
Dublin Murder Squad Series 6 Books Collection Set by Tana French

paperboats11's review

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I šŸ‘šŸ¼ love šŸ‘šŸ¼ Tana šŸ‘šŸ¼ French! šŸ˜…

Sheā€™s got me hooked and spending whole afternoons in bed reading and being late for dates with friends.

This story was creepy as hell and so damn perfect. All the paranoia, isolation and ragged edges and still, people are just worried about keeping up appearances that everything is a-ok. Good luck with that! I wasnā€™t expecting to like Detective Kennedy but then his relationship with Dina throughout the book made me change my mind. And this is another thing I really enjoy about this series, itā€™s full of murder and scary people but then thereā€™s warmth and kindness. Tana French, I fucking love you!

mirandagrace's review

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Oh god. These are so good and I can't stop reading them but there's only so much my heart can take.

beingfacetious's review

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This is I think the first book that's ever made me understand the term "book hangover." I love this book. I hate this book. I finished this book over an hour ago and still feel like I'm reading it. This book was like reading a really good series of Luther--like series 2 maybe--until it was like being kicked repeatedly in the stomach. I don't know, it was amazing. You should read it probably.

lefthandedbibliophile's review

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.... that sums it up for me

jenrefiction's review

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girlvsbookshelf's review

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My experience reading this was similar to that spent reading In The Woods, the only other Tana French novel Iā€™ve tried. Compelling prose with good pacing and an evocative sense of place, but unlikeable characters that donā€™t ring true, and a generally dissatisfying police procedural element. This was a fine way to pass a sick day but I donā€™t think Iā€™ll be reading any more of the series.

cdcsmith's review

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Hemmingway and the Dublin Murder Squad French writes about annoy me to no end and yet I keep reading both. I enjoy reading crime fiction from other countries because if something doesnā€™t seem like it would happen in my country, I can blame it on different cultures having different rules. My ability to suspend belief (or disbelief) is staggering.

The thing with this series is that I end up feeling like the officers are incompetent or I just donā€™t buy into how much good luck they fall into and still sometimes canā€™t get the result they want. Itā€™s staggering. And yet I read the next one.

The reviews for this series are stellar and from some respected folks, but I find myself frustrated so often that I question my own sanity as to why I keep at it.

jervonyc's review

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Not quite as good as the previous 3, but still a riveting (and depressing) read.

freckledlunar's review

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Still can't disappoint me, Tana French. Love this. "The Likeness" will always be my favourite, but this book was grand as well. Heartbreaking.

alclair's review

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This book kept me on the edge of my seat. I couldnā€™t put it down.