
The Long Con, by Dylan Meconis, EA Denich, Ben Coleman

mehsi's review against another edition

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I received this graphic novel from Netgalley in exchange of an honest review.

I just couldn’t resist. Cons? Apocalypse? A reporter who survived but lost his friend? And a trip back to that very same con, which is pretty hard to do, to find out what is going on and if anything is still there? Um, sign me up!

I am writing this one while I am reading, so I am sorry if it is a tad confusing.

I loved how the book started off at fences of where the destruction to place and then switches to the guy who survived the event 5 years ago. He is quickly finding out that, surprise surprise people are still alive at the con this day. How the f they survived? No clue, but I was sure interested in finding out how and what, yeah, the wall around the building has saved them from certain poop hitting, but how do you feed so many people for 5 years? I liked that we saw the con as it was + also met our MC’s best friend (as I would call her that given how close they seemed to be).

I loved the reunion between the two friends. I knew it was going to happen, hello cover? Spoiler?:P

Interesting. So the people inside don’t know that the outside is still around. Mm, a group of people told people that the world is now full of fast-walking zombies. Yeah, I can imagine you wouldn’t want to step outside in that. I would stay inside. Then again, wasn’t there anyone who questioned it all? Or I don’t know, maybe looked out of a window? Or something else? I can’t imagine that in 5 years no one truly questioned it.

I am not too sure how I feel about the back and forth between the now and before the events. On the one hand, yay backstory, yay more information about the con, and yay we are building up to the event that is going to happen soon. But also eh, because it really pulled me out of the now events.
It also didn’t help that we saw parts of shows. While it was fun to see those, I was at first confused at what? Why are we in space? Even later when I knew I could expect it I was just utterly confused by it all.

I loved seeing the con, in the now and the before. The before was all colourful and fun, and I loved seeing all the merchandise, the cosplay, the lines for anything and everything, and the now is all apocalypse and doom, yet the people are still cosplaying (though taking it way to serious). Really, where did they get all those fancy things? Guns, I believe cons do have rules about bringing real weapons, so where did they come from? I am guessing the higher ups, or those with guns, do know what is going on outside. We will see.

Loren was… unique. And very weird. But I did love her hair. When I go grey I will definitely go for that hair style + colour (and yes, also her pink/purple from the before events). I would love to dye my hair now, but it would involve pretty much murdering it, and I don’t want that. :P

Um, did my copy just cut-off at the end? Or was that the end of this volume? Our MC enters the resistance’s office/building, and he says: “What the fu–” and that is where it ends. is confused and mildly disappointed

So I guess to find out more we need to read on? Sure, I can do that. I am still very curious about what happened 5 years ago, why everyone is still acting like the con is ongoing, and why no one (or at least most) don’t know about what is going on outside. Also I do love the art!

Review first posted at

raynasdad's review against another edition

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I liked this. I'm going to read Volume 2 when it comes out.

mckinlay's review against another edition

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*I received a copy of this book from netgalley and the publisher. This does not affect my review.*

[3.5 stars] This was a bit weird if I'm being honest. But I felt like it was sort of a commentary on gate-keeping in fandoms, while also being a fun and quirky romp through an apocalypse story. It ended very abruptly though. I'd like to read more, which I guess says something about the story. Hopefully the series keeps going.

nerdinthelibrary's review against another edition

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content warnings: violence, mentions of cannibalism
representation: vietnamese-american main character, black side character, minor characters of colour

As a nerd, this was a lot of fun to read. The story is set five years after the apocalypse and follows Victor, a reporter who has just been given a seemingly impossible assignment: go back to Long Con, the convention centre where the apocalypse originally broke out. Many apocalyptic shenanigans ensue.

This book transitions between Victor at said convention with an old friend five years ago and him in present day as he navigates the apocalyptic world. The transitions were done really fluidly and with quite a lot of skill when it came to the time jumps. But there would also be times when it would show snippets from classic geeky shows within the universe of the book, and those honestly didn't do much for me.

The characters are currently just fine, none of them really being standouts but also none of them being awful. They definitely have room to grow in future installments, though, so I'm not giving up on any of them just yet.

My favourite part of this was definitely the commentary about fandoms, specifically comic book, sci-fi and fantasy fandoms. There's discussions on how women are seen as automatically inferior in geeky spaces and get called 'fake geek girls', the way that fans feel entitled to their favourite works and creators, the sexist drawings of women in comic books, and many more.

Even though this was just some okay fun I can definitely see the future potential and am excited for what's to come.

I received this book for free from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

becks_books's review against another edition

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Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This was really good. I've never been to a convention because of a lack of friends and an abundance of social anxiety so I can't say how accurate it is to the reality of going to a con but it seemed like this is how it would be? (except this con does take place at the end of the world as we know it and lasts for 5 years, and I don't think that's a normal occurrence) but I still really enjoyed it and all the conversations about fandoms, canon, comics and other nerdy things. This really is a comic for comic lovers and other kinds of geeks/nerds.

I'm not sure how much you're meant to know at the end of the comic about HOW the world became the way it is (in a post-apocalyptic state), but as far as I could see there wasn't really an explanation. Maybe I missed it or it'll be explained in a future volume. I don't really understand either how food isn't more of an issue, there's only one small group of people for whom food seems to be scarce, and no one else seems to mention it or talk about rationing... I guess there is that bit where Dez steals the hotdogs but how are there hotdogs 5 years after the world has ended? Do hotdogs last that long? How haven't they already been eaten? The food was quite confusing to me, and also I don't really understand who the people are who seem to be in power in the con, are they just cosplayers? How are there real weapons there? I basically have lots of logistical questions, and it may be that there's reasoning behind some of these things, or maybe they're just not explained well.

Other than that there really aren't any issues I had with it. I like the humour and the art, and the way it switches between during the con and 5 years after. I liked the characters and that there are a good amount of female characters and POC, and if the series carries on I'd like to continue to read it!

P.S. a couple of other things I liked a lot- there's what I'm assuming is a funko pop parody stall at the con which was cool, and at one point there was a character that looked a lot like an asian Ramona Flowers. So also cool.

libraryanned's review against another edition

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I might have found this funnier had I actually ever been to any kind of con, but I still thought it was a fun and entertaining graphic novel. I kind of wish they would have just used fandom of shows that already existed because the fandoms they fabricated just took more work to learn about. I liked it, but I probably won't bother to continue the series.

zepysgirl's review against another edition

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A bunch of not-very-funny convention jokes and not much else.

sinamile's review against another edition

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ARC Review: Received for free via Netgalley for an honest review

It's like: What would happen if the world ended during Comic Con.

I enjoyed this a lot more than I expected I would. It's funny, which I liked.

I think the one thing that kind of bothered me, although it it didn't put me off, was the time jumps (though I liked the titles).

Either way, I really liked this and can't wait for more!

destdest's review

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Extremely quirky with excellent artwork! think if I were more familiar with cons all the references would probably make me smile. The premise built on fanboy/girl nerd culture is fun. I liked Destiny, and I'm not being biased. But I'm not interested in reading another volume.


tabby2920's review

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I am not a big fan of science fiction or comic book conventions but I was able to appreciate the humor and the absurdity of this world that was created. This is for the fans that wish that the comic books conventions never end.