
Samhain Goddess by Skye MacKinnon

yogicath's review

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This is book five of the Daughter of Winter series and it sees the main character Wyn, now Queen of the Winter Realm and after a period of mourning, is now getting ready to host the Samhain festival and all of her people expecting it to run just as smoothly as it did under her mother. She still has her Guardians, her lovers Frost, Storm, Crispin and Arc by her side, as well as her friend Tamara, who is officially the Head of the Household and her principle spy mistress! Wyn hates to dress up in all this poofed up dresses and attend balls, especially this one as everyone expects her to lead the dancing, something she is not very comfortable with. Wyn is a Goddess now and has numerous powers and would love to be able to do magic like Tamara, as it would come in very handy to alter her clothing! She is still getting a handle on what she can do and will figure it out with her men eventually. She has to sit with all the other Gods and Goddesses in the main ballroom, but is lucky enough to sit next to Dewi, the Goddess of Autumn, and Thor. Dewi wants a private word and mentions she has seen the ghost of an ex-lover near the Western Gate of Wyn’s realm. According to Crispin, ghosts are real and they are servants of a sorcerer, taking on any form the sorcerer desires. But why it would be an ex-lover of Dewi from her days on Earth with Dragon shifters is unclear. The ghost Dewi saw was called Kragon and he died a few years ago during the war.
It is up to Wyn to solve this issue, as it occurred in her realm. When she and her men escape from the dancing to carry on in her private quarters, they were just getting started, when a ghost appeared behind them. It is a former Guardian, turned traitor who revealed secrets to the Summer King Angus, but was tortured and killed when he tried to change back what side he was on. Many died because of the information he gave the king and he himself was killed just a month ago. Someone or something pulled him through the Veil, as the Veil is at its thinnest during Samhain, but for what purpose? It seems her traitor wanted to ask for forgiveness for his actions, whilst Dewi’s lover needed to know he could let go and that she would let him go, as well. Reports come in from all over the realm of other ghost sightings. The Veil has been weakened by the death of Queen Beira and may remain like that for a number of years. Samhain will be known as the night of the dead, with even Queen Wyn getting her own ghostly visitor. One she is glad to see and be able to speak to, even to show off her men to. A perfect ending to the series and all the danger and turmoil she has gone through to get to this stage. This short story rounds up Wyn and her men and doesn’t let her get into any more danger, while soaking up the new roles she and her men could have in the future. I received an ARC copy of this book from BookSprout and I have freely given my own opinion of the book above.

lynn_the_greyhound_mum's review

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Good short story about Wyn and her men. The reason I gave it 3 stars rather than 4 is because the assumption that her husbands would become Kings. When a Queen marries the highest rank her husband can have is Prince, King outranks Queen and as the Queen is the sovereign then she cannot be outranked in her own country.

bookishrenee's review

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With the Veil thin, ghost are able to reenter the the world of the living during Samhain and take on a visible and for some a physical shape. First with a sighting by Dewi, and not longer after Wyn and her Gaurdians see a ghost themselves. Then reports of ghosts are appearing all of the realm.

Samhain Goddess is a short spin-off story, with Wyn and her Guardians. Just because it’s a short story, doesn’t mean that Wyn won’t get to spend some alone time with her men in the bedroom. I also feel like Wyn had a little bit of a closure moment at the end.

I loved this story, and I highly recommend reading this and the full Daughter of Winter series.

amanda_lee's review

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I always love getting more of Wyn and her Guardians! This is a quick read and I quite enjoyed the storyline. I can’t recommend the series enough and this is a fantastic companion to it.