
Hawthorne & Heathcliff by R.K. Ryals

babs_reviews's review

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I'm not sure I even have words that can explain the amount of feelings you will experience throughout this book.

From the very beginning I was enthralled. Nothing existed for me outside of the pages. The writing was beautiful and the characters were so lovable.

This story is full of love - of friends, family and learning to love yourself. It is also full of loss - of friends, family and what it means to be yourself.

I will admit that the emotions I ran through while reading had me crying quite a few times. The raw emotions of the characters float right off the page and capture your heart. It tugs, pulls, cracks and shatters your heart before it picks the pieces up and rebuilds it in a way that allows you to love bigger and harder than before.

"We're not kids," I called down. "We're not adults yet either, Hawthorne. Embrace that. Jump. Don't be afraid to fall."

I suggest the same thing, JUMP in and read this book, DON'T BE AFRAID TO FALL into the pages and lose yourself for awhile. It's worth the journey.

iggyebab's review

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There was something so beautiful about this story. For anyone who has ever been abandoned, the fear of every person leaving is always there. Hawthornes parents left her with her uncle. He loved her but in a small town, everyone knew who she was. So she kept to herself. Only looking at peoples shoes. Heathcliffs family is big and loud and in a small town they all know who he should be. She always knows he’s leaving but they still fall in love.
When they come back together, you hope they will work it out. But Heathcliff is not quite ready. Hawthorne someone believes he’ll come around.
This book was so well written. Even though some parts were heartbreaking, I still had such hope for this girl to get her HEA. She doesn’t give up but she doesn’t stop living her life either.
I really loved this quietly beautiful story.

dhanimashla's review

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Tanggal baca 1 oktober 2020

Asli ngga inget alurnya gimana, cuma inget perasaan gue pas baca ini doang, a bit sad that’s all

loloava's review

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I was a sobbing mess reading the book - I'm talking constant stream of tears down my face on the subway on my way home from work, but I loved all of it. It's a story about a girl named Hawthorne who has to grow up way too fast, and the wisdom she shouldn't have to be burdened by at her age. But it's also a love story, and a happy one, about Hawthorne & Heathcliff.

For all that I'm nothing like Hawthorne, I felt connected to her. Ryals did such an amazing job placing you right in the center of her grief and her joy that you felt it along with her. At least for me, that's what I enjoy most from these types of books. If you can't make me feel for the characters, I'm disconnected, and I didn't feel any of that here.

If you like a little bit of bitter with your sweet, read this. It's a beautiful story, lyrically written, and easy to lose yourself in for a few hours.

dmwhipp's review

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This book kept popping up on my radar and, having read some great YA books, I decided to give it a try. I found Hawthorne and Heathcliff to be a decent enough coming of age book full of teen angst and big emotions, which I probably would have enjoyed more at a different stage of life, namely my teen years. Hawthorne is weird.... I know this because the author tells me she doesn't brush her hair and she doesn't own a TV.... not very subtle. She doesn't have posters in her room, just some books. But she doesn't talk much about them (except for Wuthering Heights which is a necessary plot device to explain Max's nickname) and she's a mediocre student, so maybe she's not reading the books. In fact, what did she do every day after school? At the start of the book she's 17 and a senior in high school with no TV, no cell phone, no car, no friends. She apparently cooks dinner, plays the occasional game of checkers with her uncle, and rips pages out of cooking magazines. Seems like there would still be a lot of free time.

The book was full of lots of philosophical musings, which often reminded me of the sayings I see frequently on Facebook, superimposed over photos featuring lone trees in the mist or empty beaches -- they sound sort of pretty, but are sometimes shallow or even meaningless. And frankly I get a little irritated at the ridiculous sexual experiences authors contrive in books like these. Sadly, the majority of women never experience orgasm.... ever. As one of the lucky ones, I thought the idea of a teen virgin having multiple orgasms the first time she has sex ridiculous. Especially considering her partner had only two experiences under his belt. It will certainly set up some girls with false expectations and disappointing first times. I also thought throwing in Max's stillborn twin brother was a little weird near the end, but maybe the shoe theme was getting too gimmicky and a change up was needed.

Ah well, on to better things.

breerashel's review

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I was conflicted about the number of stars that I should give this book. I thought that the first 70% of the book was brilliant! I can't say enough good things about the majority of the book! It was a poetic and deep story that touched me. Bring a box of tissues when you sit down to read it because it will tear your heart out. I was crying throughout the majority of the book. I know that it might sound exaggerated but this book changed me!

For my full review of Hawthorne and Heathcliff go to my blog:

renae_reads_romance's review

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Needs More Than 5 Stars

Hawthorne and Heathcliff was a wonderful, beautifully written love story. One of the most amazing books I've read. I seriously didn't want it to end.
A must read book.

sinagaraw's review

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this is my first book for this author and its definitely on my top 5 for this year.

Hawthorne and Heathcliff story knew how to pull all the strings to your heart. its not the typical love story. I felt sad reading this book but sad in a good way? Up until to the last page im on the verge of crying.
I love the wisdom that Mams and Gregor told.

ness11's review

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This book took me longer to read than usual, not because of its length, but because I found myself slowly reading every single word and letting it all soak in. Because they weren't just words, they were messages and they each had meaning you had to figure out. I tore every sentence apart and let my heart piece them together. This story was beautiful, it had lots of feels so many feels. I loved, I laughed, I ached, I hoped and I dreamed. I didn't consume this story, this story wholeheartedly consumed me. This book deserves so much more than 5 starts, it deserves all the stars in the sky.

“sometimes love isn’t forever. Sometimes it’s just moments in your life that teach you. If it’s the forever after kind of love, it’ll find you again. If it isn’t, don’t let a broken heart break you. Let it make you love harder. Love is a mistake worth making.”

“My feet. They were soldiers. They fought battles for me I didn’t even know I was fighting. They walked me through things I normally wouldn’t walk through. It didn’t matter where I’d been, I was never the same person when I left. It was this realization that brought the smile. Pain doesn’t go away, but it does a lot to change you.”

fictionarymind's review

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This book. For my sake, pls read it everyone.

In some way this is one of the best books I’ve read. It’s been a few minutes since I’ve finished it, but the emotions, the quotes, the lessons, the way it represents life. I know I’m going to buy the physical copy asap bc this book is one I need on my shelf. One I want to open up for inspiration, honesty and the meaning behind mirrors and shoes, dreams and wishes.

Hawthorne and Heathcliff will forever be in my mind, so just keep walking.