teacupsandtropes's review

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Thank you to GRR for providing an advanced copy of this anthology in exchange for an honest review.

First, the proceeds of this anthology are going to an amazing cause so I highly encourage everyone who’s interested in it to purchase it!

Second, this anthology is filled with cute Christmas stories from a myriad of popular authors! I absolutely loved going through these and they definitely got me in the Christmas spirit!

reedkaye's review

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I feel this anthology is a bargain. There are short stories and longer stories. These are some of the well-known authors getting together, providing a wide variety of stories that kept me busy reading. I found stories I normally would not have read, I really enjoyed. This opened up other type stories for me.

Jack L. Pyke Holly and the Heather
This story is the reason I wanted to get this analogy. I have read both series, Don’t and Broken Ink, and wanted to see how this author was going to bring the main characters from both series together. Not only does this story bring them together but does a thorough job of letting you know about the characters. I could have read this story without having read either series.
Gray, Jack and Jan are on their way to spend some time together and have a little quiet time for bonding when they are faced with the issue of helping a disabled car and the guys in it. Kiyen and Fal are stranded and not sure why they are there. When Gray, Jack and Jan stop, all the guys are apprehensive of each other. As this story progresses the interaction between the two groups gets tense at times but the way they all deal with each other adds so much to describe their individual personalities. This crossover also does a great job of opening up the possibilities of where each series could head next. The story follows the authors style of providing description and details plus making sure the story flow is continuous. Even though this is a complete story in itself it just reminded me how impatient I am to get the next part of both series. I’d love to see more of all these characters together.

Sue Brown My Christmas Nemesis
Both Laurence and Aaron work at Sandy's a low cost, high turnover store. They started same day. Now Lawrence has been there 5 years. He is very insecure and feels he has no friends. He has had a crush on Aaron his co-worker until he over-heard Aaron and another employee discussing Aaron's promotion and called Laurence a loser and no competition. They agreed Jenn, Lawrence’s supervisor, protected him otherwise he would not have kept his job. Aaron is line to be next assistant manager. Aaron sets it up to work the same shift Christmas eve as Lawrence because Aaron is attracted to Laurence. Aaron plans to make his feelings known and surprises Lawrence when he lets him know how attracted he is to him.

Joanna Chambers The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
Jordan new graduated and only been at his job with Deacon Kirk Software Solutions, four months, working on an important product upgrade. Problem is Jordan doesn't fit in. He is gay working class boy from Liverpool who loves football while colleagues are posh, straight and play rugby. Jordan is attracted to Harrison who is one of the most popular employees. Jordan falls into trouble when he is supposed to attend a meeting presenting himself in a business fashion. Harrison steps in and helps him but Jordan doesn’t take Harrison’s help personally. Jordan continues to examine all the differences between his co-workers and himself and that puts him on the defensive. Finally, something happens that makes him re examine his interactions with Harrison and his part in being left out.
Barbara Elsbory A Spaceman Came Travelling
This story has a little Sci Fi to it. This is a retelling of Cinderella. SEVEN IS LIVING a awful life when he brings goodness into Ben's life. Ben is a little boy who has lost his mom and it being Christmas time he has high hopes of being able to go to the stars and visit her. Cooper is Ben's uncle. Ben lives with him since both parents are died. Seven provides a way to help Ben through the holidays and keeps Cooper from dealing with a disappointed nephew at Christmas. Cooper and Sevens attraction develops quickly and there are a number of twists before everything gets resolved. This is a heartwarming story.

Suki Fleet Ethan Gold Feels Like Home
Four years since his dad died, Ethan is living with his aunt. Ethan has tiptoed around his miserable religious aunt trying to show her how grateful he was she came to take care of him so he didn't end up in kids home but she took down family pics and replaced them with church pics and no matter what he did she replaced it or ignored him. Ethan tried his hardest but aunt made him know nothing was good enough and she would never love him. Finding out he was gay she decided to kick him out and let him know if he didn't leave she would call police. Even though Ethan had not done what he was accused of, he lost his job so was forced to live out of his car. He had bought the car on his 17th birthday from wages and other money he earned and saved.
On his 3rd evenings trying to sleep in his car he saw a person in the rear view stumbling through the snow. Ethan got out of the car yelling at him but the boy didn’t appear to have heard him. The boy then stumbled and passed out. Ethan carried him to his car and found Win was not as he expected. There was a twenty four hour challenge for Win and he found his attraction to Ethan helped. This story has many twists and made me anxious to see what would come next. Things with Win appeared different than I expected and the dealing with Ethan’s aunt was a surprise. I don’t normally enjoy fantasy type stories but this one might make me look at more.

