
The Ruby Airship by Sharon Gosling

chelsea_jack's review against another edition

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The Ruby Airship has a lot of really great elements that come together into an an entertaining, action-packed steampunk adventure.

The Diamond Thief really surprised me with its escalation, particularly in the last third of the book. I was more prepared for The Ruby Airship, which is good because this book isn't bound by being set in a single city as The Diamond tthief was. Instead, we have a story that soars across the English and especially French countryside.

There is some parallel with the first book - all the most dangerous, secret things are hidden in tunnels underground. More significantly, I felt that the pacing and the way the story builds towards the ending is similar - so if you liked the way that The Diamond Thief read, you'll probably enjoy this one! The story really builds towards the end, when the pacing is very quick with increasing amounts of action towards the end.

I loved the ruby airship itself. It's a fantastic steampunk invention and I love how J and Thaddeus interact with it. I think that I most enjoyed their sections of the story as they're pretty entertaining together with their mix of daring and caution. Remy's portions of the story were a bit frustrating because she was so stubborn and blind, but I think she also provides a lot of the emotional foundation for the story so.... Her sections were important, just not my favourites.

The romance was pretty soft, and I might have been irked by this if the book didn't underline just how young Thaddeus and Remy are. I was actually shocked when Thaddeus' age is mentioned mid-way through the book. I did find some of the behaviour - particularly Remy taking off with Yannick at the beginning of the book - to be rather juvenile. Age-appropriate, as it turns out!

There's a female character introduced mid-way through The Ruby Airship who felt really unnecessary as a foil for J. I think her potential was much greater, so that was a bit of a disappointment - though again, the youth of everyone involved reins things in quite a bit.

Bottom line:

The Ruby Airship is ultimately a fairly satisfying steampunk romp from England through France. It takes a bit to get rolling, but once the story gets moving, it snowballs into a pretty darn entertaining tale. The Ruby Airship ends on a high note, implying more adventures that I certainly look forward to reading.

4 stars
For fans of steampunk, YA

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Received in exchange for an honest review.

felinity's review against another edition

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Professor Abernathy's machines may not be as dormant, or discarded, as we'd thought, but that isn't Rémy's concern. She's angry at Thaddeus for not reading her mind (ironic, that), worried about her future in London and suppressing the emerging feelings, so when an old friend turns up, it's hardly surprising that running back to the circus seems like a good idea at the time, especially as her friend Claudette's letters have been very scarce as of late.

And there begin a variety of adventures, as Thaddeus and former street urchin (now acting inventor's apprentice) J try to follow Rémy and the circus from the air and attempt to circumvent a villainous plot and evil mastermind. How marvellous!

Thaddeus is a remarkable man, and I'm always surprised when reminded of his age because of his thoughtful, careful nature. Professionally he thinks very logically, showing the influence of the contemporary Sherlock Holmes, but personally his uncertainty is revealed. J is full of surprises.

It's not *quite* as good as [b:The Diamond Thief|17276205|The Diamond Thief (The Diamond Thief, #1)|Sharon Gosling||23889065], the first in the series, and I have a minor quibble (the French don't call them "restrooms") but the language is descriptive without being overdone (yes, I'm looking at you, Thomas Hardy), making it a very enjoyable read.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

limabean74's review

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My Review:

If you have not read The Diamond Thief this  review will contain spoilers for you. Please read The Diamond Thief first...seriously read it, so you can read this one because this one was really good.

This is a hard review to write, I love Remy and Thaddeus and I am so happy with how the story handles there romance, it's not in your face but Thaddeus cares about her so much he would travel the world to find her. (literally) Remy is a stubborn, immature girl who at times I wanted to smack but I adore her and think she is just very guarded of her heart since she has had to deal with so much heartache. The story continues a few months maybe after the last book ended, just when they think things might not be so complicated new friends appear and enemies surface. The introduction of Yannick as Remy's old friend I just didn't trust him and you sort of sense that you aren't suppose to and he seems so shady. I wanted to like him but he really just wasn't a good guy, I am 100 percent all Thaddeus.

A lot happens to our characters in this book, so many twists and turns, this was one heck of an adventure that they are on. I want to go into detail but I would be giving so much away. I found the middle of the book to be a tad bit slow, when Thaddeus and J are in the Airship, I wanted the story move along a little faster and with so much going on it was hard to hit a slow spot. However the end is quite an epic event and so much is learned and happens that I can not wait for the next one to see where the adventure takes our Thief and Policeman.

