
Done With Men by Shuchi Singh Kalra

bookerworm's review

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Done with Men is about a girl who finds her guy. I stopped reading it at 30% mark because this book was keeping me from reading the ones I really want to read. The main lead Kairavi is a knucklehead and a loser. She goes for the wrong guys, gets her heart broken and then hits on her doctor. It is a love story which starts in the hospital. Umm, the only exciting thing about my stay in a hospital when I had malaria years back was… nothing. Hospitals are terrible. You don’t even get to take a proper bath, the food sucks, you have to wake up early, not to mention that when you are ill or with broken bones – it is not fun and the last thing on your mind is a cute doctor.

The book only revolves around Kairavi. The only other person with a view point is her best friend. Everyone else you see from her point of view. So, suddenly she talks about her ex-boyfriend who is getting cosy with a new girl in Goa at Sunburn. Umm… how and when did the boyfriend appear? And how did he know she would be here? Why is he staying at her resort? Why doesn’t Kairavi go and say hello? And why don’t we get to see her best friend’s boyfriend? Everything is just so random.

lazydream's review

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First thank you Shuchi for the book and am glad you asked me write a review. Am not going to write the story here as its already been written somewhere. So am writing what all i liked and dint like in this book. I was reluctant to read it because i wanted to like this book and i was not sure if am going to or not. I have to mention that i loved the title. Every day at least once i keep think am so done with men. But i like that species.

Frankly i was surprised by this book. I was expecting this. Because it was good. It was from one person point of view and it was funny and cute. I could see the characters very clearly as i have people like Kairavi and Baani in my life too. I loved the characters. I have friends just like that. It had moments of absolute cuteness and adorably funny. Especially the lesbian scene oh god... i laughed out aloud because well it din't happen to me but it sure did to one of friends.

The only thing i dint like was the perfect Doctor Guy. I dont like Perfect guys. But i liked how she met the doc because that happened to me. Just meeting and crush part. Apart from that everything was just good. I liked almost everything about this one. I would strongly recommend this book... especially to few selective friends of mine. And Shuchi I would really like to know the store where i can buy YOU know what. You did name a store but am not sure if its true and would love to know if they deliver to hyd ;).

nabanitadhar's review

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As the blurb says, Done with Men is a tale of Kairavi Krishna’s misadventures in love. A travel writer by profession, she finds herself in Goa on an assignment to cover the Sunburn Festival during New Year’s. But what actually transpires is a drunken escapade that lands her in the hospital. With a recent break up, a catastrophic beginning to New Year and a long line of meaningless affairs, she finds herself as disaster’s favorite child. But then walks in the tall and handsome orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Vivian, she finds herself falling in love once again. Only this time he seems different than the rest, a perfect gentleman. Is he? Does Kairavi finally find the elusive idea of love that she had been forever chasing in the sun kissed beaches of Goa or rather in the freshly painted hospital where she ended up swollen and hurt? Well now you would have to read this to find out wouldn't you?

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indywrites's review

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Indian Chick-lit romance has sure come a long way!
Shuchi does full justice to the genre and comes out flying high.
Done With Men is spicy yet easy to read and kept me glued till the end. In-fact it left me wanting more stories about Kay and her friends. May be another novel for Kay's friend.
I do not need to mention any thing more than the fact that I too wanted to be tended by the good doctor!
All the characters were so well fleshed out that I could swap them for a couple of friends that I have.
Full justice to the pulsating as well as peaceful Goa. The descriptions and setting just perfect.
Thanks for a great Novella Shuchi[b:Done With Men|20328900|Done With Men|Shuchi Singh Kalra||28176862]!
'I sure want never to be "Done With Men"!'