keep her loved ones safe. But more than that she also puts herself directly in harms way for revenge.

Revenge is such a strong emotion, one that is strong enough to make this young Englishwoman give up her innocence and in return, her chance at having a normal life and family. The cunning and strength Cora shows is moving. She faces enemies and torture, and yes it does break her a little. But her inner strength combined with Guy's love help piece her back together. The utter joy and relief she experiences when she registers that it is Guy creeping into her cell to save her bleeds from the page and makes you feel it too.

Guy seeks his own revenge on the man that turned his strong proud Cora into a broken beaten woman. Guy is an honorable gentleman, if he wasn't he might have taken advantage of the sparks that were flying the night of the masked ball where he ran into Cora before she left for France. If he had given in and seduced his best friends sister both his life and Cora's would have been different. Not to mention their impact on England politically and in the form of lives saved. Grander schemes are being played out though, and the love of Cora and Guy gets a second chance in the midst of it all.

What a debut novel from Tracey Devlin! A Lady's Revenge is flawlessly written with incredible characters, strong plot line, and a powerful love story. It is hard to believe this is Devlin's first. Plenty of action and intrigue to keep the pages flying by, and plenty of secondary characters just waiting for their stories to be told.

If you enjoy historical romance with spies and villains with hidden identities you will not want to miss this. Put Devlin on your authors to watch list.

Review posted at Reading Between the Wines blog:

b0okcupidity's review

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This was a gigantic DNF fail.

It's probably not the books fault.

First of all, I was sick when I tried to read it. I picked it up and immediately saw that it was 432 pages long. 432 pages?! For a historical romance? What is so important that requires an extra 100 pages? I put it back down again, because 432 pages would require a commitment. I mean, this is the reason why I don't read more Julia Quinn and Stephanie Laurens (well, actually, I don't read Stephanie Laurens because her writing is so flowery I kinda want to slit my wrists...but anyway). So yeah, it's my humble opinion that ~ 300 pages is an ideal length for me in the historical romance genre. I want to read it in one sitting.

Then, after thumbing through three other books and not finding much of interest to me and going back and reading some good reviews about this book from other goodreaders, I picked it up a second time. What the hey.

Unfortunately, I only made it to the end of the second chapter before putting it down again.

It reminded me of [a:Joanna Bourne|486041|Joanna Bourne|] immediately, and well, it's just too soon, too soon.

So, it's not this books fault. It's me, not you[b:A Lady's Revenge|12885738|A Lady's Revenge (Nexus, #1)|Tracey Devlyn||18039137], I apparently have ADD and now a phobia of 'spy' books.

lisajo85's review

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Holy smokes! Suspense, intrigue, romance, drama...this novel has it all and then some! Clear your schedule before you start Tracy Devlyn's debut A LADY'S REVENGE because once you start reading it, you won't be able to stop until you've finished!

Guy Trevelyan, Earl of Helsford, has been sent to rescue the British spy known as Raven from the grips of an evil Frenchman. What he finds is his childhood friend Cora deBeau being brutally tortured and badly beaten. Though he easily rescues Cora and brings her home safe and sound, the danger is far from over. The Frenchman known as Valere is not going to let Cora go and now the fight begins to keep her safe. Guy has pined after Cora for years now and is willing to do whatever it takes to keep her by his side. Cora feels the same, but she knows there are circumstances that will keep them apart forever. As Cora does her best to resist his charms, Guy uses every weapon available to make sure she knows their love will win the day.

Honestly, what a fabulous book. I loved every page of it! A LADY'S REVENGE has amazingly intense characters that you will adore from the very beginning. It was such an emotional and heart wrenching novel with a plot that was very intriguing and delightfully suspenseful. There are a few unbelievable moments, but Ms Devlyn's writing is so captivating and her characters so spectacular, it really doesn't matter in the end. A LADY'S REVENGE is so fabulously dark and wildly intoxicating, you will be amazed at how completely it captures your attention.