Amber Kell Kissing the Winter Wizard
Maddy who is eleven wants her uncle Sam to kiss the wizard statue so he gets talked into it.
Next morning someone pounding on Sam’s door at 6 a.m. The guy walks in, shuts the door and said his name Allard. You are the one who kissed me. I was certain my magic drew me to the right location. He explained he was the statue. Allard said Sam is his soul mate. He said took you long enough to notice you've been coming to the park for years and didn't pay attention. I've been encased in Stone most of your life then Allard explained how he became a statue. The issue of Maddy’s custody was something that became a priority for Sam but Allard stepped in to help. Sam and Allard had to figure out what the future held for them and Maddy.

Liam Livings Should Old Acquaintances Be Forgot
Drew goes to his class reunion where he still feels like the kid that was bullied. William, who was a jock in school, goes to the class reunion to apologize for being a bully in school. William figured out that his bullying people was because he didn’t want to admit he was gay. William and Drew start talking and catching up. William apologized and they continue talking about all the things that happened in the past. Drew starts to see maybe he might have been a little to blame. Good story and great reminder about bullying.

Clare London Santa No.5
Jacob Carter is the new sergeant of Kingsmere's police station. He has been Sergeant for two months. He originally thought this was a way up his career ladder but it was the opposite. He had got too big for his boots and ended up in this village, not even a small town with an even smaller crime rate.
Nicks family is trouble but not him. He works at staying out of trouble and helps where he can. His dad in jail for burglary. His mom is on probation for internet fraud. His brother Bernie a thief. Then Nick gets caught in the act of reaching in a woman purse but when faced with pressing charges and identifying Nick she says nothing was stolen and she can't id the guy who supposedly was in her purse. This is when Jacob gets involved in the burglaries. When he comes face to face with Nick, he is attracted to him. They get together but circumstances happen that can cause problems between the two. Jacob decides to stake out the next person he suspects will be robbed. Here again a twist causes Jacob to discover Nick has been doing things differently than people believe. What all happens and who gets involved in solving the burglaries is entertaining. Fun holiday story.

Susan Mac Nicol A Night To Remember
Midas and Teddy have 3 things in common, university,music and rum laced coffee...plus Midas has been lusting after Teddy for awhile. Milo's best friend at DBS Institure is Newton Craig. Newt knew Milo since they were kids and knew Milo was stuck on Teddy. But Teddy didn't know Milo was gay. He didn't want to come on to someone who wasn't receptive to him. He said been there done that. He had his nose broken by a guy he came on to who was not ready to admit he was gay. Newt told Milo Teddy's schedule and what dorm he was in. Newt was hung up on Amy, who was Teddy’s bff, and had been trying to get her to notice him for months. Milo got caught following Teddy and had to admit he was attracted to Teddy. Teddy said Amy had told him Milo was following him. She tells Teddy everything and that includes everything Newt tells her. Teddy and Milo run across a violinist playing and when they learned his story they get involved in a project to make some money for the homeless. This story is warm hearted figuring out who they are. So fitting for the holidays.

