
Viridis by Calista Taylor

brandylw's review

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I couldn't even finish this book.

ivy_skye's review

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when i chose this book, i was hoping more steampunk and mystery and less romance. what i got was Romanze, some mystery and it is not considered steampunk just because you mention an apparatus. I hardly ever read reviews before reading a book myself, After i managed to get to 22% in the book, I looked at some reviews to see if other readers had the same problem. They did. This book was a quite a bit a let down. I am not sure if i will try it at a later time. The characters were sappy, superficial and predictable. While reading the book, i wished it was done already. I stopped where i did, since live is too short to keep reading a bad book just because you want to complete it. The book was free on Amamzon Kindle, otherwise it would have been a bit upsetting.

winterzeshoek's review

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I wanted to like this, but onfortunately, I didn't make it through the book. The writing wasn't inventive enough to catch my interest.

thewhitneyd's review

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Viridis is a steampunk romance/mystery centered around Phoebe, a woman who owns a nightclub that features her herbal creations- including a concoction that stimulates your senses. A young nobleman is found dead and being a regular at Viridis, everything seems to indicate that somehow the motive for his death involves Phoebe...

I really wanted to like this. Honestly. I'm a fan of steampunk, and while Taylor's story itself is excellent- I had an extremely hard time connecting with the two main characters.
SpoilerPhoebe is supposed to be extremely independent and savvy- she did open a business, and has managed to start a charity for the less privileged, on top of the herbal creations she's made. But she spends a lot of the book letting herself be pushed around by others, fainting, and making some really bad decisions. All while everyone reminds us that she's independent and intelligent.

Seth is a skilled tinkerer (inventor) and just returned from a long trip to the Outlands. He and Phoebe had been involved, but when she said she had no plans to ever get married- he left her, even though her sister had just died. But, the second he's back, he's trying to act as though he wasn't ever gone and yes... he gets her to agree to marry him lickity split. Then, the second anything seems to go wrong, he calls off the engagement without bothering to talk to anyone.

The rest of the cast is interesting. Phoebe's brother Gabriel, is a fairly nuanced character, but very interesting. The villain Victor, is cruel and calculating- though we never quite find out why he's so interested in Phoebe or Viridis. He just is, which is probably the most disappointing aspect of his character. Gavin is Seth's dear friend (and Phoebe's as well). Frankly, I found myself wishing that Phoebe was involved with Gavin because he was a lot like Seth, except not a jerk. The detective investigating the case is a pretty interesting character, with a nice little arc (even if that seems to be setting up later books in the series).

But most of the story is spent on Phoebe & Seth.

The story is told from multiple points of view, and honestly- that was handled beautifully. Everyone had their own voice, and it was always clear who was the narrator.

There are a few love scenes, which are fairly standard romance love scenes- one has a bit of S&M. But there is a moment in the book where Phoebe goes to Victor- and is brutally violated by him. It's extremely graphic, and the decision completely undermines any credibility Phoebe had as an intelligent woman (she does it out of love, yes, but I had hoped she would have used her brain- a nice counterpoint to Seth's fists being what got them into the mess in the first place). Forget warning signs- there are practically neon lights saying that she's about to make the worst decision of her life, but she makes it anyways. And tone-wise, that scene is completely unlike anything else in the book. The book itself is sort of dark, but this is a black hole of darkness, and the book struggles to recover from it.

I find Taylor's world building well done, and her secondary characters great- I just don't care for Phoebe or Seth.

queenalice97's review

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I just could not finish it. It got to the point where I knew what Phoebe was going to do and I just didn’t want to go to that place. She was smart and then her common sense just failed her.

jemifraser's review

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Awesome! I loved Phoebe - she's such a strong character - even when faced with horrific choices. Loved the steampunk setting and the tinkerings too. Can't wait for book 2! :)

goldluula's review

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I appeared to have missed the fact that this can be called erotica when I downloaded it, and so began reading with no idea of what I was getting into...

I guess I should have read the description more carefully :L

The idea is an interesting one, with an elixir designed to make people horny. Interesting. But no, not for me.

I want to go and wash my eyes now...

hitzuji's review

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I actually enjoyed it more than I expected. I liked the story and kind of identified with Phoebe. But for the same reason...


It was really hard for me to read the rape part and everything she had to endure with Victor. Almost made me throw up.


annastarlight's review

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70 % done.. And I'm through with Viridis. This book is just not working for me.

The thing is, this isn't even a bad book. I'm still giving this three stars because it shows so much promise, and it had the potential to be totally awesome. And it was. Until the romance started dominating the story.

I really liked the first part. We get introduced to a steampunkish Victorian London with lots of cool machines they call "tinkerings". Phoebe is the owner of the exclusive club Viridis and the inventor of the drink Viridis that "heightens the senses" (read: make you very horny). There is an investigation, a whodunit, etc. I liked it. There's also a little background storyline of the Cause that fights for the poor, which was pretty interesting.

Then, enter my big annoyance, the love interest Seth. We got of on the right foot actually, which is unusual for me. There was a history between him and Phoebe, which made it easier for me to believe their love. He seemed like a fine guy, nothing really special. I was fine with him and Phoebe hoovering a bit around each other, the little should-I-shouldn't-I game. It was quite amusing.

Phoebe is the standard strong heroine. She is very stubborn and doesn't trust anyone to be there for her. She doesn't trust that Seth will stay this time. And now, my dear readers, here comes the shocking part. Mr Seth has a brilliant idea. While they are in Phoebe's bedroom, they get in a fight. Phoebe is screaming at Seth, doing the strong heroine routine. Seth takes his belt, binds her hands to the headboard, and has sex with her. Even though Phoebe is still cursing him and screaming to let her go. Afterwards, when they're cuddling, their conversation goes like this.

Seth: "Can you forgive me for this?"
Phoebe: "I respect you for what you did. It was necessary to make me trust you."

Pardon my language. WHAT. THE. HELL. IS. THIS. SHIT.

I can't even...

No. Dear Ms Taylor. This is called rape. This is called sexual abuse. This is not romantic. This was not consensual. And a truly strong heroine would not "respect" this. She would kick that Seth in the balls the second he let her go.

But I read on, hoping it would get better. It didn't. If the mystery had been the main focus of the book, I would have gotten through. But it wasn't. There was added a completely unexpected (and unnecessary?) love triangle, and Phoebe was abused some more. She gets locked inside a room for a day, for instance. Only thing she does is slap the guy once and have a breakdown. If she really was that strong, she would NOT have accepted this. I'm a wussy, but no one ever can lock me inside a room for a whole day against my will without me giving them hell.

So I'm giving up. I would love to read a non-romance title from this author. Her world is nice, and the mystery is nice. The romance just wasn't for me.

booksnsims's review

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not interesting enough to warrant finishing.