
Reign by Elizabeth Knox

mooncricketjp's review

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I think this was definitely a good start to a series. Although, I don’t really need my plots to be realistic, I think this was a little too much even for me. The execution of the plot was just a bit off and I do feel the writing was a little young for an MC. I also feel like the ending was rather abrupt and we didn’t get out HEA. That being said, the book kept me engaged and it was a super easy read.

suey_library's review

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***Received Review Copy through a blog tour hosted by Give Me Books Promotions in exchange for an honest review***

Normally I would gush over and over about a synopsis involving a woman uncover in a MC bar... just screams mischievous and foul play of the sexual tension kind. However Reign did not deliver on the expectations I had thought...

At the jump, Reign started off on a cryptically delicious start. Elena catching her husband cheating definitely was a moment of excitement, really thought it would set the bar for the rest of the novel. Elena is definitely fierce, she has a very independent personality that I could really get on board. Unfortunately from the moment Elena is thrown undercover into Reed's world, everything really escalated quickly with very little substance.

Reed is quickly obsessed with Elena. They have an immediate sexual connection that is really bump and hump yummy goodness. Very insta-love, Reed also seemingly trusted Elena way too quickly in my personal opinion. Because of their connection, it really overshadowed the rest of the group, I had almost zero dynamic connections between what was actually going on with the MC bar verses the romance.  

Another issue I had because the romance was this all consuming, explosive chemistry, the flow of the plot really was hindered. Almost the entire time I was actually slightly confused as to what the true issue was - why Elena was even under cover? She was rather quick at enjoying the perks of being single and undercover. There were just plot holes I felt could have been explored a little more thoroughly without causing any detrimental issues to the romance of Reed and Elena. 

Overall, this wasn't my favorite read in this sub-genre. It wasn't horrible, it just did not allow me any room for investment on the characters. Mostly due to the plot and storyline feeling rushed, very little character development also forced me to disconnect from Reign. Here's hoping Redemption delivers a little more of an appetizing romance and storyline build. 

beckiebookworm1974's review

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2.5 Stars

I struggled with this one for a number of reasons and I will get to them in a minute.
And while this originally started off in such a great vein for me it quickly escalated into a bit of a mish-mash of splitting threads.
If I'm honest here I think maybe there was just too much going on for me to connect fully with the story being told.
Events themselves were skimmed over a lot and I feel this contributed to me failing to feel any profound connection with the relationship that was at the centre of "Reign" (Skulls renegade #1).
So first this was extremely insta-love; like almost immediate, which in itself is fine and all, but I found it did prevent me actually forming valid opinions based on discovered inner characters.
I felt this was a missed opportunity to introduce The Skulls Renegade more thoroughly and also build a deeper understanding of the inner cogs of this MC.
I also wasn't entirely convinced that some of the happenings here were actually viable and ultimately that they were also in themselves believable; but what do I know, I could be wrong I'm no expert after all.
what I do believe is that Reed would have had a much more explosive reaction to Elena's Revelations than he actually did; After all, he is the Prez of an MC gang; even if they are relatively clean in there overall dealing compared to some others.
This at its centre did have a great premise I just think it could have been executed in a much better fashion than it actually was.
Despite my above grievances, I am still planning on continuing this series.
I'm somewhat invested here and I do want to discover where this is ultimately heading; hoping as I continue that this is going to be just a bit of a slow-burner for me.
At heart, this wasn't a bad read just a bit of a disconnected experience that I did find myself skimming near the end.
I look forward to seeing if the next instalment can pick this up a notch for me.
Thank You to the Author for providing me with an ARC copy of "Reign (Skulls Renegade # 1)" of which I have reviewed voluntary.
All opinions expressed are entirely my own.

EDIT; Would just like to add that I have now read book two and three in this series and it was so worth continuing I am really enjoying them now; this series for me got better the more I read on, so if you do struggle with this one it's definitely worth persevering in my opinion.

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm

shealwaysreads's review

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Hot holy hell. This book was just what I need in the hot steamy Romance Genre. Mixed with the compelling storyline of Biker and FBI I found the story to be comical, action packed and fueled with scenes to makes your panties drop.

It’s been awhile since I became engrossed in a novel I knew up front would be filled with steamy scenes. I am glad to be back and full throttled with the Skull Renegade series.

While the pace was quick often skipping ahead 3 weeks at a time, a full story was created while allowing the reader to fill in the blank of the missing timeframe.

The characters developed quickly and while the romance department happen sight on seen it worked well and became more defined as a relationship that not only lasted just based on physical appearance.

Testing the limits of the biker realm and rewriting what negative image they do have. Adding the twist of the that became just a mind-boggling jaw dropping intense ride.

The journey also concludes with one ending while introducing us to our next heroine that will lead the way in book two.

becsa's review

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Elena Johnson is engaged to Rich but ends it as soon as she catches him cheating on her. Now she decides it's time for her to get back into the field as an FBI agent and is going undercover with the Skulls Renegade MC.

