
Blue Violet by Abigail Owen

darkness223's review

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Quite liked this book its the first i have read by this author and would read more of her books.This book is different from what i usually read but i really got into it will be checking out the rest of the series

canadianbookaddict's review

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Such a fantastic book. I started reading it in the afternoon and just couldn't stop reading.

It started off a little slow but it does get better and it got me hooked. This is the first book in this series. I liked the way it is done and I could very well imagine all that is going on. I think this will be a book I will read again in the future.

jesssika's review

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Kinda predictable. No that's not right. It was predictable, and sappy. Although decent enough with plot points the characters were superficial and too perfect.

shelovestoread81's review

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This was a free book from amazon and I was not disappointed. It was so great to read an original idea for a story again. I was consumed by Griffin and Ellie right away. Then when they meet the other people it was so interesting. I hope that the rest of this series is as good as this one.

mumblebee's review

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I liked this book, and it's definitely one of the better-written self-published books I've read! The characters were interesting, the premise was interesting, and it all unfolded at what I felt was the perfect pace. My only complaint? The further I read the more I was reminded of the Twilight saga. I should mention that I really liked Twilight. But I'm always irritated when a book too closely mirrors any other.

(The rest of this review has spoilers).

A group of people who appear human and normal, but actually live for centuries, posing as high school students to blend in, all with special "powers". New girl in school falls for the handsome guy but he avoids her to protect her and because she's way too young for him. Boy is from a family of these powerful beings who banded together, centering on the adoptive parents and their children, some of whom are romantically paired to each other. Entire group faces off in a deadly battle against a group that is both an ever-present source of threat and anxiety AND are shape-changers with wolf forms. It, of course, ends with the original pair of faux-teenagers getting engaged. Of course there are some huge differences that set this book apart. But there was still too much similarity for me to give the book 4 stars.

booksonhermind's review

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Flowers were all the rage a while back but I never got to read that many with them so it's nice to have one now. It's a simple but pretty cover. Ellie has been around for a while. She's about 200 years old if I'm correct. She is NOT a vampire. She's not immortal either. She can get hurt and die. She just lives longer than the average person. She's this petite little thing who blends in well with the High School crowd. If it were me I would look at her like she was crazy to endure more of High School but she does so to keep an eye out for three specific people she wishes to get to know. I never got the feeling that she was older. She didn't act immature per say but she didn't act like she was at least a hundred years old. She did have this selfless character to her so I can see the maturity there.

Ellie befriends immediately the three kids she is supposed to watch out for. It's not like she tried to, she isn't a very sociable creature. She's always very vague and pretends to smile because she has to. Her powers are many, unlike most Svatura. She does have one remarkable power which really has to be the greatest power any of them has - she can use the powers of others if she's near that person. Basically... SHE HAS ALL OF THE POWERS! And the powers are pretty awesome like teleporting and creating gold. If I could have that power... it's like having the ability to stop time (the best power ever) but it's more reasonable and less diabolical (kind of).

She catches her love interest's eye right away. There is this sort of intense wave she feels when she meets his stare. He is of course, drop dead gorgeous. Aren't they all? But when I think of drop dead gorgeous guys in books I think of bad boys who are very arrogant. Thankfully, this is not the case. There are some parts of the book that show you his POV which helped me some to decipher his personality and to provide me with some entertainment. From what I can tell, throughout the book, he's very much family-oriented but that's about it. He seemed like a nice guy and he really is. He does the infamous hot guy smirk/smile when he finds something amusing. But I can't really tell you much more. Only that he really liked Ellie and was confused and distant a lot. I know I'm analyzing him too much. I'm saying this only because I really wanted more of his POV's to get to know him more personally.

Griffin, Ellie's twin brother, needs more appearances! And it looks like he's going to get more next book which I must say makes me super happy. He is another dreamy guy who's also very loyal to his sister. He kind of has to be because she's the only one he's got. His personality set off alarm bells for me. I can see him being very abrasive but in a good way as in he's a very strong character that fights for what he believes in. He's also like Ellie's love interest, Alex, very protective of Ellie. It's not like Ellie can't take care of herself. She never once gives in to having others take what she deems as her responsibility away from her. Griffin has the potential to be as stubborn and as great as her which I welcome gladly.

So I must comment on the kissing and if the love was anything but perfect. There was a lot of kissing but I didn't feel like I was attacked with it. Ellie and Alex's love seemed to progress at a steady pace compared to other books and their instaloves. It was very natural and it had me smiling more with every interaction. I could have seen it going fast to annoying if it wasn't written just right. I absolutely loved this book and Ellie! Ellie's strong and you know it. She doesn't hide behind people. She is front and center of the action. She has this cute romance and just really wants that big family again. That's really why she came to check these people out and make sure they were safe to trust - she wanted a family like the clan she once had. I just want to give her a hug for her reasoning. Don't you?

This book utterly surprised me (most books tend do that for me). It was amazing! I couldn't believe this book was indie and self-published no less. How is this book so good!? I can see this in bookstores around the country. It really deserves it especially since Owen paints a supernatural world with one of the strongest heroines I have ever read. It has a great plot, story line, characters, and fantastic writing! I mean who doesn't like reading books with characters that have superpowers? This book will want you to keep on reading. I was sick and finished reading this book late into the morning. I couldn't stop and I don't want to! Owen provided an excerpt that made me positively dizzy with happiness at all that can possibly happen in the next book. With this type of writing, this author's going somewhere.

One last thing. I feel like you don't know how much I love this book so... AAAAHHHH!!!! THIS BOOK WAS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!! GO PICK THIS BOOK UP!!! YOU WILL SO TOTALLY NOT REGRET IT!!! Hopefully I did this book some kind of justice with this review because I feel like I could never convey how much I truly enjoyed it.