
Anna Undreaming by Thomas Welsh

bookladysreviews's review against another edition

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*I received this book for free, in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own!*

Anna Undreaming is a dark Urban Fantasy novel, following our main character Anna, who has just discovered that she has the ability to wield supernatural powers by traveling through imaginary worlds created by the Dreamers. At first, she's not able to distinguish reality from illusion but, she fights the monsters she encounters in these hallucinations she's lost in, with everything she's got! Her battles attract the attention of Teej, who saves her using powers she cannot understand and reveals that she actually shares them and will one day save him in return! She's an Undreamer, which means that she has the ability to join Teej's fight and stand against the Dreamers, artists that can create new realities which are filled with both beauty and horror!

The setting of the story blew my mind from the moment I started reading it! At first, I had no idea what to expect because the synopsis was very hazy inside my head and I couldn't really remember it in detail. The first couple of chapters were a bit slow but, as the story progressed and I got used to its pace, I finished it in a matter of hours! The plot was very engaging and managed to keep me at the edge of my seat for the majority of it! Its combination of dark romance and unique story line really intrigued me because one complimented the other perfectly! There were so many interesting terms scattered throughout the novel and each time I encountered when, I got even more excited and couldn't wait to lose my self even more in this fascinating world the author created!

The idea behind the novel was seriously so authentic and it's worth reading just because of its premise! I loved the Hazes and how much they actually impacted the plot itself. They weren't really hallucinations and I'm so glad Anna fought through them because they took place in a different reality but still influenced the real world. Her character development was quite impressive and probably what I enjoyed more in the novel! She has so many layers as a character and I loved how they were slowly revealed through each chapter. She's definitely what we'd call a three dimensional character and has a depth that's not very easy to come by in Fantasy books nowadays. She's one of the most mysterious heroines I've come across recently and I really appreciated her determination to see things through, as well as her bravery when it came to fighting monsters she wasn't even sure were real. She really stood out as a main character and learned from her mistakes, without having to repeat them!

Teej was also a very intriguing and mysterious character, who's purpose was to guide Anna through wielding her powers and helping her come to terms with who she's meant to be. He was such a patient and selfless character, willing to do anything in order to help Anna and show her the ropes of this new world that was revealed to her unexpectedly and without a single warning! There wasn't really a romance between them, just the potential of one that I cannot wait to be the witness of! I've probably never shipped a - to be - romance as much as I ship theirs so, fingers crossed there will be one in the next novel. I know not everything is about romance and this particular story definitely doesn't need one to stand out but, the anticipation is already there without overshadowing everything else so, why not?

The writing itself was great and even though I'm not the biggest fan of third person narratives, the author managed to make me enjoy this one! Also, the lack of answers and some pretty important twists really added so much more into the story itself, making the experience of reading it even better! I really appreciated the fact that, there were some questions left unanswered but not infuriatingly so, because that just adds to the mystery and builds up the before mentioned anticipation of finding out what'll happen next!

Overall, Anna Undreaming is a very original story, that captures the meaning of fighting through a reality you're not sure exists, in order to create a better life for yourself! The world crafted through the pages of this book really made me want to get lost in it and the ending left me hungry for more! I absolutely fell in love with Anna and how real she felt, which made it so much easier to connect with her as a character and follow the journey she embarked on! Highly recommend it to fans of dark Fantasy, ready to enter a world they've never experienced before!

wanderwithjon's review against another edition

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Will you come to embrace a new reality in which artistry shapes the landscapes of reality?

In this book, we follow Anna as she traverses her journey of discovery in a world of Dreamers and Metiks.

This is an exciting and thrilling book, indeed. Full of twists and turns. I absolutely adored the making of the story. The creation of everything from the world to the magic and to the rules governing the said magic.

The only real downside — for me, at least — is that it is very dragging. The reason it became a downside to me isn't really something that you'd care about but for the sake of argument, I am putting it here. I got to read a book that wasn't to my liking together with this book and that dragged me down the drain. Which contributed to the facilitation of something called "reading slump."

This kind of phenomenon can better be said to be an amazing situation if you are in a state where you really want to indulge yourself to an astounding environment that will consume you and distract you in your day-to-day stress.

The characters weren't to my liking at first but as the story progresses I see that they are all interesting. Writing-wise, I am confused why the perspective turned to third-person limited to a kind of third-person omniscient half-way through the book.

Overall, this is such an amazing read. A personal situation made it so that I didn't get to fully indulge in this book, but after some time off, I really had so much fun. The ambiance of the story is absolutely consuming and you'll want to know everything as you progress in the book.

ninetalevixen's review against another edition

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I received a review copy from the publisher. This does not affect my rating or opinions.

3.5 stars.

The premise and general mood of this novel are so unique; it really conveys that creepy but slightly hazy (pun intended) feeling of a bad dream — come to think of it, the vibe reminds me a bit of the TV show Falling Water (which I had not realized had a second season! After finishing this book, I kind of want to watch it now, inevitable nightmares notwithstanding).

