
Blood Assassin by Alexandra Ivy

chelseavbc's review against another edition

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This review was originally posted at Vampire Book Club.

Powerful psychic Serra finds herself forced to work for a mysterious high-blood businessman. He wants her to help find his missing daughter, but there is so much more going on than she expects. Fane can’t be away from Serra. When she disappears, he tracks her. The high-blood might not want his help, but he’s going to get it. Secrets of The Sentinels world are revealed and there are some surprises for Serra as the mystery unravels throughout Blood Assassin.

While the mystery plot is certainly worth your time, the real star of Blood Assassin is the electric energy between its hero and heroine.

The sexual tension between Fane and Serra pops. There’s no question these two have chemistry, and it’s the energy when they’re both on the page that kept me moving through Blood Assassin at a quick pace. I started the book at 2 a.m. one night and read the first 200 pages before my body cried for sleep. There is a hitch, though, to the energy between these two characters. They keep getting in their own way. As a romance readers, it’s something we’ve certainly encountered before, but it’s a big source of frustration. From the beginning of the novel, it’s clear that Fane wants Serra and Serra wants Fane, but they aren’t together. He says he can’t be with her because of obligations. When she finally accepts that, he realizes he can’t live without her. So now she’s keeping him at arm’s length.

Despite the hero and heroine delaying their fated togetherness, it was still super sexy. When they’re together—and not denying their feelings—I was wrapped up in the scene, in their romance, their love. Plus, I love Fane. Just. Gah. He’s a deliciously stubborn alpha who knows how to assess a situation and take control. He can, when required, even let others help. He was my favorite part of Blood Assassin, but I expect no one is surprised by that.

I did not read the first Sentinels book prior to reading Blood Assassin (I’m a rebel), and I never found myself lost or wading through a world I couldn’t comprehend. Alexandra Ivy does a nice job of quickly laying the groundwork and introducing her characters. Tonally, Blood Assassin may remind you of a Guild Hunter novel. Plenty of action and a nice dose of steamy romance.
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hannas_heas47's review against another edition

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Thanks Netgalley for a free book to read and review.

First of all, that cover is fugly.....really? Second, I hate when the author puts two people together who obviously attracted to each other but refuse to admit it. Fane and Serra have a cataclysmic energy surrounding them as they dance in and out of each other's way. It takes Serras leaving without word to finally put them on the path to see reason. Enter a new danger....Bas. An assassin who is searching for the person who kidnapped his little girl. He takes Serra because of her powers to find the lost. Interesting and nice furthers the series and introduces us to new characters and new evils. This series has been fun so far, and I'm hoping Mave gets a book! Overall entertainment is four stars.

mdlaclair's review against another edition

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This was another very solid read. while I will say Serra was not my favorite character (she always seemed to be in leather pants with high heels WTH?) I really did like Fane's character. After book one it was nice to get a better look into the sentinel side of the story.

rclz's review against another edition

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this is pretty good.I'm bummed that it's only a trilogy and there is only one more. I like the characters and the plot is pretty good.

mees_grows's review against another edition

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This was better than I expected. I enjoyed the characters and the story line. The book was not rushed and was thorough to the end, which I have found not to be the case in many books that I have been reading lately. This is a series that I look forward to reading the next book.

lalabristow's review against another edition

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4.5 stars

*NO Spoilers!

I really like the world Alexandra Ivy has created for her Sentinels series. It is a fantastic world, full of adventure, intrigue and great characters that I am looking forward to revisit.

Since it had been almost exactly an year since I read Born in Blood, I had a bit of a hard time remembering it's story and the world's particulars. I did glimpse at the previous book, but Blood Assassin did a pretty good job in getting me situated and back into the thick of things.

Fane and Serra's story is alluded to in Born in Blood and I really enjoyed getting to know these two better in Blood Assassin. I really love the ratio of smex, romance and action in The Sentinels series, it feels like the perfect balance for a PNR.

Fane is sexy as hell and Serra is a great, strong heroine. Their relationship is years in the making and when it is finally time for them to be together it is combustible.

Great addition to a very promising series! Cannot wait for more!

loverofromance's review against another edition

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I received a arc copy in exchange for a honest review, thanks to Sourcebooks Casablanca for the opportunity.

