
Depende de ti by Dzigar Kongtrül III

nashiraprime's review

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Depende De Ti es el primer libro publicado por Dzigar Kongtrul III, quizá uno de los maestros budistas más importantes de la actualidad. Su alumna más destacada es Pema Chodron, quien decidió seguir sus enseñanzas luego de que muriese su maestro Chögyam Trungpa. Desde este primer libro se puede sentir ya el profundo deseo de Dzigar Kongtrul por ayudar a los demás seres a librarse del sufrimiento. Hay una diferencia abismal entre los libros de autoayuda clásicos o new age y la inmensa sabiduría del budismo, en donde el trabajo lo haces tú, día a día, para ti y para otros. Pocos maestros y autores logran conocer a sus discípulos y lectores con la inquisidora y compasiva agudeza de este maestro. Eso, más la sinceridad y el humor con que habla de sí mismo y de nosotros; su energía suave, real y contagiosa, hacen de este libro un punto de partida perfecto para iniciarse en el camino del Dharma. No me canso de leer y recomendar a este hermoso maestro y agradecer el haberlo encontrado en mi camino. ❤️

koob's review against another edition

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I'll 4.5 this. I began hesitant at reading a book with such a cliche self help title but it closing with the words 'It's up to you.' was spot on. I think Dzigar Kongtrül (Pema Chödrön's teacher) might be right, and all good teachers, and their masters, Buddhas, modern day folk, etc. Liberation depends on ourselves.

This has been my first extended learning of ego-mind and it was timely with some of my own fears being currently realised.

Actions in place when finishing book include working on not staying stuck in the deep funks that can steal the day. Literal shaking of such funks right off are now being incorporated. From here it'll be easy reminders to try and appreciate the challenges being faced, to not take things so seriously, build on creating a passion in exposing my faults (err), and not forcing myself in a certain spiritual direction just because.

I'm starting to like Buddhist theory as a way to uncover myself and connect with everyone, everything, but I'm not inclined to be learning ancient names right now or taking vows or getting lost in sects (insects) and institutions. Reading as they come. Continued self study. Got it.

coycaw's review against another edition

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I may have to buy this one (it was checked out from the library). There is so much to savor in this slim volume I don't think I'll be able to absorb it all within my 3 week checkout time limit.