
The Bible in 90 Days: Cover to Cover in 12 Pages a Day by Anonymous

missyjohnson's review

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reading the bible straight through, cover to cover is the best way to really read it. So happy and grateful for this Bible in 90 days design. I now plan to re-read but using a study bible to delve a bit deeper as I go cover to cover again

klichtle's review

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I did it!!! 87 days and I finished the Bible cover to cover! woohoo

pixie_hallows's review

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2021 - It took me 102 days this time, but still a blessing!

Reading the Bible in 90 days is one of my favorite daily reading plans. It makes you see the Bible as a narrative that tells the story of God's plan from beginning to end. I love how reading it in such a short span puts so much of the Bible fresh in your mind. Old Testament references in the New Testament seem clearer. I don't think this is the only way to study, and I do believe there are times when you must take things at a much slower pace and dissect it, but if you haven't read the Bible this way, I encourage you to give it a try.

daybreak1012's review

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I'm not going to lie. This was *hard*. It's a lot to take in at any pace, let alone at 12 pages a day. But it also makes for a more cohesive "story" to hear it all chronologically & not jumping around to random snippets. There are a lot of parts that make more sense, having read it all in order. I'm glad I did it.

merrinish's review

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Hahahaha! In EIGHTY EIGHT DAYS!!!!


I read this for the Lenten discipline this year, the whole thing in 46 days. I'm not sure I'll do it that quickly again. It was cool for connections between everything, but not for details.

thesteinreads's review

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Honestly the BEST book ever written by the Author of Life!

dawncox's review

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Took me a deal longer than 90 days.

Positive: Reading the bible through in big chunks helped me to make connections between books. I was able to notice recurring themes and motifs and make connections in stories. You get a bigger picture and it just seems to make more sense.

Negative: All the time I'm reading I'm looking to see when the black next day mark shows through the paper. It became a chore to get through the day.
: The section around kings and chronicles is repetative and hard and I think we wade through it without giving it the right attention.
: Not a negative but a suggestion-this would be good in a chronological format.

A good publication to try to begin a habit of daily reading of larger portions of the bible. In future though I will be using a timer rather than a marked book. This way I'm not going to race to finish the days section or feel it tiring. If a part needs slower reading it will be read slower. At about 30-40 minutes a day you'd still get through the bible every three to three and a half months.

Am glad I bought this and tried it as most importantly it's showed me that I need to read this more as a daily discipline.

lirael's review

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The 90 days has turned more into 365, but that's okay!