
Of Dawn and Embers by Kyoko M.

brokebybooks's review

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I received this book for free from in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.Okay, I'mma need all ya'll to start reading this series with me so we can fangirl together. Why? Dragons in a sci-fi world with a thruple ship. 'Nuf said!

Check out my reviews for the series including the latest installment Of Dawn and Embers with a giveaway to enter below.

Check out my reviews of book 1 Of Cinder and Bone (4 Stars)  and book 2 Of Blood and Ashes (5 Stars).

Of Cinder and Bone Book 1 Excerpt

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IMHO: Of Dawn and Embers

I’ll try not to spoil too much if ya’ll haven’t read the first books. Please take this as a push to start the series NOW!!!

  • Love the ongoing therapy and conversations about feelings, and personal history

  • Still full of sassy and sexy dialogue even with committed partners

  • Could totally see this being a mini or movie series

  • Dragons!

  • PETE! (the dragon)


  • Jack is a still a damn hero, Kamala is a goddess, and Faye is a fucking Valkyrie.

  • Love Jack's unpacking of his childhood issues, how now his mother is in a strained relationship instead of his father.

  • Faye is brilliant but her path was chosen to prove others wrong & now she's finding out what she's meant to do

  • Kamala is perfection personified from the outside, but she's got walls, insecurities, and compartmentalizes too well.

  • Adds in a new big brother little sister duo giving off major Steve Irwin & Shuri vibes.

  • Old foes & new, spy vs spy type intrigue,

  • Shifting POVs keeps tension & suspense high, especially when they cross paths

  • Flashbacks to fill in the gaps between the last book occur organically, doesn't break the flow or tension

  • Gets better with each book so far.

  • THAT surprise inclusion at the end.

  • Can't wait to see what happens next with all these characters & this unfolding new world.

Amazing stylized for the Layaway dragon theme.

For me a big clue on loving a book is reading through the acknowledgments, which for Of Dawn & Ashes is sweet and funny. 

Highly recommend this series in general, but especially for those let down by Jurassic World, paranormal romance series like Mercy Thompson and of course, dragon lovers.

Favorite Quotes: Of Dawn and Embers

Stella shrugged. “Take your best shot, Becky.“


“What can I say? I ship it.“


“If we stay silent, then we can’t complain if the world around us burns to embers.“


$20 Amazon, ebooks of books 2 & 3 – 1 winner each
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Follow the tour HERE for exclusive excerpts and guest posts!This review was originally posted on The Layaway Dragon