Louisa Mae Tainted Love
I really enjoyed this story but I felt sad at the end. I may have missed it but I didn’t get a concrete reason Lucian was the fallen, no redemption angel. I enjoyed it enough that I will check out more of this author’s stories.
Lucian an angel of darkness is faced with mortals and can't resist having fun during the season of goodwill. Lucian didn't understand the actions of those since he is unbelieving in the traditions. He enjoyed the endless drama feeding on the conflict which arose. He observed how the humans didn't appear to take one moment to enjoy the sights of the season in their hurry to shop. Next Lucian observed a girl catching sight of a store window angel. The child was so fascinated on what to Lucian was a poor representation of a real angel. He felt a presence around the girl. It was SAGE. Lucian had memories of time spent with Sage. Sage didn't remember Lucian and he felt indifferent about Lucian. He had this same indifference to Lucian every time they had reunited since Lucians fall. Lucian tried to find Sage but only found the lingering energy surrounding the girl. Later, Lucian found himself observing the humans as the holiday approached. One night he was drawn to a place where music and sounds of raucous behavior intrigued him. He normally would not frequent someplace as this but he justified his visit as business not pleasure. The bar had seen better days and held little to celebrate the season. The people seemed to be filled with too much alcohol. Fights would be commonplace as disagreements spiraled into something serious. Perfect for Lucian to absorb the emotions to feed his dark soul. But he didn’t feel the need to be involved with these people since he didn’t think he would be able to change their path. Again, he walked the streets searching for something to fulfill the need in him. He found it in a bar called The Rainbow Rooms. He posed as a hapless human and waited in line to enter. Once in he felt Acceptance. He was in a room with mostly LGBTQ members. He flirted with the bartender who mentioned his husband probably wouldn't like it. Lucian kept flirting and again asked his name. Kian pointed out Lucian was a man who walks into a bar and propositions a married man. That's a bold move. As Lucian talked to Kian he had sight of a figure behind him. Joe, Kian’s husband, had previously known Lucian. Kian and Joe end up arguing and Lucian steps in to help the disagreement along. Sage appears and keeps pushing Kian to make things right with his husband Joe while Lucian pushes a little the other way. In the meantime, Sage and Lucian are drawn together again. Different situations happen and even though Sage and Lucian get together again Lucian knows later
Sage will not remember. They will continue meeting forever and Lucian can suffer through it because he never wants to forget anything about Sage. Lucian will wait til the end of time for any moments with Sage.

Jackie North The Xmas Pony
The story is a good holiday story even without having read more of the series but I think would have enjoyed it more if I’d had a little more background on the ranch and it’s occupants.
Ty has one last job and then the trucking Co he has worked for the last 5 years will be taken over by the new Co and they have no interest in keeping him as a employee. He just has to deliver the Pony by Christmas morning and then he is done. There is a blizzard stopping Ty from driving his original route. He could turn back and not deliver the Pony. Or he could try the two-lane blacktop road to Farthingdale Ranch. He could go home with his pink slip to a apartment where his lease is up Dec 30. He had lost his dad 9 months ago to a heart attack and he had been struggling to keep his job at Eaton trucking. Three weeks ago a west coast conglomerate had bought the trucking co and had no plans of keeping the old employees. Ty decided to deliver the pony but got snowed in at the ranch. It gave him a chance to meet Bea, Bill, Austin and Clay. Ty wasn’t sure how much to get involved with these people since he would be leaving and probably never see them again. Then circumstance changes and Ty future takes a different turn.

Ali Ryecart The Christmas Café
This is an interesting way to point out someone needing to examine their lifestyle and values. Seb is left without friends to celebrate with so he decides to go out on his own and visit a different bar. Things get out of hand and he ends up in a situation he is unprepared for. While trying to resolve his dilemma he walks into a old café unlike what he is used to. The people here are pretty down on their luck and this café offers them kindness. Seb meets Tom. Tom is hard working and left to deal with the café on his own. He can’t keep up so Seb steps in to help. Their back and forth conversations are eye opening to Seb. I enjoyed this story but wish the end had been a little more detailed. It is a heartfelt story.

K C Wells Never Let You Go
This story tore at every emotion I could have. It was so sad how a couple could be together yet so far apart. This author has a gift for making me happy and sad at the same time and thoroughly enjoying the story. Max is on a sort of guilt trip while spending time with Paul in the hospital. When everything comes out about the people close to Paul, I just wanted to cry for him. His life seems somewhat empty yet. Max does his best to be there for Paul but things don’t work out yet he keeps examining what could have been. At the same time Tiny, Paul’s nurse, is attracted to Max. Tiny is a guy I could not help but want to know. He checks all the boxes for a great guy. His character makes this a perfect holiday story. This story has so much reality to it that I could not help but feel these characters.