
Sleeping with Monsters by Amelia Hutchins

divapitbull's review

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This review contains minor spoilers.

Well, that was unexpected. And I’m not referencing the ending – which is only problematic for me in that it reeks of a trilogy and I’m going to want to know what happens; despite that I really didn’t enjoy this installment very much. It was unexpected since I gave Playing With Monsters 5 stars…..and now……this.

I’m not sure why Sleeping With Monsters didn’t work for me. Maybe it’s a case of “too much of a good thing isn’t so good”….but this seemed way more over the top, soap opera-y, drama-llama-ish, than I remember the first book being – and as a result I think the things that annoyed me stood out all the more. In Playing With Monsters Lena came into her power and right before Lucian turned into a paternalistic dickwad – I felt a sense of equality in their relationship. In Sleeping With Monsters it just seemed Lena turned into a whiny, teary-eyed, drama queen. The soliloquys! All books in the Fae series are guilty of them; but they seemed to stand out here. The speeches- part lecture, part motivational, psychotherapeutic monologue! When Lucian tries to defend himself (not that it’s very defensible) and explains that he was trying to protect her from Lucifer when he mind-wiped her and made her think she was her twin sister – this is what he gets:

Lena: “You weren’t protecting me. You were being a selfish prick. You knew the coven would run from this, and they should have been able to. I wouldn’t have run from you, I’d have stood beside you and helped you get my sister out of Hell, but you didn’t give me the choice, did you? No you took it from me and you erased me, I remember that night and everything you said as you turned me into her, every detail of it. You thought I was weak, but I wasn’t. I could have loved you, Lucian. I could have been your everything and you mine, but you don’t want that, you want me destroyed. You said it since the day I met you and I should have listened. Congratulations, you destroyed me. That Lena you eased, she’s gone. I’m not the same as I was, and I sure as fuck don’t need you anymore. You made sure of it when you decided for me. You told me you would ruin me, and so you have. Watch your back, because we are no longer friends. Us? We are nothing, just as you wanted us to be from the beginning. You’re Lucian, the one who destroyed me, ruined me and I’m just the girl who let it happen.”

For the love of God – take a breath! It’s not good when you want to tell your main character to STFU!!

I was a little worried that other reviews indicated that this installment was all sex and little story until the end. In reality there was a very good story with a fairly intricate, twisty plot hidden in there; Lucifer has a grudge against Lucian, Hades is a double agent, Katerina now hates Lucian and is in cahoots with Lucifer, witches are born dark, sharing of souls, choosing to go dark, family drama, evil fathers, pregnancies all around and missing seals that unleash the gates of hell! There’s definitely plot; but it seemed to get buried under minutia and a storyline that could have been tighter and shorter….and of course the sex.

You know what you’re getting into with these books; definitely borderline erotica. I’m just a little over the Lucian/Lena… you/hate you/need you angst/sex fest. Too much contrived tension and conflict. Lucian getting mad at Lena/Kendra for “letting Lucifer in” for “letting him touch what’s his”, Seriously? like she WANTED to have sex with Lucifer – so she could eventually be tortured and killed. REALLLY???? It wouldn’t be that he caused the entire event to happen by wiping Lena’s memories and leaving her vulnerable to flashbacks to their connection? He may as well have served her to Lucifer on a platter – but like a dog with a bone he (and his little band of merry men – or at least Spyder) harps on it for another 400 pages instead of taking any responsibility.

And then the fact that Lucian doesn’t want to let Lena go and makes with the caveman, “Mine, MINE, MINE”; yet then yo-yos her back and forth. Pull her close, push her away. An awful lot of emotional instability for an immortal not at his first rodeo. Granted he may be struggling with a little bit of denial because Hades has to remind him: “You fell in love with the first one; three days after you admitted it, she was murdered – by you. And she keeps dying with every reincarnation. One of you falls in love, and she dies. If she loves you, she dies; if you love her, she still dies. Do us a fucking favor: fall in love with someone who isn’t associated with this fucking curse so that you can know what it feels like to have love and get it back and not have her die”.

I’m also a little over the purple prose of wrecked and ruined pussies.

The surprise at 80% was kind of cool and I briefly hoped that Lena would become a badass again…..but…..not so much. I think I was supposed to accept that she was a badass because she kept saying she was fine when clearly she wasn’t…however truth be told – her protestations of being “fine” weren’t especially convincing.

laura_devouring_books_crumpets's review

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Im speechless.... The ending..... Tears

I have to admit i do prefer Syn and Ryder together, these books are alot darker although part of the same world.

