
Granted by Michelle Merrill

valeriew's review

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Wait. WHAT????
Ok there are spoilers coming

HOW HOW HOW did he become human???? I'm sooo confused. I don't know if it was because I'm exhausted and maybe skipped over a sentence that explained it but I don't get it!!!!!!

Over all it was a pretty good book.

carina_shephard's review

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Actual rating: 3.5 stars


chymerra's review

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Before I start this review, I want to thank Future House Publishing for allowing me to review Granted.

**All opinions stated in this review are mine. I received Granted from Future House Publishing as an ARC for my honest and unbiased review **

Now, onto my review:

Format read in: Kindle

Publisher: Future House Publishing

Date Published: June 30th 2016

Where the book can be found: Amazon (Kindle). For a limited time (June 30th through July 7th), Granted will be $2.99 (discounted from the regular price of $4.99) Also, please remember that the price can and will change.

Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult

How many pages: 215

Giveaway: On June 30th, you can go here to enter to win an autographed copy of Granted. Also, on July 1st, head on over to Goodreads to win physical copies of the book!!!

My review:

I have to say, I could not stand Brielle’s character in the beginning. But, then again, if I was expecting my lamp to be rubbed and then was told, sorry its in storage and you have to wait, I think that I would act the same. Over the course of the book, her character did grow on me, though. I loved her interactions with Addie and with Rock. She showed, mainly through her friendship with Addie, how much she grew in maturity while she was there.

While we are on the subject of Rock, he made me want to scream. I really didn’t have him figured out during the book. What was his deal. Was he a good djinn or did he just got caught up in something that he had no control over? Also the twist with him in the book was great!!! I didn’t expect what happened to happen.

Now onto Addie. OMG, I felt so bad for her. There were parts of the book that made me want to just reach through and hug her. And for the record, I am glad that her and Brielle met. They were good for each other.

The whole storyline of Addie’s parents just disappearing made me want to puke. Not going to get into it but I really, really, really dislike them. If you want to know more, read the book.

I do want to say that I thought that the mystery that Brielle and Rock get involved with really did catch my attention. I thought it was very imaginative to have the genies die when their lamps break. It only makes sense because their life-force is connected to the lamps. The way the book ended also made a great intro for a 2nd book!!!

3 Things I liked about Granted:

1) The storyline

2) Rock

3) Addie

3 Things I disliked about Granted:

1) Brielle at the beginning of the book

2) Vicky (she rubbed me the wrong way)

3)The triplets
How many stars will I give Granted? 4

Why? Granted was a well written YA book. The plot and the subplots were fantastic and kept my attention the whole book. While Brielle came across as a spoiled, impatient brat, she showed her true colors when she met Addie. The murder mystery secondary story didn’t take away from the main storyline and when they were brought together at the end, it was fantastic.

Will I reread it? Yes

Will I recommend to family and friends? Yes

Age range? Tween on up

Why? This is a perfect book for tweens. It’s clean (no sex), minimal violence and very relatable characters.