I gave this one 4 stars only because of the slow part but the story had so much info and really kept me reading. Loved all the twist and the end made me want so much more.

Thank you so much for stopping by to check out my review

Hope you have a great day and Happy Reading!

This review was originally posted on Because reading is better than real life

urlphantomhive's review

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This turned out to be the sequel to another book, The Diamond Thief, that I hadn't read. And although it usually doesn't really matters, I felt at the beginning that I was missing large parts of what was going on. My bad, of course, but I would certainly recommend reading the first book first (even though I didn't).

Remy is a French circus artist/diamond thief who has now settled for an easier life in London, when she's called back to France to rejoin her best friend and her circus.

It was a very, very fast read, not in the least because of the somewhat gigantic amount of white space on every paper. I mean, I read 140 pages when I went to donate blood plasm (which takes a little over half an hour). I don't usually read THAT fast, but it was as if I was constantly swiping pages.

Besides, it was quite enjoyable. Not really memorable or anything special, but enjoyable nonetheless. Remy came across as the somewhat annoying and immature girl, who didn't understand too much of the world. The rest of the characters all fell a bit too well in their roles. The shady mysterious guy is very shady and mysterious. The kid from the slum turns out to be some kind of genius (I've definitely not seen that before ). And as in Harry Potter, just to name one of the many possibilities, there's this important story that is supposedly so very famous, but the characters still need the tale to be told. Yeah, that.

While quite nice and a very fast read, it didn't blow me away, and I'm not really sure what to think about it.

The Ruby Airship is the second book in the Diamond Thief series. The first book is called The Diamond Thief.

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

the_daydreamologist's review

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I swear I tried, thrice.
Give this to me 2 years ago, and I might have even fangirled over it or something, but now ..* shakes head vehemently* Just no.

lumatere's review

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Visit my blog for a chance to win a hardcover of both The Diamond Thief and The Ruby Airship!

Thank you Switch Press for this review copy!

With just as much action, adventure, and romance as the first book, The Ruby Airship is sure to please fans of the first installment. If you're not aware, I absolutely loved The Diamond Thief, and the mere fact that this was able to live up to my expectations is an indicator of this book's superb-ness.

The Ruby Airship starts off where The Diamond Thief left, and it starts off with a bang. At first it seemed as if it would be an angst-filled, dramatic book disguised as adventure, but this misconception was immediately smashed once Remy made her way to France.

The stakes are higher and the relationships are tested, with new characters added that make the book shine even brighter. Thaddeus and Remy are as awkward cute as ever, and J's new friend will have you giggling from their bickering.

At times, though, some seems were less... mature, I should say, than others. One particularly humorous scene was where the "bad guy" spilled all his plans to Thaddeus, which made him seem like less of a villain and more of a child playing the role of a bad guy. This, along with other instances, made the book seem more a bit childish.

But really, this sequel was pure fun and all-around enjoyable. The mix of steampunk, adventure, historical fiction, and action catered to my diverse reading taste, and created a book that was both swashbuckling and emotionally engaging. Set against a rich setting and complemented by splendid writing, The Ruby Airship will surely be a crowd-pleaser.

anyaatawfullotofreading's review against another edition

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*3.5 stars*

After all the drama and accusations of thievery, Remy just wants to forget about all of that and go back to what she loves best: performing. But she can't when she is on a wanted poster and Thaddeus still does not trust her. So when old friend Yannick shows up, she joins him in a trip back to France, leaving Thaddeus in the dust.

But Thaddeus knows something is wrong with Yannick, some feeling he can't put his finger on. I would call that jealousy but after seeing Yannick avoid some reasonable questions, I could see why Thaddeus was hesitant to trust him as Remy did. So after they've left, Thaddeus is unsure what to do but of course it's J to the rescue! I adored J in The Diamond Thief and he is just was adorable and street-smart as he was before, but now he has taken over the Professor's warehouse, he is proving he has more smarts than people gave him credit for. As proven when he completes the Professor's airship and fly Thaddeus and himself to France!

On the hunt for Remy and Yannick, then trying to stop an evil Count from buying Abernathy's old machines and using them for his own nefarious ends. Nothing is as it seems, not Remy's friend Claudette, not Yannick, and not the old gypsy woman that has an incredible secret to reveal to Remy. While the book is a bit young for me, it's still a fun read with plenty of twists and dramatic scenes. Reminds me of Cat Royal by Julia Golding, with its historical elements, heroic actions and evil bad guys to beat to save the world.