Anna's character is wonderfully nuanced, with moments of determination and of depression and grief; she's humanly flawed and dynamic and constantly developing, and I really enjoyed that. The other characters felt a little more flat, though they have a perverse quirky appeal — except Teej; he seems relatively normal, if mysterious — and hopefully we'll get more insight into the remaining Dreamers and Metiks as the series goes on.

Plot-wise, I did get a little confused since the scenes tend to flow into each other, which does fit with the blurring of reality/dream (Basine/Haze) but isn't the most pleasant reading experience in my opinion. The action is continuous: there are some lulls, but on the whole it's a really immersive reading experience.

Overall, this was a fascinating read and a solid start to the trilogy; I'm looking forward to the sequels!

content warnings:
Spoilerroofies (date rape drugs), [implied] substance abuse, depression, suicide ideation, blood, death, minor gore, some ableist language

Recommended by Kal @ Reader Voracious.

oddandbookish's review against another edition

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I received this book for free from the author in exchange for an honest review.

I haven’t read much urban fantasy before so I had no idea what to expect going in, but I ended up loving this book.

This book gave me a ton of Alice in Wonderland vibes especially in the second half, which I was totally digging since I love Alice in Wonderland. The book had the same dream-like quality and mad characters that Alice in Wonderland has.

The premise of the book was so creative. People with the ability to build new worlds is such a fascinating concept.

The whole book was absolutely stunning in terms of execution. Welsh writes brilliantly and through his prose crafts a gorgeous world.


My favorite character was Elise. She was just so fun and quirky and I loved that about her. I hope we get to see more of her in the following books.

As someone who majored in philosophy in college, I enjoyed the philosophy references throughout the book. Rousseau, Nietzsche, and Camus were all mentioned by name.

The glossary at the end of the book was tremendously helpful in learning about the their world. I used it numerous times while reading.

The one thing this book was missing was a map. I would have loved to seen a map of The Realm.

Overall, this was a fantastic start to a magical new trilogy! I can’t wait to find out what happens next and learn more about these characters.

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yourwordsmyink's review

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What a rollercoaster ride of a book. I enjoyed every minute of it. Welch created a believable world that I would love to get lost in. I love urban fantasy and this book blended the real world and the fantasy worlds created by the Dreamers together seamlessly. The book comes with a glossary of terms, but I never once looked at it because it was so easy to follow Teej's explanations and understand the mythology of the world. Exposition is done really well and in a way that seems completely natural.

Welch brings nightmares to life with a truly terrifying antagonist and horrifying dreams and creatures. His writing is so vivid and clear, this book was a joy to read. The only complaint I have is some weird pacing here and there, but overall the book was stunning. Welch created a haze and pulled all his readers in for a journey of a lifetime. His characters are well developed and at home in the world they live in. Anna's journey is believable and easy to follow and I can't wait for it to continue in the second book.

kalventure's review

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UPDATE: I enjoyed this book so much that I bought myself a Kindle copy so I can re-read it on the go when the mood strikes me! I'm also doing a flash giveaway on Twitter for three copies, more info & enter here!
"A spark caught, and she felt something awaken. Something angry and defiant."
This is a book that has haunted me and my physical TBR shelf since May 2018. Anna Undreaming was the first physical book that I was sent for review and one that I have been really excited to read, but mood reading stinks. I knew in my bones that this was a story that I would absolutely love, and wanted to wait for the absolute right time to read it... and it just so happens that the right time was eight months later. I'm sorry Thomas, but this book was definitely worth the wait!
"Anna... in a world of dwindling light, you're a bonfire in the night."
This book is beautifully written and fast paced, an effortless and engaging read right from the first pages. Welsh has crafted a magical feeling world just behind the veil of our understanding, a world ruled where monsters roam.
"People experience Hazes... they don't see them. The mind rationalizes it all away."
Hazes are described as part of our world (I kind of think of them like the Fade in the Dragon Age games) and they are created, ruled, and maintained by Dreamers. Anything goes within their Hazes and "within the Haze the dreamer is God and can dream anything into reality. They can change the rules of existence, and they can make and unmake life itself." Think of it like Inception.

Our protagonist is Anna, a 20-something graduate who has recently experienced the death of her husband. At the beginning of the book, Anna and her friend Sue are drugged at a bar she is at by the guy her friend is with "to loosen her up." Lovely. (As a note, you can skip the first chapter to avoid the bar scene and that misogynistic pig Dean.) The side effect of this special drink is that she becomes aware of the Hazes, and her life will never be the same. Turns out she is a rare foil to the power of the Dreamers; as an Undreamer she has the ability to destroy the Hazes, and there is a faction of Dreamers called the Doxa that will stop at nothing to destroy her before she realizes her power.

The entire book is a masterful exposition into a new world just beyond the understanding of our reality. There is a lot of worldbuilding but it never once felt like an infodump. The way that Welsh unveiled the intricacies of the new world that Anna's found herself in is through a mentor, Teej. We are learning about everything alongside Anna, with information doled out as it is necessary in the plot. I never felt overloaded or confused, but definitely was eager to learn more.