Fane is a guardian, and one of the strongest and most capable. He has dedicated many years of his life to protecting and being part of the Sentinel’s, and recently has lost a woman he has spent many years protecting when she found love. Now he feels a loss, for the bond between a guardian and the one he protects is powerful, but there is one woman he has always wanted…but he knows he can never have, he knows he is not good enough for her, and plans on returning to the training center…but Serra has different plans. Serra has always loved Fane, and is willing to fight for a chance for them to be together. But she never imagined that what would bring them together, could destroy her. Serra is a powerful telepath, but when she is made to find a lost young girl who has been kidnapped, or die, she knows that she has little choice, and Fane despite his reservation will move heaven and earth to protect her. As Fane and Sherra race against time to find the kidnapped girl, a love erupts between them, and soon they realize they have to fight for that love which hard to hold onto…but will Sherra and Fane lose everything or will they succeed and find a future together…

I will say that Alexandra Ivy has surprised me with this one. I have had the opportunity to read one of her historical paranormal romances..and just loved it, but have never returned to reading her until…now. Even though this is the second book in the series, I was hoping that I wouldn’t be too lost…and I wasn’t. Although I would have loved to have the opportunity to read the first book before reading this one, just to have more background information on Fane and Sherra. There are a lot of issues that Fane is dealing with that I think would be revealed in the first book. But the author does a great job in summarizing Fane and past struggles and the loss of his relationship with the woman he was protecting. Now just so there is no confusion, there was no physical intimacy between them…but what I sensed was more of a strong emotional connection and he protected her for a long time. You see how he struggles with that, and he was such a vibrant yet stubborn hero. I truly adored this hero, but tend to let his pride get in the way of happiness and Sherra. Sherra was just awesome…spirited and feisty, has her own abilities and powers, and she definitely knows how to stand up to Fane. These two had wonderful chemistry, and wowzers…can they heat a room up like fire….you might want a fire extinguisher with you when you read it. And you will want a chance to try this one out…an amazing story that won me over. I read this one in one sitting, there was so much detail and the writing was very stimulating and keeps you from straying from the book. Ivy has a certain unique voice that just captures your attention immediately and it’s near impossible to let go.

As for my overall opinion of this one…well you can never go wrong with the sentinel’s. Sexy warriors who have delectable personalities, sassy heroine to make you want to know more, a plot that is thrilling and one step ahead of the reader, and some fierce desire that develops into a powerful and sexy love story….will thrill you to the core!! Get ready for some shocks, adventures, and some good/bade guys, a bit of a cliffhanger to leave you wanting more, and a wonderful ending that will leave you sighing in full satisfaction. Not one to miss out on.

squinderella's review against another edition

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4.5 Stars

Blood Assassin surrounds beautiful, bald Sentinel Fane and the psychic he's loved from afar for years, Serra. Serra finds herself in a sticky situation when she is required to help find another high-blood's kidnapped little girl. She has to finish the quest before she can head back to Valhalla to nurse her broken heart. Luckily, her longtime not-so-secret man crush, Fane comes to help her complete the search. Along the way, they burn up a lot more than just miles while seeking out the missing little girl.

Blood Assassin filled in what I felt was missing from the first book in The Sentinels series, Born in Blood. The missing link was more in-depth and longer love scenes, and Blood Assassin fulfilled that requirement for me! In the second installment though, I felt like the villain, Bas, was...not necessarily lame, but he just wasn't the big badass that he was supposed to be! I mean, the readers and even the main characters kept being told that Bas was incredibly dangerous and deadly, but we never saw that at all!

All in all, Blood Assassin was a good one for me. I'm definitely looking forward to the next in the series!

Thank you to NetGalley for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

jennyreadsromance's review against another edition

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Not bad, Fane and Serra are cute but I liked Born in Blood better. I look forward to exploring the relationships that continued in this book.

tanyad74's review against another edition

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Fane was such a tortured man, especially since he lost his ward. After so many years of avoiding his attraction to Serra it was kind of quick for him to decide he was going to have her. I'm sure she was in danger before this, so he seemed to get over himself pretty quick.

All I can say is it was about time Serra put the lid on her feelings for Fane and let him have a little of his own medicine. She waiting way too long for him to finally get a clue.

The form of control the villian used to control Serra was definitely different, but I was still worried that in the end, he wouldn't hold up his end of the bargain. The story was bringing in character after character so it really kept us guessing on where exactly the back story behind the kidnapping was going. Blood Assassin was a good read and sets the stage for the next installment. We need to find out what the Mave is going to do with the aftermath of this battle.

This review was originally posted on Rantings of a Reading Addict