Lena battles with her memories then battles with her will as she tries to come to terms with how she feels about Lucian and those that are betraying her.

I loved the Greek mythology aspect.....

Cant say much without giving too much away action packed is an understatement and the smut is smoldering....

kellyyoungbl's review against another edition

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Absolutely amazing

Words cannot do this series justice. That ending was beyond amazing and, I think, perfect. It only left me wanting so much more.

nikimari76's review against another edition

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I loved this book!!! All the feels!! It really picked up for me halfway through and I stayed up till 5 AM crying my eyes out!!! Love your books Amelia!! Now going back to re read my favorite parts!!

charlottenw1's review against another edition

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It's been a hot minute since I read book 1 in this series since I've been diving in and out of other series in the world.

What the heck Amelia?!?!?! My heart!!!

I honestly thought it was all over and maybe Lucian just had a brutal, miserable life for the next books in the series. I didn't expect a turnaround like that in literally a page!!!!

Amelia has done it again and managed to create such a twisted and intricate story which she's then unraveled before our eyes. I don't even know how to explain the story without maybe giving something major away. It's said, it's twisted and it's everything Amelia does well. Lucian starts to come out and show his funny, charming side which I fell in love with. I mean I love the man anyway because obviously he's broody and has issues but he definitely started to show a different side to himself. The same goes for Lena. Her character started to change and it makes sense as her story progresses because she has to and for good reason.

It's all just a massive brain boom and I will obviously pick up the next book.

bookgramsaga_'s review against another edition

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3rd reread)

''There's nothing I wouldn't do to protect someone I love''

Safety warnings:
- No cheating
- OM drama
- Partial sharing
- Violence/d*ath
- R*pe/s*xual assault
- Dub con
- Torture
- S*icide
- Voyeurism
- Cliffhanger





Book 2 starts off little while after book 1's cliffhanger. Lena's memories have been erased and she is living as her twin sister Kendra who was taken by Lucifer in the last book. Lucian has kept his distance, but Lena knows something is up as she can sense her memories have been altered and manipulated but cannot pinpoint WHO or WHY

She senses her life is not as it seems, there are plot holes in her mind. Nothing is adding up and she is urgently trying to find the reasons, but nothing is coming to her but slowly she is able to remember bits and pieces but relates it to dreams/nightmares.

OM Drama:She does have a scene where she is with Lucian, and she sees him at his club and they have sex but at the moment she truly believes its him but it turns out it's Lucifer who entered her dreams and slept with her as he posed as Lucian and since she does not remember her being ''Lena'' she could not tell the difference. This however does not go well with Lucian, and he is forced to bond her to himself/Spyder and some of his men.
She also gives Spyder a peck in front of Lucian since she is pissed at him and again Lucian is OTT about it.

Partial sharing:While the ritual to get her bonded to himself and the rest, they have to touch her, bite and kiss her. This is as far as it goes, and it's all done via magic. Lucian is the only one who she sleeps with, and he is NOT happy about having to do this, but he needs to in order to protect her against Lucifer. As claiming her like this will stop him (hopefully).

While she believes she is Kendra her grandma tells her to go get a witch who has sent a distress signal and she is tasked to do so with Spyder but we end up (the reader knows) that the apartment they go to is her old apartment while she was away from her coven and they end up at a club where it seems fishy - Lucifer is there but she is able to save the witch and get out, not realizing they were in HELL and they left it. Again, causing Lucian to have a brain aneurysm lol

We also find out that the witch she saved was glamoured to look like someone else but in reality, it is her sister Kendra. Thankfully Lena is finally able to remember everything and knows what has happened, but she also has other bits missing.

She is hearing voices of all the witches Lucian had to hunt through the centuries and this is causing her to put more pieces together behind the scenes.

Once she has her memories and is able to tell Lucian she remembers he explains that his intentions were to protect her and keep her safe and despite her initial anger she knows he meant well, and it wasn't meant to hurt her, but it feels like he undermined her which results in her pain. She also confesses she loves him after a night of love making (different from what they had done previously) and he reacts badly and leaves, leaving her alone and hurt beyond measure.

This causes a ripple effect for her decisions and what life has in store for her.

I knew at this point what would happen as this was my third reread but I am never prepared for the pain that the last part of this book brings you.