We never really learn Anna's age, but early on we find out that she was Anna is a recent graduate, who wrote a thesis called "Absurdism and Camus." I would definitely love to talk to her at a party, because philosophy and I are like best friends and no one wants to talk Nietzsche to me.
"... that darkness you feel. It doesn't go away, but eventually, you see it as just a different kind of light."
Anna Undreaming is definitely a plot driven narrative. There are glimpses about the pasts of Anna and Teej, but I didn't really learn a lot about the characters in this book. Somehow despite this there is excellent character development, which is honestly masterful. Anna and Teej's relationship evolves from skepticism to loyalty, and their interactions all felt realistic to me. I fell and rooted for them, and was intrigued by the secrets of the past that was alluded to throughout the story. I really enjoy this narrative technique when it is done well, like the narrator is "the characters have a secret, and if you keep reading I will tell you what it is." The setting and world of Anna Undreaming is almost a character itself, and with all the necessary worldbuilding done, I am really excited for the rest of the trilogy.

The concepts of light and darkness run throughout the book. Anna is referred to as a beacon of light in a dark world, and Anna has been succumbing to the darkness of her own despair. One of the Hazes that Anna is brought into brings the darkness and despair in a place where everyone eventually drowns themselves. I found it to be a beautiful metaphor for her own grief, and as a person who personally suffers from depression and suicidal ideation I appreciated her falling literally into the depths of her despair but still finding the will to fight. I absolutely loved the ending so much, but I mention it because I want you to be aware and in the right headspace before picking this book up.

This book reads like a Young Adult fantasy in style, but actually features a new adult aged protagonist and other adult characters. If you've been looking for a YA style fantasy with NA aged characters... READ THIS BOOK. I know the NA classification has come to largely encompass a specific genre, but this is a true gem and what I want to see published more often. This book also has crossover appeal with teenagers.

This book is like reading a dream. It has hints of Alice in Wonderland, and I felt like both Anna and I went through the looking glass into a fantastical Inception-like world. The book is fast-paced and captivating, and I really enjoyed it.

Overall this is an incredible story written in the young adult fantasy style but with new adult aged characters! I was immersed into the story with its  Don't sleep on this book and trilogy, friends! Anna Undreaming was published in March 2018 and has flown under the radar with just 26 reviews on Goodreads as of my writing this review (with a 4.31 average on 72 ratings). The second book in the Metiks Fade Trilogy, Anna and the Moonlight Road, will be released this Spring by Owl Hollow Press and I cannot wait!

Many thanks to the author and his publicist for sending me a finished copy for review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

thecaffeinatedreader's review

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I was lucky enough to receive this book from Thomas Welsh and Owl Hollow Press after responding to a tweet about a review copy. My review is honest and given with no strings attached! But still, a big THANK YOU to the and Kal who strongly recommended this book!

It's rare to get a good dark urban fantasy [It's one of the reasons I became enamoured by Holly Black but I digress] but this one was a very good dark urban fantasy. It was creepy without being too much if you get my drift and the 'worlds' called 'Hazes' were surreal and wonderfully chilling at times. Speaking of Hazes and other things, we were lucky enough that Thomas Welsh put a glossary in the back which came in handy at the start but he also does a great job of explaining the terms during his worldbuilding. And his worldbuilding is not only introducing us to this new setting but Anna as well so it doesn't feel out of place or redundant. [The Sump was my favorite place.]

"Never play their game. Their game is always rigged."

Anna is raw, real, she is suffering through a dark time in her life and she has learned a mantra that suits someone living in a world that's felt so harsh to Anna. I absolutely loved that quote and each time I read it I would be nodding as if to say 'that's right Anna, you got this.' Because usually, she was in the middle of dealing with everything under the sun when that quote came up. Her background isn't thoroughly given up and neither is Teej's, but, you don't need their full histories for this, you're sucked into their world and are rushing with them through everything that happens!

Teej, her mentor of sorts, tries to help Anna in this new world she's been flung into but ultimately Anna is on her own, she is the one who is supposed to be saving him and she saves herself over and over and you have to admire that kind of strength. <3

The pacing was on point, it never really dragged for me, I mean I got impatient but that was not on the book, that was on me, haha. And it's divided into two parts but come on, I read right into the second part to see what was going to happen, who wouldn't? I really enjoyed this book and it was a great read for me.

camilleareads's review

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I was recommended this book by Kaleena at Reader Voracious

This is the kind of book that you'll really need to be in the mood for. It's not for light reading at all as it carries some heavy themes and the magic system, itself, will need your entire attention. In Anna Undreaming, I loved the way the pattern between the magic system and art. It reminds me of Alice in Wonderland but in this book Anna has her mentor Teej to help her through her struggles. One of the motifs of the book is the battle between darkness and light, however, the author doesn't draw a firm line between the two. Anna, who had recently lost her husband, succumbs to her grief, drowns in it, and yet she strengthens herself to rise above it. Anna Undreaming is a beautiful book of magic, dreams, and finding one's strength.


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