
Soul Screamers: Sophie by Rachel Vincent

lindaunconventionalbookworms's review against another edition

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Short, to the point, quite funny... but still from Sophie's POV...

In this novella, Sophie meets Luca, the necromancer, and a soulless reaper who makes her screem so hard she and Luca end up in the Netherworld. Most of the story is about how to get back to the real world, and it actually had loads of hilarious quotes :

"I don't even like regular plants. Except for corsages and long-stemmed roses." And htose only hurt you when they don't show up...

"You're not... human?" "Well, I am human. But I'm more."

Maybe Kaylee was actually the sanest person I knew.

"Okay, time out. That's all the crazy talk I can take for now. I want to go home. What do I have to do? Click my heels together?" My shoes weren't ruby, nor were they slippers, but for what my dad paid for the designer label, they damn well ought to take me wherever I wanted to go.

"I never joke about carnivorous bunnies."

"Aplologies, Your Highnexx, I meant to mistake you for someone who wants to survive."

In the end, my conscience won, but only because letting Luca die in the Netherworld would be an unacceptable waste of a perfectly good six-pack.

"I always knew popularity was a survival skill i high school, but here, it's really an issue of life and death."

I wanted the courage to face whaterver was coming to kill me, but who was I kidding? I didn't even have the guts to defent Laura - my own best friend - when Peyton started raggin on her, so what good would I be against an actual monster?

People called Kaylee special, but what they really meant was "special." In that straitjackets and padded walls kind of way. She wasn't special like Luca thought I was special. She could never handle what I'd just seen and done. She wasn't stable enough.

All right, then, Sophie - you really make me look forward to seeing how you'll react to just how special Kaylee is - and how you only have a tiny part of that family special-ness in you :D

lolasreviews's review against another edition

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Another great short story from Rachel Vincent. This one about Sophie, Kaylee's mean cousin. We get to see some events from If I die from Sophie's point of view, so make sure you've read that before this short story. Again the same comments as reaper, it almost is too good to be a short story and the fact that it is short is one of the few min points. I wondered what it would be like to see things from Sophie's point of view. Well she is still a bitch and cares too much about her own world, popularity and fashion, which makes for some great talks with Luca, who we meet in this short story. We don't get to know much about Luca, for that we will have to wait until the next book. I really am looking forward to it!

To conclude: a short story from Sophie's point of view. Really interesting to see the view of that irritaing cousin of Kaylee and find out she is actually quite funny and interesting character. A must read for fans of the soul screamers series.

hoping4more's review against another edition

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I still don't like Sophie after reading this short story, but it sets up a pretty cool twist for Before I Wake, so definitely read this before the new book comes out!

wilda85's review against another edition

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I absolutely loved reading from Sophie's pov. She's much more than Kaylee's snobby, bitch of a cousin. I still dislike her, and her comments about Kaylee at the end made me want to strangle her even more, but Never To Sleep showed a different side of her. A side that will hopefully allow her to grow and change in the future once she learns the truth about her heritage. She's got a long ways to go, and I doubt she will ever like Kaylee, but hopefully one day, she'll understand everything that has happened in her life wasn't b/c Kaylee was trying to ruin her life. HA! Yeah right. Anyways, I can't wait to read Before I Wake so I can find out more about Luca and see what happens to Kaylee and the gang after the events in If I Die.

kelsenator's review against another edition

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Originally posted on my blog Kelsey's Cluttered Bookshelf

This is the short story set during the time of the fifth book, If I Die. If you haven’t read that yet, I’ll try to keep it spoiler free, but I suggest you do first.

The main character of this story is Sophie, Kaylee’s cousin. I was interested to see how much I’d like reading through her perspective, but I enjoyed it. She can be a bit much and demanding at times, but in the end that determination might be what saves her. She doesn’t think she’s anything like Kaylee, but maybe her strong will is closer than she thinks. She still has room to grow, but this was a great start for a short story, and I’m so excited to read the next book in the series!

Since it isn’t too long, I won’t go into the story, as it goes by pretty fast, but if you’re a fan of this series go find a copy at the library or for your eReader and get involved in even more Soul Screamer’s goodness!

zohal99's review against another edition

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This novella annoyed me SO much!!!! Who does she think she is? She's so full of herself.

And this quote annoyed me the most.

"People called Kaylee special, but what they really meant was “special.” In that straitjackets and
padded walls kind of way. She wasn’t special like Luca thought I was special. She could never
handle what I’d just seen and done. She wasn’t stable enough."

If she even knew a single thing about Kaylee she would keep her mouth shut!

I'm sorry but Kaylee's cousin is the most shallow book character I could have ever meet.

deann_f's review against another edition

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Very refreshing and interesting viewpoint from Sophie. Adds more information to If I Die but also leaves is with many more questions. Very excited for Before I Wake now!

lyzzibug's review against another edition

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She is thrown into the Netherworld with the hot necromancer new guy and has no idea where she is or how to survive and get home. I enjoyed the look into Sophie’s mind, and this novella about her reinforces my view that she is and will always be a b*tch.

janetted's review against another edition

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I wish you could give 1/2 stars because this one was a 3.5 to me. I really like it, and I definitely like Sophie a little more than before. I'm hoping this is a turning point in her relationship with her family.

islandgeekgirl's review against another edition

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This novella really surprised me. It takes a character I never really liked in Sophie Kavanaugh and puts the spotlight directly on her. While I can't say she became one of my favorite characters in this series, and she probably never will, I did feel like I understood her more after reading this and she proved she can keep her head straight in a crisis. I really liked the ties to previous books, like Addison Page showing up in the Netherworld and the introduction of Luca. Can't wait to see more of him.