
The Chaos Crystal by Jennifer Fallon

vaderbird's review against another edition

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5 star - Perfect
4 star - i would recommend
3 star - good
2 star - struggled to complete
1 star - could not finish

sequence19's review against another edition

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Well written and generally enjoyable, but I was somewhat disappointed by the resolution.

catlet's review against another edition

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Probably closer to 3.5 stars, the series was excellent but the ending was just so different from what I expected. I don't feel any closure after finishing this, just confusion. There are so many unanswered questions I feel should have been addressed at the end of a series.

eecee's review against another edition

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The ending was a little disappointing - it seemed very much as though the author just couldn't figure out a way to tie up all the problems she'd created, and so she resolved to just dissolve them all and start anew. It was a let down to have the 'arkady' plot line developed throughout the whole four book series - finally, an intelligent, resourceful, adult (not teen) female protagonist - to just leave it as a bit of a cliffhanger at the end. I don't feel that this character got the ending the reader deserved after investing so much time and interest in her.

On the whole however, a very intelligent and intriguing fantasy, with an interesting and well-created world, although some of the characters did seem alarmingly one-dimensional for people who have supposedly been alive for thousands, if not millions, of years... It was definitely gripping though, I got through the whole series in less than five days.

thiefofcamorr's review against another edition

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I really really adored the ending to this book and series. Fantastic.

ora_fern's review against another edition

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The ending disappointed me... :(

g8girl's review

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The Chaos Crystal by Jennifer Fallon

Well, upon re reading this series I actually think I have to lower my initial rating with that ending, not exactly what I remembered. I'm torn really, because there were aspects of this book that I really loved. There was still lots of humour (thought this time not much from Tiji)

"Naturally. Because if we can't trust Lukys with unlimited power, the obvious choice is your sexually frustrated daughter," Jaxyn suggested.

Cayal's reactions to Elyssa were priceless.

Don't worry, lover. I'll never leave you behind. Not ever, she'd said.
"Don't you threatened me," he muttered.

I was truly laughing out loud at parts of this book. Unfortunately I laughed the hardest when I reached the end. That ending, I've read these books before, so I knew how it ended. At least I had a vague memory of how it ended and I was ok with that. I really caught on to the foreshadowing in the book this time.

SpoilerHaven't you figured it out yet, Lyssa? We're not like the characters they put in children's stories who are immortal right up until they change their mind. Or they're killed in single combat--a battle some noble hero is destined to win because his heart is true, or some such nonsense. The power to destroy one of us is the stuff that unmakes worlds

This isn't the first, or last clue in the book as to how it will all turn out for our immortal friends. And again, parts of me were ok with the ending. These characters are immortal after all. Fallon quite deliberately went into detail about the immortals and the myriad ways Cayal had tried to kill himself, or others had tried to kill an immortal only to end up torturing them because they can't be killed. They're immortal. All that was good. And the foreshadowing of how an immortal might be killed was clearly laid out, even though it spelled doom for our beloved characters (and by characters plural I'm talking like maybe three....). But the way in which said ending came about......

SpoilerCayal grabbed a chunk of Amyrantha that was floating in space and tossed it to Earth in anger when he realized that he hadn't died, thus killing all the dinosaurs......??? What? And the plagues and diseases that have ravaged Earth in the past were the Immortals? They've been on our planet for 65 million years? I mean....yea, they're immortal....but come on, lol.

I almost had tears in my eyes I was laughing so hard. Unlike my co-buddy readers I was not angered by this, I just couldn't stop laughing. So as much as I loved the series as a whole, and the last book was still ok but not nearly as gripping as its predecessors (particularly book three) I just can't find it in my heart to keep this rating at a four star. The last quarter of the book was really dragging for me and then to top it off with that ending. I'm disappointed for sure. Do I still think this series is good and worth a read? Yes, I actually do. But I once again challenge you to create your own ending to this wonderful series.

**********Original Review*************
I love Jennifer Fallon, so all I can say is that this was an extremely disappointing ending to an absolutely fantastic quadrilogy. I loved the entire book and all of its prequels up until the very last chapter. A lame cop-out to an otherwise great story. Even though the ending angered me, I still think this is a story worth reading. Jennifer Fallon is an exceptional story teller and this is no exception. Just make your own ending. So close to five stars it's depressing.

ashybear02's review

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4.5 stars. Awesome ending to the Tide Lord's quartet. Loved the end part of this. Really wasn't expecting it (although I know I probably should have). This was probably my favourite of the four. I only wish there was another one, because I want to know what happens!! But then again, a good story should always end with unanswered questions. Loved it.

minomnom's review against another edition

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Es hat sehr viel Spaß gemacht die Gezeitensternsaga zu lesen und ich würde sie jedem empfehlen, der gerne Fantasy liest. Hier kommt allerdings das große ABER:
SpoilerDas Ende ist absolut grauenhaft. Dem ein oder anderen mag es gefallen. Der ein oder andere mag es für genial halten. Ich allerdings hasse es. Nach vier Büchern bekommt man ein SEHR offenes Ende vor die Nase gelegt und es gibt keine Auflösung, wie die Konflikte, die sich angehäuft haben, sich gelöst haben. Nein, noch schlimmer. Sie werden im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes einfach in die Luft gejagt. Wenn ihr Cliffhanger als Ende einer ganzen Reihe ok findet, werdet ihr das hier gut finden. Wenn ihr aber, wie ich, zumindest in irgendeiner Form eine Art von Abschluss haben wollt, dann werdet ihr mit den letzten Kapiteln keinen Spaß haben.

natalierobinld's review

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Oh she totally had me until the end. Way to lose my faith!!!