
Jerry's Book Sucks: The Book by Jay Sigler, Justin M. Woodward

skullheadface's review

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I don't really understand it.
How in the hell can a book, especially Jerry's Book, be this funny?
I don't think things are funny. Not stand-up, not comedies, maybe I giggle at the occasional offensive meme, but that's about it. I haven't laughed at a joke in years.
This book had me howling! At one point my wife came in to see if I needed medical attention! She kicked me out of my OWN bedroom for laughing because she was trying to sleep! I did that snort thing! Two times I had to stop, press down on my fat roll, and hold my ribs because they hurt! It was awesome!
It's not "joke" funny per-se, it's the titanic amount of scathing sarcasm that puts Jerry's Book on the next level. Jerry's Book doesn't suck, it's the absolute funniest thing I've ever read. Period.

Jerry's Book Sucks 5 out of 5 fat funny Skulls.

jeanne25's review

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Just when you needed a little nonsense in your life! I started out expecting to not like this book. I don’t much like sci-fi and too many horror authors seem to fail when trying to write humor. So why did I buy it? Everyone was talking about the book and it was only 99 cents. How could I pass it up? I not only ended up liking it, I also bought a signed physical copy and the audio book. The narrator is excellent and adds another whole element of humor to this already fun book. He obviously was having a good time and that can’t help but flow on down to the listener. There is a fine line between “roll your eyes” corny and “bust a gut” corny. Sigler and Woodward are gut busters. “Who you gonna call?”

My only complaint is a small one and didn’t impact my enjoyment for more than a few seconds and didn’t effect my review/rating at all. There is one word, used four times in the book, to describe the physical appearance of Helen. This is a highly controversial word and I don’t care on which side of the debate you fall, it isn’t a FUN word. Yet – this IS a fun book. I believe that two such highly creative authors such as these two could/should have come up with a better option.

I was wavering between a 4 and a 5 star rating until Chapter 24, Why Can’t We Be Friends? I live in the Oklahoma panhandle. We decorate tumbleweeds instead of trees at Christmas. I know a dumb sumbitch when I see one. This is one instance where the authors tip toe up to that fine line of corny repetition and purposely vault over it. Someday I am going to go back and count up how many times the phrase is used in that chapter alone. The narrator had me laughing so hard that I had to pull my earbud because those dumb sumbitches at work were all looking at me funny. (Reminder – will need to revise the phrasing for the prudes on Amazon reviews.)

I have always been fascinated with the seven deadly sins and I really enjoyed the gang's tests. I especially loved Gary’s challenge with his reflection. “Feelin’ way too damn good.” I wondered about the choice of using Nickelback at this point but I figured ok they (the authors) are just a little softer than I had assumed. I was thrilled to see it brought up again further into the book!

This book isn't going to change how you look at life. It isn't going to make you a better person. There are no deep philosophical revelations. But, it is going to let you forget your troubles for awhile. It's going to make you laugh. I appreciated this opportunity to avoid reality for a bit and just have fun. WOOP-WOOP for kicking it old school!