What grabbed my attention instantly is Ms Devlyn's ability to create such powerful characters that you bond with instantly. After the first chapter, I was completely engaged in this intense emotional bond Cora and Guy shared. It was absolutely stunning and I knew this book was going to haunt me until I finished it...and of course, long after I actually did finish it. Their romance will completely overwhelm you and their adventure will completely enthrall you. Cora and Guy share an amazing passion that left me breathless. Rarely have I had the opportunity to read a novel where the two characters are so charmingly perfect for each other. Whether they were arguing or sharing intimate moments, they never projected anything other than love.

With Cora's history as a spy, you would think she would have a tough, unbreakable exterior. Yet she's also been through a terrible trauma in this novel that would break any man, so you see a very unique side of her. To the world she shows the tough spy, but Guy gets to see the injured woman that doesn't know how much more she can endure. She knows she must do whatever is necessary in order to protect those she loves, and she lives up to that expectation, but seeing her depend on Guy is a true treat for any romantic. Her weakness is what makes her a character you can relate to and seeing her try to hide that side is so tragically sweet.

And then there was Guy. Sigh. Loyal, heroic and fiercely passionate, a woman would have to have a heart of stone to resist his charms. I absolutely adored this hero and for good reason. His love for Cora was evident from the very beginning, and his protective nature made it all the more romantic. You knew he would travel to the ends of the earth to save her, no matter what. He was a hero to admire because of his intelligence and strength, but also for his undying love for one amazing woman. Guy had this sense of confidence that I found absolutely irresistible. He was always certain concerning various aspects of his life and always hopeful that his determination would see him through. Cora had very few weaknesses, but when she was showing signs of defeat, Guy was always there to make her strong again.

My only minor complaint, is that sometimes A LADY'S REVENGE became immersed in too much drama. Some of the scenarios Cora found herself in were a little unlikely and the drama resolved too easily. Yet as I said earlier, it's terribly easy to overlook such a problem. With these characters, you simply go along for the ride, anxiously hoping for their happily ever after. Now that I have reached the ending, I'm terribly sad it's over. A part of me wants to read it all over again, which is a rare thing for me. I know of no easier way to say it except that this novel is simply fabulous. Not only that, but one of the best debut novels I've had the pleasure of reading in a long time. Deciding to read A LADY'S REVENGE by Tracey Devlyn is one decision you will never regret.

Lisa Jo @ The Romance Reviews

circe813's review

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Complex, nuanced debut novel. Many of the scenes may be difficult for some readers, in that they are graphic and violent. I may read the next book in the series; I haven't decided yet.

bibliophiliadk's review

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At first I was really drawn into this book - it was different and very orignal - but soon my fancy started to dim. I had a hard time following Cora's reasoning in denying herself Guy, and I had an even harder time figuring out just what their relationship was rooted in. And I was a bit disappointed at how predictable the book turned out to be, because when I started reading it, it promised to be anything but predictable. But I give Tracey Devlyn props for originality, which is something I regard very highly.

larisa2021's review

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** Spoiler**

Author kills the heroine's kitten by the heroine's actions at page 235, which to make it even worse, does nothing to move the plot forward. Add on a stark description of the dead kitten and I'm done with this book & author. Many authors manage to produce good to excellent Regency spy romances with complex, damaged protagonists without killing kittens, horses or even dogs. Kill companion animals for no cause in horror fiction, not romance.

Off to reread a good romance book in hopes I'll get to sleep tonight and not be haunted by a fictional feisty, green-eyed boy kitten's death.

savvyliterate's review

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This one was OK. An interesting premise, especially the amount of danger the heroine gets into. But then it starts circling back upon itself, causing her to become nearly helpless in order to make the hero useful. The author also doesn't answer one of the major questions the heroine asks of the hero's past, which causes a plot hole toward the end. Either that or I had grown weary of the book to the point where my tired eyes just didn't care.