
New Jersey Noir: The Jack Colt Murder Mystery Novels, Book One by William Baer

whatkatiedidread's review against another edition

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only murders in the remote Scottish inn

biblioniche's review against another edition

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I went into this thinking it'd be a typical steamy, mafia romance. Damn, was I wrong.
It was SO MUCH MORE. SO, SO MUCH MORE than I could've ever imagined.
I loved the MCs, I loved the side characters. I loved the how wonderful Elena's character development was.
Too often, I've come across the FL struggling with similar themes as Elena, but then they meet the ML and poof! their trauma magically disappears *eye roll*
I loved how in this, there was actually a healing process for her to overcome her trauma and come to terms with who she was.

"Survivors came in all shapes and sizes, and not all of them came out on the other side of their trauma shiny and bright with hope and renewed optimism."

I really, really liked how Dante played his part so damn well without being an alphahole.

And the quotes - they're so fkin beautiful *sniffles* I don't remember the last time I annotated a book this much!

“Between the hero and the villain, there is the anti-hero. A person who may do evil deeds and seem unscrupulous, but who, within their own set of morals, possesses a big heart and the willingness to protect that which they know to be good."


maxines_obsessions's review against another edition

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My first dnf of the year.
Finished at 37%

Didnѓ??t like the characters
Plot didnѓ??t really add up
Insta love of the worst kind. A look, thatѓ??s all it took.
The bro code- no other boy would go near her because they all knew the insta love guy had first dibs. Thatѓ??s not romantic, sweet or acceptable. It is not up to him, she is not a toy that he gets to decide who plays with her.
Oh and the waggling of eyebrows and lip action.

All of this took away from where I think the plot was meant to go, it felt a bit comical.

I received this from NetGalley.

I will add, it has lots of glowing reviews so far, so itѓ??s probably a case of just not for me.

txbooklover's review against another edition

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A good mystery/thriller about a teacher accused of sexual impropriety. The author did a great job of keeping the reader guessing throughout the book and creating some interesting subplots with the other characters. However, I hated the ending. It was almost as if the author saw she had enough pages for the book and said, "ok, it's over". 3.75/5 stars.

lola425's review against another edition

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French thriller/literary novels in translation are quickly becoming my favorite thing. The language is spare, but descriptive and the themes tend to be a little darker without all that pesky moralizing.

The widow Patience takes a chance and becomes a temporary godmother of a criminal drug operation. Raised amidst, but distanced from a criminal enterprise, her DNA takes over after years of trudging through the straight and narrow trying to make ends meet to raise her daughters and keep her mother in comfort at a care facility.

The best thing about this is that Patience does what she needs to do methodically, matter-of-factly, without spending too much time beating herself up over her choices.

Recommended for people who like their crime with no-nonsense women protagonists.

butterbee's review against another edition

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This only gets stars because the Beast is in it <3

Some of the modern interpretations of the B&tB story are cute (Enchanted Mirror Time) but some are just trying too hard (Airbnb page for trespassing the castle, the rose as battery percentage). The worst was clearly "Updating OS Beast" for when he changed back into the prince. Tasteless!

mrjonathan's review against another edition

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I didn't expect to encounter such richly developed characters in a collection of short graphic pieces. Some of these could have used a stronger ending worthy of the set-up, but there are still some beautiful tragedies in this book.

bookishshani_k's review against another edition

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Jack Colt is a PI who has been tasked with investigating the murder of a fellow PI. He has to sort through a lot of stuff to get to the heart of the matter. Who killed his colleague, but also was he killed because of another crime? An older cold case is at the center of all of this and has to be worked into his plan. with the help of a few friends, he starts to dive into a chaotic mess that unravels fast. It puts not only others that are helping at risk, but himself as well.

This is a pretty moderately-paced suspenseful book that kept me engrossed, big time. The author wrote a well-thought-out story that sparks a lot of curiosity and interest. It's a story that has a lot of plausible scenarios. Really enjoyed this one, and I'm interested in finding out more when I go back for book 1.

yanxin's review against another edition

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A very moving essay collection that discusses racism (specifically towards Indigenous people) in the Canadian art culture. I briefly wondered if the author has the authority to comment on this, but she has never claimed expertise, and has acknowledged her privilege and previous ignorance on the topic. Her gentle/humane writing has provided a space for me to reflect on my participation in the "mainstream" (aka very white) art culture.