
Distrust That Particular Flavor by William Gibson

homegrove's review against another edition

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I read all of William Gibson's books this year. This was the last I read, though not last published, otherwise I read them chronologically. As a collection of his non fiction essays, it helped me make sense of his fiction after having read everything.

emsemsems's review against another edition

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It was like listening to a 'slightly racist' , openly sexist drunk ramble about shit he 'saw' during his 'travels abroad' that made him feel super cultured and shit . I wish I hadn't wasted my time reading this . Got to chuck this one out; wouldn't be able to bear the embarrassment of having it sit on my shelves .

mattm7n's review against another edition

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If you enjoy Gibson's fiction and want to get some feel for its origin, this collection of magazine articles may help.

Gibson says non-fiction isn't his strong suit and the articles are missing something Gibsonian -- perhaps it's that they are commissioned work -- but the short form kept me from getting to hung up on the missing bits.

tacanderson's review against another edition

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This was a great read. It's like a historical view of futurism. You get to take a journey along Gibson's non-fiction writing over the last few decades and see what was on his mind while he wrote some of the greatest works of fiction. If you're a fan of Gibson or technology and it's impact on our World, then you need to read this book. A much easier and faster read than your typical Gibson book.

markmtz's review against another edition

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I have a hundred or so books, mostly novels, stacked around my house, waiting to be read, but as soon as Gibson's new collection of nonfiction arrived, I cracked it open and couldn't put it down. His travelogues and insight into our Borgification are fascinating. An amazing writer.

mjfmjfmjf's review against another edition

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A new small collection of non-fiction essays by an author that I used to hate. Still not sure how much I like Gibson. He has very pretty writing but I've never been very sure that I like pretty writing. And yet I much prefer super-pretty writing to be super short and these are. Maybe I should give up and reread Neuromancer and remember why I hate Gibson before it's too late. Though since I've read his last 4 books the moment they came out, maybe it already is too late. 3.5 out of 5.

bakudreamer's review against another edition

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What does it mean to ' re-Braille ' something ... ?

silvianotsylvia's review against another edition

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An ecclectic collection of nonfiction pieces that were made more interesting by the end-comment to each by the author himself. Some were more deep than others, others were tacking some very interesting issues.

johnday's review against another edition

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Interesting, but sometimes dated, essays by a great SF author.

msaari's review against another edition

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William Gibson on tarkkanäköinen kirjailija, joka osaa kuvata teknologian vaikutuksia ajassamme. Gibsonin lähtökohta on, että kaikki kulttuurillinen muutos on olennaisesti teknologian ajamaa. Siksi on hyvä olla kiinnostunut teknologiasta ja nähdä, mihin se on menossa. Ennustaminen on perinteisesti ollut vaikeaa: scifikirjailijat ovat ennustaneet osuvasti monenlaisia keksintöjä, mutta monessakaan tapauksessa ei ole osattu nähdä, mitä teknologialla sitten tehdään.

Gibson pyörittelee muun muassa tällaisia kokoelmassa Distrust that Particular Flavour, johon on koottu puheita, lehtiartikkeleita, esipuheita ja muuta sekalaista vuosien varrelta. ”Encounters with a future that’s already here”, sanoo etukansi, ja takakansi jatkaa ”The future’s already here: it’s just not evenly distributed”.

Kokoelma on suositeltavaa luettavaa paitsi Gibsonin kirjoista kiinnostuneille, myös kaikille tulevaisuudesta kiinnostuneille. Aiheet ovat monipuolisia: kuvaus eBay-riippuvuudesta (vuodelta 1999, vieläpä), Tokio, Japani ylipäätään tulevaisuuden ihmemaana, Singapore (”Disneyland, jossa on käytössä kuolemantuomio”), Johnny Mnemonic -elokuvan kuvaukset, omaelämäkerralliset kuvaukset, digitaalinen elokuva, teknologia… Kaikinpuolin mielenkiintoinen kattaus aiheita visionääriseltä kirjailijalta. (28.2.2012)