
The Girl with the Whispering Shadow: The Crowns of Croswald Book II by D.E. Night

nataliealane's review

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A high 3 (bumped it up in GR), whereas the 1st book was just a very steady, middle of the road 3. The concerns I had about Crowns of Croswald, mainly characterization and development, did definitely improve with the sequel! Ivy grew a lot, and we got to see her friends and their relationships develop too. I have a better idea of who Ivy is and who she could be. We also learn a lot more about the history of Croswald and the Dark Queen, which I liked. However, this time around it was the plot that suffered. While there were fun and sweet scenes or chapters like the Quogo matches and fishing for stars, for the most part I wasn’t very engaged with the plot. It moved really slow in terms of the big idea (finding the other part of the kindred stone and more about the Dark Queen, who let her into the Halls, etc.) and there seemed to be a lot of filler-y sub-plots. This book takes place over the course of a full school year, yet Ivy barely makes any progress on her task and the plot and action don’t speed up until maybe 65%-75% through the book. That last quarter or so I devoured! Additionally I loved learning about Derwin. However, a big part of Ivy bring back at the school and finding the Stone is the memory glanagerie, and we basically see the first and last glanagerie sessions. The pacing and balance of the plot was the weakest part o the book for sure. Showing Characterization, development, and relationships can happen alongside plot development, and if in separate scenes, they can still be better balanced.

linesuponapage's review

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The last time we were with Ivy Lovely, she had just been told she could not return to the Halls of Ivy as the Dark Queen knew where she was there. The Girl with the Whispering Shadow brings us to the Town. Ivy’s journey is just as entertaining as her journey was to the Halls of Ivy. Somehow Ivy always gets into some kind of trouble when she leaves the Hall and this is no different.

I found The Girl with the Whispering Shadow to be even more entertaining than D.E. Night’s Crowns of Croswald, which I absolutely loved. I think that it’s because we get to know more about Ivy’s friends, such as Fynn’s background, we get to know where he comes from, who his friends are and we get to know a ton about The Town.

Speaking of The Town, or the name I can not speak because right now it’s a secret to all of you readers. what a great place! To me, it feels a bit like Seattle or London with its low cloud cover, but what an adventurous way to get to know it. Ivy ends up taking the serendipitous route to arrive at the address that her Scrivenist gives her before she leaves the Halls of Ivy.

Where she ends up is a pleasant surprise! My favorite part of this adventure is the amazing places Ivy has to visit to further the education and learning of her power and the backstories that give even more depth to where Ivy comes from besides as a Scullery Maid.

What I won’t tell you is whether evil or good prevails and how the adventure proceeds. I will tell you though that if you have fallen in love with Ivy, with her friends and the adventure, then you definitely need to read this second book in the series! I look forward to reading the next book in the series that came out in May 2020- The Words of the Wandering!

D.E. Night has done a wonderful job at creating tension and terror at the hands of the Dark Queen and her cohorts and has continued building darling Ivy into the heroine that we love and cheer for. Ivy has her challenges, she has her weaknesses, but she also has the strength to keep fighting for her heritage, her friends, the people of The Town, and her role into the future.

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I plan on reading this series to my granddaughters when they are older. I see myself reading this series over and over. The Crowns of Croswald series is definitely a fairytale that will become beloved by current and future readers all because of a girl named Ivy Lovely!

Thank you Netgalley, D.E.Night, and Untoldstories for the opportunity to read and review this book!

5 stars!!

campychick001's review

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*Thanks to the author, @author.denight, publisher, @storiesuntoldpress, and Netgalley for providing me a copy of this book to review*

In this second installment of the series, Ivy Lovely is on a journey to fulfill her prophecy - and this involves finding the two remaining pieces of the Kindred Stone to save Croswald from the Dark Queen.

This was a satisfying continuation of the series and I really enjoyed seeing the characters and relationships develop from the first book. The author does a great job of introducing new elements of this magical world. There was plenty of action throughout the story and the ending left me excited to see the character's adventures in the third book.

lindsey_is_reading's review

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As far as sequels go… this one is a win! The story picks up right where it left off adding in more magic, adventure and mischief. Ivy Lovely is back at it with a lovable cast of characters who are much more developed this time around. D.E. Night has outdone herself with this second installment of her middle grade fantasy series. If you’re a fan of fantasy and enjoy the whimsical definitely check these out! I’m already looking forward to diving into the next one

the_bookish_hufflepuff's review

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While I enjoyed this installment of the Crowns of Croswald series, I found it difficult to really get into. There was a lot of world building and info dumping and I found myself lost and confused at times. I do continue to enjoy the unique magic system and creatures in these books.

As with the first first, I wish we got to spend more time with the Dark Queen as she seems like an intriguing villain.

Not 100% sure I will be continuing the series at this time but maybe?

