
Master of Sin by Maggie Robinson

lisajo85's review

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Maggie Robinson's last installment in the Courtesan Court Series, MASTER OF SIN, is a wicked and sensual delight for romance readers. Ms Robinson pens a beautiful story with exquisite description and deeply emotional character development.

Andrew Rossiter has spent most of his life being used. Mostly for the pleasure he can provide in the bedroom, but now he has a son that is depending on him and must be kept out of harm's way. Forced to flee the tragic life he's known and go into hiding, Andrew tries to start a new life with the son. Unfortunately, he has no idea what he is up against when he meets Miss Gemma Peartree. Despite her claims that she would make an excellent governess for his son, Andrew strongly disagrees. She is distracting, she is stubborn and she is becoming absolutely irresistible. Yet Gemma is in for a challenge when she realizes Andrew's tough exterior will be hard to crack. Both have secrets and a dreadful past that haunts them still but their attraction grows stronger each day. While Andrew and Gemma share a striking passion, they must decide if that is enough to survive on. Or discover if damaged creatures like themselves will ever be capable of falling in love.

One thing that may be difficult to explain is how fascinating the hero was in MASTER OF SIN. Mainly because you expect the heroine to have the tainted past in this Courtesan series, but in this case, the hero is the one with the troubled history. He certainly has a past that would make most people blush, yet this tainted past that haunts Andrew is really what makes him such an interesting characters. He has a cold disposition that Gemma instantly sees through and she works to bring out the best qualities in this character. You can't help but feel an enchanting attraction to this complex character as he develops throughout the novel. Andrew is endearing because he thinks so little of himself, yet it's easy for the reader to see what an amazing man he is.

Gemma is fabulous to say the least. Her stubborn nature will make you smile with delight and laugh at the way it tears down Andrew's defenses. What is easy to admire about her character is the instinct that reinforces every decision she makes. Andrew does everything in his power to remove Gemma from his life and she refuses to take his bait. Every insight told her their connection was something worth fighting for. I loved her endless, fierce nature that never considered backing down from a challenge. She was tough, but she was also a gentle soul. Gemma's compassion and intelligence is what allowed her to bring out the light from the darkness that enveloped Andrew completely.

The focal point of MASTER OF SIN has to be the emotional development of both characters and their romance. Ms Robinson successfully crafts beautifully intimate characters that make your heart ache. Andrew and Gemma are two lost souls that discover each other's dark secrets and build a strong bond that shocks them both. I enjoyed it so because it easily displays how just one person can change another so much and for the better.

In addition to their story of romance is the heartwarming aspect of this tale in which Andrew is coming to terms with his new venture into fatherhood. Being a father does not come natural to Andrew, but he puts all of his efforts into being everything his son needs, only to encounter the doubt that he cannot. It was a beautiful addition to the story and one that will bring you near tears in one chapter and gloriously happy in another.

If I was to be absolutely honest, this novel doesn't have a stellar beginning. It jumps around a bit and makes things somewhat confusing. Ms Robinson uses a little too much detail for my taste, and draws out some scenes leading them to be slightly dull. Also, the beginning does not paint the hero in the best light. He is difficult to warm up to, but fortunately, that doesn't last too long. Soon enough I was addicted to this story and found it difficult to put down. Mainly because I've never encountered such an interesting pair and wanted desperately to know this story's conclusion.

You may have to dig a little bit for it, but once you gain a little ground in MASTER OF SIN, you will find a wonderful novel. Emotional, riveting and sinfully passionate, this novel will capture your heart and drive you wild. If you want that unique, yet fascinating historical romance, MASTER OF SIN will deliver. With sharp, wicked characters and hauntingly descriptive prose, Maggie Robinson's latest novel is sinfully grand indulgence and one you shouldn't miss.

Lisa Jo @ The Romance Reviews

cocktailsandbooks1's review

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silvercal's review

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Andrew Rossiter had a very unpleasant upbringing that has shaped him into the dark man he is today. Raised by a man that sexually abused him from age seven forward, Andrew became a male prostitute and was more than willing to do anything with anyone, male or female...even offer himself as a stud if the price was right. As he was able to deliver one son to an Italian couple, they have called upon his services again in hopes for another child. But when a terrible tragedy occurs, Andrew is forced to become a father to the little boy who has no idea who truly is. With the murderers sure to be on the hunt for Marco soon, Andrew quickly relocates out of London, anywhere where he is known for his devilish actions, and heads to a very remote area in Scotland, determined to put all of his past life behind him and begin anew with his young son.

Gemma Peartree has arrived at this remote island in hopes of escaping her own shameful past but is dismayed to find herself attracted to the blond angelface of Andrew. As Andrew quickly develops some true affection, the first he has felt in years, for Gemma as well, he knows he must quickly ship her off the island. But weather and Marcos deep affection for Gemma prevent this from happening as soon as he would like and before he knows it, he has spilled all of his shameful secrets in hopes of deterring this sprite-like beauty. Gemma is much more responsive and open-minded though, as her own upbringing comes to light as well, and she finally persuades the suddenly morally uptight Andrew to indulge in a delicious affair. Even as Andrew attempts to brush Gemma off again and again, together they slowly become true friends and beneath the friendship, a deep love grows. However, it takes the past finally catching up to them for Andrew to finally realize the true depth of his feelings and hopefully it will not be too late to finally start anew as a happy couple.

I have read and enjoyed all the books in Maggie Robinson's Courtesan Court series and this book is a bit more darker and deep than the previous books. I enjoyed how Andrew is not a titled gentleman trying to reform his rakish ways but rather a deeply scarred man that was abused during his childhood and built up such a wall around himself going into adulthood, he about misses the one thing that will finally give him some peace. The fact that the past was laid all out quickly was also a relief...there is no big misunderstanding and Gemma accepts Andrew for all his past misdeeds. I also enjoyed how Marco was included in the story but the child never overshadowed the romance and felt real. He naturally has a big distrust for Andrew and we get to slowly see father and son come together. Truthfully, besides some crude language, I actually felt this book was a bit tamer than some of the previous books. With Andrews fresh start, he also wanted to leave behind all sexual encounters and I was very pleased to see he did not drop that front quickly. Gemma was a delightful heroine, small, bossy and knew how to get what she wanted when she wanted it. She was the perfect balm to help Andrew accept himself and show that everyone deserves happiness, no matter how shaky or seedy the past may be. Overall, a wonderfully satisfying, sensual romance. 4 stars

Thanks to Kensington Publishing (Brava) for providing me with this ARC

georgiewhoissarahdrew's review

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I read this in order after the previous three CC books, in which Andrew Rossiter features as a secondary character. Or at least someone sharing the same name features - in this story, the bisexual amoral blackmailer character established for him in books 1-3 is simply abandoned. Here, he's little more than a misguided rake. Perhaps I'm biased, as I automatically dismiss books that are set in Scotland (which usually rely too much on painting in unnecessary local yokel colour) and / or feature adorable children.

I'm writing off most of the Courtesan Court series, and sticking to the Maggie Robinsons I enjoy: the Ladies Unlaced series is much better than this.