
Love Me Again by Jaci Burton

planningwithgrammy's review against another edition

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Stopped at 150. Cute book. Nice characters but a bit dull.

jomferraz's review against another edition

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An epilogue would've nice

alf_reads's review against another edition

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emotional lighthearted medium-paced


merlin_reads's review against another edition

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 A second chance romance in a small town where everybody knows your business and I just couldn't get enough.

Back in high school, Loretta broke Deacon's heart when she broke up with him out of the blue. Instead of staying with the love he thought they had, Loretta had chosen to leave him and marry a guy with high social standing who later becomes a future politician. Fast forward some years and following a divorce, Loretta is back in Hope along with her 9 year old daughter. What Deacon didn't know was that Loretta was forced into her marriage by her parents and now that she has freedom, she's determined to make things right with Deacon.

Not going to lie, I ate this book up. I knew it was going to be a good story, Burton always knows how to tell a good one, but there was something about this one. The moment Deacon spoke to Hazel, Loretta's daughter, I was sold or swooning....or both. I also really liked that Burton chose to bypass a book full of anger and fighting and chose to instead focus on forgiving and growing. Yes, Deacon was hurt. Yes, he acknowledges that. But he also realizes they were kids and both made choices they weren't proud of. He's ready to hear her out (after some initial grumbling, of course).

Deacon and Loretta had amazing chemistry. With a lot of romances I find myself getting bored with the love scenes. They almost seem repetitive. But I didn't feel that here. Everything flowed naturally and wasn't overdone. Oh, and completely hot.

And can we just talk about Hazel and Otis (the giant dog they adopt). They stole scenes right and left. That dog was a character all unto itself. I loved seeing what sort of mischief he would get up to. Then there was the relationship that Hazel built with Deacon. Talk about swoonworthy. Hazel, having an absentee father who only wants her around for photo ops, just falls in love with Deacon immediately. He's there when he says he's gonna be there. He takes time to help her and further her curiosity about the world around her. You can tell that they have a special bond. And it's true what they say, you can tell a lot about a guy with how he treats kids and animals (and his momma).

This has to be my favorite Burton read so far. I just adored it.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. 

lauribooks's review against another edition

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¡Me ha gustado bastante! Llevaba leídos bastantes libros de la autora seguidos que me habían decepcionado mucho, así que ha sido toda una sorpresa. Me gustan mucho las historias de segundas oportunidades y esta ha sido muy bonita y dulce. Ver cómo Deacon interactúa con la hija de Loretta ha sido simplemente maravilloso, qué hombre tan tierno. Ha estado muy muy bien.
Ahora tengo ganas de leer el siguiente que, si no me equivoco, es ya el último.

vee79's review against another edition

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I loved Jaci's lasr book, Rules of Contact so I felt like this was a must read for me. Loretta is back home after a bad relationship and now her ex is working right next door! I enjoyed the book for the most part. Loretta has a daughter who softens the heart. I do love second chance books....full review to come

buuboobaby's review

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3.75 - 4 stars

I admit I borrowed this book because of the dog on the cover. I was hoping it would like some of the Jill Shalvis titles I have enjoyed, with a lot of interaction with the dog, and how sad is that. At this particular point in time, I am more interested in the relationships between the animals and people than the characters themselves. This must be a side-effect of taking care of Poppy since her surgery.

This is the first Hope novel that I have read, and I enjoyed it even without reading the rest of the series. There are a couple of characters I am interested in getting to know better, so I will probably read their books. This was a successful jumping on point for me; I love second chance romances, the dog does get a large role, and the hero is a great guy.

Loretta broke Deacon’s heart years ago. Bending under pressure from her parents, she told her high school sweetheart that she didn’t love him anymore, went off to college, and married the guy her parents approved of. Twelve years later, Loretta is divorced and back in Hope, Oklahoma. Her ex, Tom, was already making plans to replace her for a more suitable partner. Tom is a politician and he’s running for office, and suddenly Loretta isn’t good enough for him. What do you expect from a politician?

After a generous settlement, Loretta is determined to make her young daughter’s life a happy one. She’s purchased a farm, opened a bookstore, and has promised Hazel that she can get a dog from the shelter. The only problem with her new life? Deacon is back in her orbit, and her feelings for him, as well as the guilt, haven’t gone away.

