
East Coast Girls by Kerry Kletter

michelleantunez's review against another edition

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This book is meant for young teenage girls. I think if I went in with that in mind I would have liked it better. It's a book about female friendships and how they ebb and flow throughout the years. No matter how old you are you always need a good female friend on your side.

adanna_h's review against another edition

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Four childhood best friends, who had been more family than friends, take a trip back to the summer house where many of their happiest memories took place. Each one is dealing with her own individual crisis. With this trip down memory lane, the four grown women must finally talk about the tragic event from twelve years ago to mend their fractured friendships and address the impact the tragedy has had on their lives.

This book features very complex friendships that are presented in an authentic way. If you have a group of close, longtime friends, you will recognize the dynamics and nuances that the author writes about so well. I loved how the author describes these types of friends as “life’s greatest first responders, rescuing one another time and again from life’s little atrocities.”

Besides being a book about friendship, the author skillfully addresses the concepts of fear, regret, and forgiveness. It will have you considering the impact of fear and regret in your own life as well as how you deal with forgiveness.

Overall, East Coast Girls was an enjoyable, intriguing read. I would definitely recommend it; book clubs, in particular, will enjoy this story as the group could easily spend hours discussing it.

I read an eARC generously provided by NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

audreyboraski's review against another edition

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Really great story about young friendships and how they change and can be rekindled over time. Initially it reminded me a lot of myself growing up with some friends as a teenage girl but about 1/2 way through the book it changes a lot. I liked the 2nd half and the 1st they just don’t seem to blend together well. Maybe it was because I was listening to it rather than reading it.

yetanothersusan's review against another edition

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I really struggled with this book for two main reasons: I could not accept that these women used to be best friends and the entire story line dealing with Henry. Oh how I wish it had been left out. The women don't seem to really know each other. How could they be so close if they were so oblivious to each other? Ms. Kletter does attempt to set up the foundation of the relationships but it doesn't seem to stick. Maya is incredibly dense and self-centered. Hannah is so focused on Henry that she has no life to the point of feeling guilty for going away for a weekend. Is the book seriously saying that in twelve years she has not had a vacation or get away or anything? And that no one, including these three supposed best friends stepped in to do anything about that? I enjoy a good flawed character, but these made me grind my teeth. I also didn't like how the historical timeline was disclosed. Between bouncing back and forth in time and between people, it felt incredibly dragged out.

Thanks to NetGalley and MIRA for a copy of the book. This review is my own opinion.

haleyandherbooks's review against another edition

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I wish my little stars had the half option because this was definitely 3.5. It’s told from multiple POV and each one really felt like their own individual person. Maya was my favorite and offered much needed comedic relief in an otherwise raw and emotional story. The story itself had me hooked and revelation of the tragic night that separated these four friends was well paced. Overall, I’d definitely recommend giving this one a read ✨⁣

that_bookaholic_gal's review against another edition

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The sun is beating down on your shoulders and you’re in the presence of your best friends. The ocean waves lap in front of you as you hold a cone in your hand dripping with vanilla ice cream. It’s sweet on the tongue. The sticky drops landing on your fingers as the sun competes with you to make the ice cream vanish create a reminder that nothing lasts.

That night the happiness and love you hold dear, the friends you think you have for a lifetime, vanish, you break down. You’re not whole anymore. Your mind reels as memories flood the forefront of your mind. Nothing will ever be the same again. One split second of time has changed everything and erased all that you once held so close.

This book was a heavy read. I expected it in a way, but didn’t fully comprehend what I was getting into. A lot of heavy topics, especially with mental health are dealt with in this book, so I caution you going forward with that.

Now, although this was a heavier read, it was also beautiful. The friendship of the four girls in this book was refreshing to see unfold. Even when we have rough waters to traverse through, there is always a way to come back. You just have to put the work in and allow you heart to heal.

I enjoyed getting to know these girls and their stories. I recommend this one!

TW: Mental Health (depression, OCD, hypochondriac, anxiety), Abuse (physical, mental, emotional), Loss of a Loved One (both in mind and in body).

*I received a gifted copy of this book from the publisher for my honest review.