
The Best Man Plan by Jaci Burton

chapterswithcharlotte's review against another edition

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Absolutely adored this book which follows Erin who’s fiancé left her a few days before her wedding with no real explanation. She has been friends with Owens best man Jason since she was a kid and their relationship seems to be developing into something more.

I loved the chemistry between the two in this novel - they were so cute.

Would read a Burton book again

nellesnightstand's review against another edition

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I've enjoyed Jaci Burtons previous books and this was no different.

The possible love triangle aspect was a bit iffy for me as I usually don't enjoy those. But poor Erin was jilted in an email by her bestfriend/fiance. She hatches a plan to have a fling with their other best friend Jason. But he's not having it. He wants more as he's been in love with her for forever.

I admired Jason's loyalty and his conviction to not take advantage of Erin. Their relationship was easy to see and feel them fall for each other.

I could understand some of Erin's actions but didn't agree with most. When the ex comes back and tells all, it's hard, it really is, to see them come together for HIM. But Jaci has me hoping for a great future for the ex and that's a sign of a great author :)

*ARC received via NetGalley for fair and unbiased review

totallybookeduk's review against another edition

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Two days before her wedding Erin receives an email from her fiancée, Owen. Informing her that he can't go through with the wedding and that he is heading off on their two-week honeymoon to Aruba alone. Confused and angry she decides to continue with the wedding reception but as a nonwedding reception - after all, everything is paid for, might as well enjoy it.

Jason is Erin and Owen's best friend, they have all known each other since they were kids. He is on the phone to Erin when she reads Owen's email. Immediately he tries but fails to make contact Owen but heads over to see Erin to access how she is and if there is anything he can do.

During the nonwedding reception, Erin is dressed to impress and thinks that the best way to get over Owen is by having a revenge fling. And who better to have this with, than Jason. However, Jason doesn't want a fling, he wants Erin, he always has. Letting her down gently and explaining that this isn't the best idea she a little put out but can understand where he is coming from.

With more and more time spent together over the weeks that follow, they grow close and that 'fling' happens between them. But is it just a fling? Is Erin over Owen? Can she learn to love again? What happens when Owen finally decides to make contact?

scoutmomskf's review against another edition

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This was a fun friends to lovers story. When I read the prequel novella The Matchmaker's Mistletoe Mission, I got the feeling that things were a little off in Erin and Owen's engagement. As this book opens, the wedding is two days away, Erin is up to her neck in last-minute details, and she gets a break-up email from Owen. Shock doesn't begin to cover her reaction and angry would be an understatement. But she refuses to look pitiful in front of their friends, so she insists on holding the reception anyway. It's there that she decides the best revenge would be a fling with her best friend, Jason, who was also Owen's best man.

Unfortunately for Erin, Jason is not cooperative. It's not that he doesn't want to sleep with her. He does. But he wants more than that. Jason has been in love with Erin for years but lost out to Owen because he didn't want to risk their friendship. Now he has a second chance, but he wants to be careful about it. Rather than take Erin up on her offer while she is vulnerable, Jason goes the friendship route first.

I loved watching the relationship between Erin and Jason develop. Erin is hot to carry out her revenge right away and isn't too pleased when Jason resists. Instead, Jason finds ways for them to spend time together doing other things until he can be sure she isn't quite so vulnerable. Because they have been friends for so long, they are very comfortable with each other. Jason didn't hold out very long against Erin's advances, just long enough for her to convince him that she knew what she was doing. I ached for Jason because he knew that he was risking heartbreak giving in to her, but he loves her too much not to help her. Erin goes into the whole thing only wanting a short fling, then going back to friends as usual. But the more time they spend together, the more her feelings start to change. This freaks her out, and she does everything she can to resist admitting to those feelings. She also has trouble believing that what she feels is real. After all, she thought she had loved Owen, and look where that ended up.

Lingering in the background is Erin's knowledge that she is going to have to face Owen sooner or later. Something that comes up time and again is that Owen's actions were completely out of character for him. More than one person wonders what was going through his mind. When he came back and contacted Erin, I wasn't terribly surprised at the reasons he gave. He handled it badly, causing more heartache than there would have been if he'd been honest to start with. I was frustrated by Erin's actions afterward because she wasn't thinking of the effect on Jason, who was left wondering where he stood. Her kick in the pants came from an unexpected source. I liked that she saw the error of her ways and took immediate steps to fix it. The ending was sweet.

milabeille's review against another edition

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DNF 50%

I just don't like it, I feel like I know what's going to happen, and I don't like how Erin talks about using Jason, the guy is supposed to be her friend since they are kids, but I just feel like she has no respect for him. She just want to have sex with him to get back to her ex because it would be damn painful for the ex if she slept with his best friend, right? but who cares about Jason, after all it's a win-win, she gets to have her revenge and he gets to have sex, so it's all good, right?
And yes, it will all ends for the best, she'll start to have genuine feelings for him and with the hurdle of her ex coming back, it will still be a happy ending (I haven't read that, I just assume it will happen), but I still don't like Erin's attitude.

dani17731's review against another edition

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SpoilerThis book was kind of infuriating. Nobody confronted Erin about how much of a user she was except her sister, and it was just the once! Jason deserved better.

mindfullibrarian's review against another edition

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(free review copy) I adore wedding planner books, I adore Jaci Burton and then DOGS?!? I was all in, head over heels ❤️ This is a major win series for me and I absolutely can’t wait til the next one! If you have read the Play by Play series, know that the heat is WAY lower in this one

jmcfaddy's review against another edition

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This is the first book in this series for Jaci Burton and it was a great read so I am looking forward to the other books in the series. It was the type of romance where you keep on reading because you know who is going to get together in the book and you just want to read about it happening. There were many times when I wanted to give the main characters a push so they would just get together however it was much more fun to read the whole story! I liked the twist with the ex fiance, however there were many hints throughout the book so the twist did not come as a huge surprise. It is a great HEA book and an awesome beach read!!!

msbandthebooks's review against another edition

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I really liked The Best Man Plan! It was a cute story and I’m always a sucker for a romance.

In The Best Man Plan, Erin is planning to marry her fiancé Owen. Then, just a few days before their wedding, he breaks up with her over an email. She is devastated and understandably furious about it. So, she decides to get revenge by sleeping with Owen’s best friend Jason. However, she is surprised and confused when she finds herself falling in love with Jason. She is unsure of how to navigate the new relationship she finds herself in but knows that before she can truly commit to anything long term, she needs to get closure with Owen. That’s easier said than done when Erin finds out the real reason Owen broke up with her. He is sick and getting treatment and she is devastated all over again. Feeling a misplaced sense of guilt, Erin begins spending more time with Owen and putting her relationship with Jason on the backburner. So, she has to decide what and who it is is she truly wants.

Overall, I liked this book and loved Jason and Owen because we stan emotionally mature male love interests

momalwaysreads's review against another edition

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The Best Man Plan is a fun romance about a girl left at the alter. Erin is furious, and sets out for revenge with the Best Man and her longtime friend, Jason. But is it just revenge, or is there more between the two?

I really enjoyed this book, for the most part. I loved the build up of the relationship between Erin and Jason, not quite a slow-burn, but still a bit of tension at first. And there was plenty of witty banter and fun times. However, I didn't really buy the reason her fiancé broke off the wedding just days before it was set to happen. This part felt a little too forced for me, and it also felt a bit rushed by the time we got there.

I would still recommend the book to romcom lovers, as not everyone will feel the same about the ending. And it definitely didn't ruin the book for me, just lowered the star rating to a 3.5 (which is rounded up to 4 for the full star review sites, as I did really enjoy the book overall).