
Shattered Time: An Anthology, by J.L. Clayton

energyrae's review

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This was a decent enough collection of various time travel short stories. There was a good variety of stories to pick from, (12 total), though I do feel that some of the stories could have used a bit of editing. The result makes the book a bit mish-mashed as some stories are written and edited very well, smattered between some poorly edited ones with spelling mistakes. I like that so many authors came together to collaborate on such a unique theme.

vondav's review

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I love reading anthologies as a way to find new authors, and although I have read quite a few of these authors there were a couple I did not recognise.
For this review, I will write about each story
Lines of Time and desire by JL Clayton: Londyn and Scott becomes friends, when Scott sends a text to the wrong person, over time their friendship becomes complicated. The way JL Clayton writes you can imagine the smaller details in the story, the giddy school girl smile when Londyn receives the texts, the desperation to meet. JL Clayton has got the knack when it comes to short stories and this was no different. Keeping the story interesting right to the end and still adding a gasp moment. Think a modern-day Lake house.
Homecoming by Carissa Ann Lynch: Astrid is in mourning, her life completely changed when her younger brother died, but with the help of an eccentric old lady, can she heal her family’s heartbreak. Whilst reading this story I felt so sorry for Astrid and her dad and could not imagine losing a child. Using the good old faithful old lady/ witch just added to this story because it was not until the end that you knew what her purpose was. The ending was an added shock as I had not got a clue how her brother died and what was the cause. A great story and I would love to read more stories about Alexandra.
A Web Through Time by Niki Livingstone: The first story with a sci-fi element. The year is 2025 Alex’s life is in danger and she does not know who to trust, can her going into the future save her life and the lives of others. Full of action and drama this had me turning the pages to see if Alex survives. Even though a future time, somethings like racism and segregation never change. As a short story this is a great introduction to Alex and I was left me wanting to read more of her story.
Willow and The Forbidden Portal by Regina O’Connell: Willow is an herbalist, with the help of her herbs she spends her time trying to save people’s lives. However, one day it all goes wrong and she is running for her life, after being branded a witch. The story flows smoothly and due to the descriptive writing, you can imagine following Willow on her journey. A magical romance that will make you look at ancient trees differently.
Cassandra’s Choice by Ashlee Shades: Cassandra was a strong-willed woman who met her match when she woke up in the 19th century. An historical romance, I enjoyed this story very much as I liked the mixture of attitudes between the centuries. The Duke was your typical 19th century gent who although had an attitude, still knew where his manners were. Hopefully Cassandra got her HEA
The Secrets Crows Keep by Bradon Nave: Mildred was haunted by secrets and it was not until a visitor came, that she had to come to terms with what she did. Throughout this story, my mind was trying to work out, how she travelled in time and why did she have a hatred for her husband. Whilst reading this story I found Mildred to be one dangerous lady. I love the spin with Time travel and explanation of Mildred and the visitor’s connection. Although if you went into the Secrets Crow keep, you would get quite a shock.
Bridging the Gap by Jeremy Simons: Not happy with his life, all Garrett wanted to do was to kill himself by jumping off a bridge, but when he finds a portal that could help change is future, he gets more than he bargains for. This was one of my favourite stories and whilst reading it I found Garret to be a self-indulgent petty person and he should have been grateful to have Terry as a friend. This story use the theme that there are consequences when you use time travel to change your past. A great ending which tied up this story perfectly.
Time’s Launch by Joe Pranaitis: Another Sci-fi theme. Captain Dyson was commanding the 1st ship with Time travel technology and on its maiden voyage, it all goes terribly wrong. This story had a Star-Trek feel to it, from the ship’s technology to the captain who is curious to investigate what is going on. I liked the idea that he found a source of information that would explain what went on with the ship and that the ending left it open for the reader to imagine what happened next, or is there more to this story.
The Salesman by DA Roach: Melanie had an accident and since that day she cannot forgive herself. After a chance meeting with a salesman can she move on with her life. The way the author told Melaine’s story had you willing the purchase to work. With every change to Melanie’s life explained, the twist at the end was a total surprise. A moving story, that you won’t want to finish.
One Cockroach left by Genevieve Moultrie: Ratsor, an alien botanist, was filming another species but after a nasty accident she stumbled on something that changed her whole attitude on life. Ratsor was a likeable character who due to her job loved to explore and valued life. The description of her land was beautifully written and you could imagine all the vibrant colours of the creatures that she saw. Yet another story that had a surprise ending but I could only imagine what happened after.
Time by Grace Charles: To aid the discussion between Space, Creation and Time the love story between Vida and Mort was used. This was a well written story, with love at first sight, a number of twist and an ending where you can imagine what happened next, this kept me turning the pages. The relationship between Vida and Mort was genuine and although complete opposites made a really great couple. A new author to me
Whispers of Forever by T Guthrie: Layla was summoned to her Great Aunt’s Victorian mansion, suffering with Déjà vu, can her visions and her fascination with the man of her dreams, help her solve the mystery. You are drawn into this story from the moment that you start to read, an old mansion, the creepy butler and the tragic deaths, having you wondering what Layla has let herself in for. The visions that Layla has help explain the story and the author has a way of keeping the secret till right at the end. Even with clues scattered throughout the story. I still did not guess, what/who had caused the tragedy. I am looking forward to reading more from this author
With a mixture of genres, it just goes to show that not all time travel is Sci-fi. This anthology should please the majority of genre lovers and if like me, you love finding new authors then this anthology is for you.