
Bad Behavior by K.A. Mitchell

jkh107's review

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Too much d/s for my taste, otherwise good story.

thebroadsheets's review

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DNF @ 20%

Something is off. It's me, I'm just not feeling the plot nor the chracters.

lauraadriana78's review

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This was delicious, very kinky, very angtsy and with all the mens of Baltimore I like to visit with in the mix...I hope this series keeps going for awhile!

calila's review

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I really enjoyed most of this book. About the first 70%, then it all went left. My heart broke for David, he really just needed someone to love and support and care about him. He was desperate for it. Tei was great. Mostly. Until he wasn't. I get that Tei had been disappointed before. And that he had his own issues. The problem is none of his crap gets addressed. All the blame for every "misunderstanding" is thrown straight at David's feet, and since he's so desperate for love he accepts all the blame. The BIG FIGHT at 70% (I think it was, don't quote me) was so ridiculous. It was a big deal, but it wasn't a betrayal like Tei viewed it. I don't know what else he expected David to do. I wish David's issues had gotten a more healthy resolution, they also aren't really addressed outside of his kink. Love seeing all the previous guys again. That's what I love about series. Though this book, really made me dislike Gavin. He treated David like verbal punching bag. For a "best friend" just about every word he said to David was cruel and laced with disdain and judgement. It wasn't a good look. But outside of that, I did enjoy all the build up. I did enjoy seeing David realize what he needed and go after it. I will absolutely continue the series.