Meeting Reed Michaels, the President of the Skulls Renegade MC is not what she imagined and soon she gains his trust and learns what the MC club is really about.

But when her past comes back and jeopardizes everything will Reed stand behind her or will he turn on her himself?

This was a great introduction to the series and the Skulls Renegade and I am definitely curious to see how everything goes in future books.

Elena was definitely a tough girl yet we have no idea what she has had to endure until we learn about her past. Then it sheds a whole new light on everything and you wonder if she has a personal goal to bring all MC's down.

Reed was definitely not what I expected, nor was his MC club. I really thought his club was great and I hope they get to do more in future books but I wonder if everything can come crumbling down on them with the events towards the end of the book.

I was curious to see how Elena was going to handle everything that happened in the book in regards to her job and what she was given. I am hoping that she is able to keep up with her job in future books as I like the idea of everyone working together.

The ending had some great twists and I am looking forward to more in the series.

thebookinhand_'s review

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(Actual rating 2.75, this doesn't quite make it to 3 as it needs ALOT more, not just a little).

I really freaking struggled to rate this book! I was super excited for this book after reading the synopsis, it was set to be an absolute winner! Until it wasn't.

The epilogue was cracking, it identified the change, the event that set everything in motion. It was written well and grabbed you. I was seeing a 5-star book already! What was Elena going to do? How tough was she? So many questions were posed making you read the next chapter.

Then chapter one, I was reading it and I was ready to scream in excitement and anticipation for this book. Again 5-star feelings. Elena is kick as confident and you get some really bad ass chick moments. You are all hopped up in all the female badassery! I'm thinking winner winner chicken dinner! This is going to be epic.

Then, we get the strongest and quickest insta-love I have ever seen. This wasn't too bad though, Elena just caught her soon to be hubby doing the naughty. Who doesn't need a rebound? Right? Still going good!

Then we get a time jump!! What?! No. Three weeks later. No building a relationship, no journey with the characters. Nothing at all but sex in a car and then a big ass time jump. Really?! Elena is now In a relationship and practically living at the MC.

Still, a little hope was there. I was thinking ok, this is fine the author has just got an epic plot coming that will make up for it. Right?! No.

A little sex, barely any dialogue and BOOM another three week time jump.

I just couldn't believe it! This book was so lacking in detail it is absurd. It had such potential. A stupid amount of potential and it just flopped. It all happened to quick, and there were events that happened that just wouldn't roll out the way they did.

My main issue was the pacing as well, this all happened to quick and there was no detail at all. Everything was brief and barely touched upon. Which in turn reduced the dimensions of the characters and the plot. The characters were fairly dull when I think back and had very little substance if any. I couldn't really tell you much about them. This book could have been more. So much more. It is truly a shame.

I had so many of the other books in this series tagged to read and they will now all be removed from my list because if they are all written in like this one they will be lacking any detail and are not worth reading despite their potential.

Genuinely gutted! :/

thebookinhand_43563's review

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(Actual rating 2.75, this doesn't quite make it to 3 as it needs ALOT more, not just a little).

I really freaking struggled to rate this book! I was super excited for this book after reading the synopsis, it was set to be an absolute winner! Until it wasn't.

The epilogue was cracking, it identified the change, the event that set everything in motion. It was written well and grabbed you. I was seeing a 5-star book already! What was Elena going to do? How tough was she? So many questions were posed making you read the next chapter.

Then chapter one, I was reading it and I was ready to scream in excitement and anticipation for this book. Again 5-star feelings. Elena is kick as confident and you get some really bad ass chick moments. You are all hopped up in all the female badassery! I'm thinking winner winner chicken dinner! This is going to be epic.

Then, we get the strongest and quickest insta-love I have ever seen. This wasn't too bad though, Elena just caught her soon to be hubby doing the naughty. Who doesn't need a rebound? Right? Still going good!

Then we get a time jump!! What?! No. Three weeks later. No building a relationship, no journey with the characters. Nothing at all but sex in a car and then a big ass time jump. Really?! Elena is now In a relationship and practically living at the MC.

Still, a little hope was there. I was thinking ok, this is fine the author has just got an epic plot coming that will make up for it. Right?! No.

A little sex, barely any dialogue and BOOM another three week time jump.

I just couldn't believe it! This book was so lacking in detail it is absurd. It had such potential. A stupid amount of potential and it just flopped. It all happened to quick, and there were events that happened that just wouldn't roll out the way they did.

My main issue was the pacing as well, this all happened to quick and there was no detail at all. Everything was brief and barely touched upon. Which in turn reduced the dimensions of the characters and the plot. The characters were fairly dull when I think back and had very little substance if any. I couldn't really tell you much about them. This book could have been more. So much more. It is truly a shame.

I had so many of the other books in this series tagged to read and they will now all be removed from my list because if they are all written in like this one they will be lacking any detail and are not worth reading despite their potential.

Genuinely gutted! :/