
Souls of This Broken City by Kayla Kirby

lisadoeslife_'s review

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About the Book

Chase Tombson wants to live unseen by the world so he can be a protective force for his sister, only her and his best friend by his side. Blinded to the war raging on around them, the three friends focus on their lives as young teens while an uprising is growing between those in charge and those they rule over.

In search for answers about their friend’s brutal and mysterious death, Chase’s world is turned upside down when he comes face-to-face with a shadow world hidden within his own. Facing enemies beyond human capabilities, who have kidnapped his sister, can Chase gather allies and mount a rescue? The clock has started, and Chase’s actions will shape the future. Can he make it to the light, or will he succumb to the darkness surrounding him?


Before we get in to the review I have to share this with you ...

OK.. so... let's just set the scene here.. because you know I don't just do normal, plain, straight forward reviews on anything!.

So I cannot for the life of me remember how it happened but I came across the lovely Evelyn Summers somewhere in the blogosphere and I signed up to Quill and Ink Book Tours.. and I am sooooo glad I did..

1) She is a lovely person who is also helping me with a new venture I am trying to set up this year.

2) The books I have been sent so far have been great. I have been a Beta Reader for an upcoming book that I am so excited about and I can just see me enjoying being part of this group.

Just wanted to get that out there.. being introduced to some great undiscovered talent and it is such an exciting time... WATCH THIS SPACE PEOPLE!!!

Anywhooooo on to the book review...

I am going to be honest here. Until I started reading again back in September I hadn't really been involved in anyway in the book or blogging community. I hadn't picked up a book in years and I had no idea what dystopian Fantasy was but I have read a few books now and it is quickly becoming a genre I really enjoy reading. There are some expletives in Souls of This Broken City and some sexual references, so definitely not for children but it is not over used.. I have found in some books I have attempted to read ( attempted being the operative word ) that expletives are over used and it deters from the book and there is just no need.

Souls of This Broken City touches on a few issues that may make some readers uncomfortable, so please bare that in mind before reading it, however I found it refreshing that these topics were brought in to a book but in a very sensitive way. I also love the history that was worked in to the book. The connection that was made to our history was genius and it was incorporated in a very organic way. (that will make sense when you read the book)

The Prologue is where the mystery begins... you jump straight in to it.. no easing you in gently!! just how I like it. "I had a dream...." Yes that is how it starts and from there you are taken on a bumpy winding journey of sadness, excitement, anger, frustration and fear as the story evolves in to this masterpiece. Lives intertwined and connected in ways you don't see until it is written down in front of you in black and white. Always leaving you guessing and wanting more!!.. DO I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION YET!?? Do you get how excited I am about this series yet???

If you are still unsure about whether you want to read it then I will break this down for you.. The story is set in the 2020's, where the military has brought in Martial Law and controls everything from education down to what time you have to be in your house on a night. Any breach of these strict rules and you get arrested.

Chase is a young, troubled teenager, who seems quite bright but has a tendency to get in to trouble at school. He mainly gets in to fights with Bobby, an evil bully that seems to think it is okay to be inappropriate towards Chase's sister Megan.

Now Megan is younger than Chase and he feels he needs to protect her from everything bad including their stepdad who is a nasty piece of work but I could tell from the beginning just by the way Kayla Described her that Megan was a feisty one. She has a fire inside her that she will let out when needed but doesn't feel the need to throw her weight around all the time. Chase and Megan are not popular and are not ranked highly at all in the community so are easy targets for people like Bobby.

Then there is Buck Stealth, aka BS, Chase's best friend..well more like his brother. BS could be in with popular kids if he wanted to given the job his father has but he chooses to stay loyal to Chase and Megan and he is such a loveable rogue.

I do have a very vivid imagination so in my mind when I read a story I like to visualise it as I read it and I can just seen how tortured chase is and I can see their mannerisms and facial expressions. The story is fast paced but it is written in a way that allows you to still get to know the characters as individuals and as a group.

If that was not enough.. Robert, Felix and Fung enter the story and yet again there is no easing in to it with these characters. Robert is a stubborn man with a past he wishes he could forget. He hates his father Fung,and how he seems to have a hold over his twin brother Felix. It becomes clear as to why Robert hates Fung so much but there are burning questions throughout.. that keep you gripped.. What hold does he have on Felix? Is Fung Good or Bad?, What is Roberts secret? Can i slap chase haha (again you will come to understand this question if you read the book haha )... SO MANY QUESTIONS!!!

So how do the lives of Robert and Chase collide??? READ THE BOOK AND FIND OUT

I Could not put this book down.. I was left wanting more but in a good way and all I can say is roll on book 2 because I am ready for the adventure to continue!!

5 out of 5 from this misfit :)

clcannon's review

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If you want a new adult book with a unique story, kick-butt characters, and witty dialogue, this is the book for you! Kayla Kirby's debut novel "Souls of this Broken City" is sure to end up on your favorites shelf and leave you aching for more!