
The Halfling by H.D. Gordon

lolasreviews's review against another edition

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I received a copy in exchange for an honest review

Having read some of HD Gordon her books in the past I was really excited when I heard about this new series of her and jumped at the chance to read and review it. The Halfling is a great book about Aria who's an outcast, half Fea and half human, she doesn't belong in the human world where's she's stuck. She battles depressing and isn't at a good point when the moves to Grant City, but I think she finally found her home. She meets Sam and get's a purpose and immediately things are looking brighter, until things start going wrong again. It's a bit urban fantasy and a bit superheroes, it has action, cool gadgets, awesome characters and more.

The Halfling is a well paced story, that kept my attention the whole time. It's told in such a way as if the main character is telling her story after everything happened and she hints to bad things that will happen and which decisions contributed to that. It added some suspense to the read and was well done. And once things start going wrong it was hard to put the book. I liked how this book ended, but at the same time feel like it's only the beginning and I am curious about the next book.

Aria is a great characters, she can't help but care about others and helps them when she can. But she can also be a badass fighter, who fights for good. She struggles with depression and I thought the author handled this well, not go too deep into it to make it truly depressing, but do give a feel for what she's going through. And even though what's she's going through she still tries to be polite and responsible most of the times, even though there are a few scenes where she flips. I loved reading about Aria and her story and seeing how she interacted with other people, like Sam, the flower shop owner and her neighbour.

The friendship between Sam and Aria is so awesome and a central part of the book. These two meet each other at the right moment and quickly become great friends, they are there for each other and help each other out. They complement each other and it was great to read about friends like this. Sam is more a nerd or computer geek and the perfect sidekick for Aria. Sam also has been gone through a lot and still struggles with things. I thought she was a great character and a good friend to Aria.

There is a hint of romance in the form of two possible love interests, but it's not really a love triangle. There also isn't much romance, just a hint of what could be and might grow into more. I preferred her mysterious neighbour to Calem as love interest.

The world building isn't present a lot as this story takes place in the human world. Yes Aria is a half-fea and we learn about what that means for her and her powers and a bit about the peace brokers where she worked before, but we don't learn a lot about the other world she talks about. There is some cross over with the author her other series, so it might get explained there. Nevertheless I never felt like the world building was lacking, it simply isn't necessary to know more and would bog down the story. So we learn what's relevant and the rest stays a bit of a mystery, which worked well.

To summarize: I really enjoyed this book, I got sucked into the story from the first page and enjoyed the story. It's paced really well, with hints of what's to come and enough plot lines and tension to keep me looking forward to what would happen next. The characters really make this book shine, both Sam and Aria are great characters and we really get a good feel for both of them. I liked how their friendship took much of the center stage and these two where such great friends and I am happy they found each other. There is a hint of two possible love interests for Aria, but this book doesn't really focus on that. The story fully takes place in the human world, so the world building stays limited. But that's okay, we learn what's relevant to Aria, her powers and a bit of her past. And while I am curious to learn more about the other worlds, it's not relevant in this book and I didn't feel it was missing. I am pretty sure this book is only the start and I can't wait to see how the story continues in the next book!

kayleigh_kbooks's review

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The Halfling Review on K-Books

When Heather contacted me and asked if I wanted to read and review her new YA series I jumped at the chance. I have been a big fan of HD Gordon ever since I read her YA debut Blood Warrior and I adore books about the Fae so when I heard about this series and what it was about I couldn't wait to read it. I didn't really know what to expect from this book as it's been a long time since I've read anything of Heather's and I know her books would be a lot different from the ones I experienced back when she was just starting out writing but holy crap this book was amazing. I absolutely loved it and I am dying for book 2.

Aria has been left to fend for herself in the human world after spending her life training with the Peace Brokers, a secret organisation. She now is trying to live a normal human life and hiding her Halfling abilities. But can she stop trying to help people when she has the ability to when everything in Grant City turns dark?

I loved this book! Like I seriously loved everything about it. It was fast-paced and fun and I just loved the characters. I loved Aria, I loved her friends... I basically loved everything about this book. It was amazing. The friendship between Aria and Sam was such a beautiful thing to see develop. One thing I adored so much was that the book focussed more on their friendship than the love interests and I think more books need to do that. Relationships are great to read about but friendships last forever and I loved that Heather focussed on that aspect so much it made the book just so much more amazing to me.

Okay now enter the love interests. The most obvious love interest was Caleb. He's rich, sweet and funny... what could go wrong? Well nothing. Nothing could go wrong I really liked him but for me he was in the shadows for Aria's beautifully handsome and secrative neighbour Reid. I adore him. He isn't in the book quite as much as Caleb but the moments he is in I loved every scene. I am hoping for a lot more Reid moments in book 2.

One thing that I am sad about is that I read the entire book not realising that it links in with another of Heather's series. I didn't realise this until right at the end because I haven't read Heather's other series. A part of me wishes I had as I feel like I'd have felt for Aria and understood her so much better if I had so I definitely need to go back and read that other series.

The Halfling was amazing. It really touched me and I can't wait for the next book. It was absolutely amazing and I can't wait to catch up on all of Heather's other books. I loved it.

jen286's review

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This review was originally posted to Jen in Bookland

*Note: I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*

The Halfling was a fun book. I loved getting to know Aria, Sam and all the characters in this story. If you know the authors other works you might have met Aria already and see some familiar faces in this book. Eeek!

Aria Fae is a halfling. Half fae half human. She used to work for an organization that straddled both worlds, trying to keep everything in check, but she has been kicked out and left to fend for herself in the human world. She has been floating and just moved to Grant City to start over again. She tries to keep to herself, but she just can't help stepping in when someone needs help. She finds herself making a few friends and just starts to settle into her life there. Sure it is not the most normal life, but she is not a normal human. Oh it was a fun read.

I must say the beginning was a bit slow, but once Aria becomes friends with Sam and they start doing their super hero thing I just loved it. Like I said above Aria just can't sit back and not help someone in need. When she starts to help fight crime and comes across a really bad situation it gets a bit intense. There is a new drug on the streets, a drug that makes people a bit crazy, and is really not good. The new drug is starting to spread through the streets and when Aria finds there is more to this drug than it seems she must try and stop it. With Sam and Matt on her team helping her fight the bad guys in Grant City she thinks she has everything under control. Of course it is not that easy, but it is fun. The bad guys were pretty awesome. At least those we met. I loved watching Aria come into her own and try and deal with everything. They didn't make it easy and I can't wait to see what happens next. I'm curious as to who the head bad guy is, the one really in control of everything.

Through it all there are a few other characters that pop up, and I am curious to see where the story goes with them. Especially the neighbor. He has a story I am sure and I can't wait to see what happens with him. So yeah. This book was a fun read. Aria and crew are trying to fight crime and help save the city, they start to figure out what is going on, but they only get the tip of the iceberg.

misseduc8d's review

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A bit slow paced at times but entertaining enough. I skipped the parts that were drawn out to get the most from the story.