A few things occur so here is the list:
1) Lucifer has come to the mortal realm via an opening and hell gates are open, allowing demons to roam and kill people which is causing havoc.
2) Kendra is not herself at all in this book and she is pregnant with Lucifer's baby after her time with him in Hell.
3) We find out Kendra is actually possessed by the original Katarina
4) Lena is pregnant with Lucian's baby (we find out it was possible but Katarina needed to be the right time amongst other things)
5) The baby now holds the seal and is already filled with darkness, Katarina is now happy as she knows that Lucian must kill his own son to save the world
6) Lena is a clone of Kendra just like Joshua and Benjamin (they were the first set of twins Katarina experimented with to make sure it worked).

Katarina reveals she outplayed Lucian and did something behind his back the last time she was reincarnated. She made a deal with Lucifer and was able to create two separate eggs while Lena's mother was pregnant and had them both have each half of her soul, one half loves Lucian and is the dark seed while the other is the one who has no care and is pure. These two halves can be made whole once the other twin kills the other which is what she is planning on doing.

There is a lot more to this but it's a bit complicated to explain so I advise everyone to read it carefully to understand the loopholes Katarina allows which she did not seem to think things over lol

During this entire moment Lucifer and Katarina basically beat up Lena to a pulp and she can barely stand let alone move but she is able to kill herself and eliminate Lucian having to kill their son, her soul would be destroyed ruining the curse and never having Katarina be able to reincarnate again ending the game.

We also find out from her grandmother that she knew she would die as it foretold beforehand, also told her grandmother to pass the message to Lucian that ''some love was worth dying for.''

The sad part is that Lena died believing Lucian never loved her, loved Katarina still and never cared for her. She died believing his actions were for selfish personal reasons and never because he was trying to protect her.

NOW this whole scene of her suicide is heartbreaking, but Lucian's response is the worst part:
1) He cries over her body
2) He never leaves her side
3) He carries her casket
4) He has a moment later where he sees Kendra and falters because he thought it was Lena for a minute.

Lucian also might have NOT let Lena know he loved her, but we know it's because loving her or her loving him causes the curse to ignite and would have caused her death, but he never could have known it was coming to end the way it did. He is celibate during their separation, and he wants nobody else.

Here are some quotes about the aftermath of Lena's death and Lucian:
''Tears formed in my vision and I buried my face against her blood-covered chest''
''He's refused to leave her side even now''
''Lucian had remained true to his word, never leaving her. It was as if he expected her to wake from a deep slumber. or maybe turn into something else''

BUT not everything ends as this is book 2 of 4.

Lena died with no soul which means she is not accepted by Heaven or can be kept in Hell. We find out at the end she is alive but something else, cold, and we also see her with her brother who seems to be the same thing as her.

''You cannot kill something that never existed in the first place. I was never born, I was cloned''

''I couldn't die, I had no soul to take. I'd gone in with that knowledge, that power to face Lucifer''

erinremen's review against another edition

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What?? Oh my god Amelia, you destroyed me!

I knew this one would be dark and horrible and heartbreaking, but I'd maybe clung a little to the hope that the ending would be a little easier to take. But no, I was wrong. I have no idea now to move in and live with this whole you created. I have lost people so I know the pain well, so I k ow it will fade a little every day, so that when you decide the next one is ready you will just rip it all up again! This one is by far the hardest to read , but by no means should anyone avoid reading it. This one cannot be put off, just be prepared. I have "enjoyed" every minute of this torture and am horrified that I find myself thanking you for it. We are truly masochistic, the lot of us!

sigourney_sugi's review against another edition

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Oh my word...I think Amelia broke me. It’s now a week later and I’m still so freaking shocked and all-out emotional over this bloody book. And that ending. But seriously though, I love books that just rip out my heart and tear it to shreds. Everone needs to read this

kaylaabibliophile's review against another edition

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Wow this was such a step up from the first book. I'm bawling my eyes out.

beckiebookworm1974's review

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Bloody hell what a ride and what a finale I'm absolutely gobsmacked and slightly shell-shocked this was an emotional one for sure and I can't wait to start the next book and continue this riveting journey. This begins where we left off with Lena thinking she's Kendra after that mind wipe from Lucian. The poor girl thinks she's losing it as she feels a stranger to herself but with no idea of why and she's determined to discover the truth.

This was action-packed and fast-paced a lot occurs during the course of this Lena rapidly evolves into who she was always meant to be and this girl has reserves of strength you couldn't imagine. There's a lot of push and pull between Lena and Lucian and the spice and darkness was also ramped up a level.

This series is amazing and I'm enjoying it so much but my heart is going to need a minute to recover before embarking on the next installment. Highly recommend reading this series it's so good.