
Smoke and Mirrors by Claudia Cain

nyxiabel's review

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Rating: 4.25/5

A brilliant debut novel is one thing, but to follow it up with an amazing sequel? Watch out world! Smoke and Mirrors follows the sarcastic, but friendly enough, vampire detective Jennifer Jones on another mystery more dangerous, and a hell of a lot creepier than her last. This time Ian is also along for the ride - something I was quite thrilled about.

The plot started off well. I enjoyed the mystery, curious enough to want to find out more, but I didn't have as much interest in it as I did the first book. Perhaps that was due to the first book having more introductory things regarding characters and history happening alongside a mystery unfolding. HOWEVER, the second half of this book just blew me away! Those 200 pages are most definitely my favourite part of either book. Plot twists! Horror! So many creatures! More plot twists! And that ending! Boy do I just want to grab someone and shake them as I rant about the last 30 pages of this book.

Also, unlike the first book, this book left cliffhangers! Not the kind of cliffhangers where you groan and say not agaaain but the kind where you get so excited you almost topple over the edge of them! The breadcrumbs left are absolutely PERFECT leads into another book and a story which is going to be insanely thrilling!

The characters were once again amazing. Mosi continued to be my favourite (how can I not love an ancient immortal who is also a radio DJ?). Jennifer's sarcasm made me grin. Ian was absolutely adorable almost with his vampire innocence and I loved the friendship between him and Jennifer.

The humour from book 1 also continued with brilliant lines such as:

"For someone so heavily involved in law enforcement, I seem to have a disturbing proclivity for performing illegal activities."


“I ripped someone’s head off with my teeth. I suppose that it was good for my confidence.”

and no more or I'll spoil it all for you! I'll just say this: I am so incredibly ready for a third book right now. (Doctor. Your cue. TARDIS. Pick me up.) Fantastic sequel!

Disclaimer: I was given an e-copy of this book by the author in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own! A huge thank you to Claudia Cain ♥