Thank you NetGalley, Stories Untold, and D.E. Knight for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

nightlyreadandtea's review

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The second book in this series did not disappoint! D.E. Night successful followed up the Crowns of Croswald with an even more exciting adventure in The Girl with the Whispering Shadow. I love the new cast of characters that I’m hoping we get more time with in later books.

I love the concept of the town protected by magic. It screams mystery, excitement, and allure if you ask me. This is where Ivy ends up after the events in book 1 and unfortunately things don’t go as planned.

Ivy is a strong female main character, one that I think makes a great role model for middle age readers. She was brave, but needed assurance, proving to reader that sometimes it’s okay to ask for help and need others behind you!

While I still found this series simple at times, I had to remind myself it’s supposed to be! The target audience isn’t particularly me, a 26 year old woman, but it is for anyone who loves the world of creativity and magic.

hannuhreads's review

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4 stars.

This book (and series so far) gives me such a happy, childlike vibe. It’s middle grade, so it’s an easy read, but it’s still fun for me (a grown adult) to read and enjoy. It feels so much like a Harry Potter inspired fan fiction. It’s just fun to read; relaxing to journey to Cronswald with Ivy.
Alsoooooo. Low key shipping Ivy and Fyn.

bookswithstace's review

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Many thanks to Netgalley/Publishers/Author for a copy of this book!!

D.E. Night really went there with this book! It was just as good (if not better) than the first! And I am so hooked with this series.

The sheer amount of detail and effort going into the world building and imagination was incredible!

Not to mention the actual storyline and following Ivy around (Poor little soul) makes me want to read more!!

kristensreadingnook's review

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A great second book in this series. I was transported back into Ivy’s magical world where her life is being threatened by the Dark Queen and the adults around her are trying to protect her.

raquelzc's review

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Spanish/English Review.

**Gracias a Stories Untold por una copia digital de este libro para una reseña honesta**

Esta reseña será algo corta, pero la verdad es que la historia fue bastante rápida y no quiero dejarles muchos spoilers.

Ivy Lovely ya sabe quien es en realidad, sabe que tiene magia dentro de ella y no sabe que hacer contra la Reina Oscura, quién actualmente está en busca de ella para eliminar por fin la verdadera línea real.

Similarmente a Harry Potter y la Cámara de los Secretos, pero a la vez no, Ivy decide no regresar a la escuela por su propia seguridad, eligiendo quedarse en la ciudad oculta donde el resto de los scrivenists aprendiendo y documentando su vida. Pero bueno, así como las cosas de la vida, nada nunca sucede como lo esperas.

Toda esta novela fue igual de descriptiva y bella que la primera, pero sentí que al final, la historia fue un poco acelerada en su desenlace. Me encantó como la autora nos introduce el nombre del libro (The Girl with the Whispering Shadow) dentro de la historia, y la verdad me di un golpe en la frente cuando se revela todo y no lo había notado de tan picada que estaba jajajaja

La aventura es un poco más tranquila que la primera novela, pero dado que las apuestas ahora son más altas, se siente como Ivy está no solamente ya perdida descubriendo este nuevo mundo, si no que sabe que hay consecuencias a sus acciones pero de igual manera, hay riesgos que se deben de tomar.

Ivy ha madurado mucho desde que la conocimos como una sirvienta en un castillo olvidado, se siente más cómoda con su magia, quien es, y aprende a confiar aun más en sus amigos y quienes lo rodean.

The Girl with the Whispering Shadow es una excelente secuela y estoy muy emocionada por seguir leyendo la aventura y saber el desenlace de la historia de está reina perdida.

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**Thank you Stories Untold for an e-ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review**

This review will be short but mostly because the story was really fast and I don’t want to leave a lot of spoilers.

Ivy Lovely now knows who she really is, she knows she has magic within her, and she doesn’t know what to do against the Dark Queen, who is currently on a desperate search to destroy once and for all the the true royal line.

Similar to Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, but at the same time not, Ivy decides not to return to school for her own safety, choosing to stay in the hidden city with other scrivenists learning and documenting their life. But just like how real life works, nothing usually happens the way you expect it to.

This sequel was equally descriptive in such a beautiful and captivating way, the author has a way with words, but I did feel that the ending was a bit rushed. I loved how the author introduced us the name of the book (The Girl with the Whispering Shadow) within the story, and I truly did hit myself in the head when everything is revealed and I didn’t see it coming. That’s how concentrated I was.

The adventure is a lot more calm, slower than the first novel, but given that the stakes are now much higher, you can truly see how Ivy isn’t just some lost student discovering this new world, but knows that her actions have consequences yet there are still some risks still worth taking.

Ivy has matured since we got to know her as a scullery maid in some lost castle, she is more confident in her magic, who she is and she learns to trust and rely more on her friends and those that surround her.

The Girl with the Whispering Shadow is a great sequel to this new world and I’m very excited to continue with Ivy’s story and how the story concludes with this lost queen.

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