When Hazel picks a Great Dane puppy for their new dog, Loretta’s world tilts further off course. Deacon and Hazel have struck up a kind of a friendship as he works a construction job next door to the bookstore, and it makes Loretta uneasy. When Deacon offers to help Hazel train Otis, Loretta isn’t too thrilled. She’s been making a point of staying far, far away from Deacon, and now Hazel has invited him over to the farm. For dinner! Poor Loretta.

I really enjoyed Love Me Again. Second chance at love is probably my favorite trope. There are so many issues that Loretta and Deacon have to work through, and even though Deacon wants nothing to do with Loretta, he can’t stop his feelings for her. He never fell out of love with her, and her being back in town is working a number on his heart.

I loved the relationship between Deacon and Hazel. He is instantly drawn to Loretta’s daughter, and who could blame him. She’s exuberant, inquisitive, and sweet. She loves animals and works hard to turn Otis from a heathen puppy into a well-trained member of the family. Deacon wants to protect her, and after learning that her father ignores her unless it earns him a photo op for his campaign, he’s determined to never lie to her or let her down. When Loretta kept putting the brakes on her feelings for Deacon, I wanted to shake her. How can you not love a guy who is so kind to your daughter and your large, slobbery dog?

Loretta is the main hang up in their romance. Her marriage to Tom was not happy, and he stifled her personality. She and Hazel weren’t allowed to be anything but perfect, and she is afraid of making another mistake and putting her daughter, and herself, in that kind of a situation again. It’s kind of hard to blame her, considering what a douche Tom is, but come on! Loretta has known Deacon most of her life, and he never once threatened her independence. In fact, he encouraged it, so Loretta’s reluctance to commit to him was ever so irritating.

Despite that one quibble, I thought this was a great read. I was convinced with the HEA, and know that Loretta and Deacon will be there for each other.

jonetta's review

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Loretta Simmons returns home to Hope, Oklahoma after her marriage collapses from a slow but miserable death. She's determined to be independent, essentially raising her 9-year old daughter, Hazel, like a single parent. Things are awkward when the man she callously dumped for the man she married is renovating the building where her bookstore is housed. Deacon Fox keeps his distance but eventually life puts them on the same path.

The biggest conflict in this story is how Deacon and Loretta will resolve what happened between them as teens and that gets dealt with pretty early on. What remains is the slow building new relationship between the two of them, connected through Hazel who dazzles Deacon and he her. Add to the mix a new dog named Otis, a Great Dane who needs training, and you've got a delightful story. I also liked the narrator who interpreted the vibe of the town and these characters pretty well and added the requisite distinctions.

One of the things I love about this series is how the past characters are all connected. The new characters are introduced to the circle and the friendships that develop are heartwarming. Hope is a place I like to come visit to uplift my spirit and feel better about my community. These are good, hard working people who aren't wealthy (well, one of them is) and experience the normal issues associated with work, family and friends. I like them, like visiting with them and I really liked Loretta and Deacon. I thought he let her off the hook too easily but it was true to his character. There are a few new characters introduced here so I'm looking forward to more stories and returning to this town. 3.5 stars

(I received an ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review)

leanner's review

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A woman who grows up and takes control of her own life. Married at the will of her parents she is now newly divorced and returns to the town she grew up in. Does she deserve a second chance with the boy whose heart she broke in high school? I quite enjoyed the antics of the child and the oversized puppy.

ssejig's review

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When the book opens, Loretta Simmons is still trying to figure out her relationship with Deacon Fox (and, seriously, is that not the best romance hero name ever?). Things are still awkward between them after she broke up their grand high school romance because her parents had better things in mind for her. But now Deacon is working on the shop next door to her bookstore so they're seeing each other every day. And Loretta's nine-year-old daughter, Hazel, is super-interested in anything dirty (e.g. construction) and is also somewhat looking out for a father-figure.
Deacon is wary at first but is adult enough not to hold a grudge for something that happened over a decade ago. The two start hooking up and then fall deeply in to love.
And that's pretty much the story with a Great Dane who is more of a plot moppet than Hazel is. I was only a little disappointed with Loretta's "resolution" with her parents (but, arguably, it's a work in progress and therefore truer to life). The part with her ex-best friends could have been fleshed out a bit more but I think served to introduce us to Josie and set up her romance with Zach (who I really, really hope ends up owning the fancy cabin they all went to in this book because he made a ton of money from writing romance novels.)