
The Beautiful Years IV by Annie Rose Welch

becsa's review

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This is another good book in the series but I am shocked at how long these books are and how much information is in each one.

I still love Brando and I love that he is a super tough character that most people fear but in this book we really get to experience some of his pain and it was so good to see how in touch he really is with his pain and loss. I love how Scarlett is the only one who get through to him and how her presence can ease him.

Scarlett is getting stronger in each book and this book went into some huge battles with her family, specifically her sister and I was sitting there so proud of Scarlett as Charlotte is just awful. I loved how Scarlett was truly embraced by Brando’s brothers and taken in by the family.

There were some huge OMG moments that had rippling effects for things that happened in this book and I know that will be continuing in the next one as well in regards to some interactions with Olivier.

The end leaves you wondering what is coming with the leadership of the family but also how Scarlett is still unable to get out of her contract.

I’m definitely looking forward to the next one!

beereading's review

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These books just get better.

Amazing. These characters feel as though they are real. This book broke me apart had me tearing up at 3 am. Brava!!

elylibrarysec's review

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Brando Fausti shows how hard it is to grow up in la famiglia. Scarlett Fausti needs to write her thoughts and feelings down. In this part of the series our couple are separated a lot. Our couple shows how difficult it can be on the heart. It’s also easy to see how much they miss each other.

I liked how the author found ways for them to communicate even when apart. It makes our couple more real since that’s what any loving couple would do. In previous books I had feelings of soap opera and reality show. This book I have feelings of real life. In the last book we got to see Scarlett shine and Brando took the back seat. In this book he seems to be in the forefront. But when they are together, they seem to tackle anything together.

Because of the world Brando comes from it filters into the story and that will help to move the story along. A little mystery and suspense is never a bad thing. We have a secondary character that seems to have more of a roll here as well. Is it she’s starting to be a little more important to this series? Only you and time can tell. One thing I can tell you is that this is not a series that you can start here – you have to start from the beginning. Otherwise you may not understand the characters or what is going on. Plus starting from the beginning will not be a hard chore.

How our author got the inspiration to tell Brando and Scarlett’s story over seven books I will never know. What I do know is that each book can stand on its own. You will not feel as if you’ve read anything before – anything being repeated. It’s all about the couple and their life – be it together or apart. It certainly has me curious as to what is in store for us in the next book – especially with the ending she left me with.

I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.