
Sasha by Tonya Plank

sharonsm_28's review

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I received a copy from Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review.

This was an enjoyable read. I thought the storyline was great, but could have been developed in the romance aspect. I think the fact that this is a retelling of Fever from Sasha's perspective is intriguing. I thought the characters were great. Sasha was more understanding and likeable. He has really grown as a character. I really liked Rory. She is smart, witty, and lovable. I think she has a shy yet determined personality. I thought the romance between Sasha and Rory was lacking. I want to see more of their chemistry. However, I thought the ending was sweet. Overall, a great read.

katrinaburch's review

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I received this book in exchange for an honest review.

Once again Tonya has done it again and, okay, I will say I'm biased because I'm friends with the author, but still, this book is well written and just as exciting and Fever was at the end.

Looking back on both series, I have to say I honestly liked Sasha a little more. I'm not sure what changed between the two but Rory doesn't come off as much as a wimp and doormat in Sasha ad she does in Fever and that was one of my main issues with Fever.

It was definitely nice to get more of Sasha's back story and his thoughts.

lili_darknight's review

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I normally don't read same book just told from different POV, but I'm glad I made exception. All the time during reading, I have this constant feeling I was reading completely different story. Even if I wad doubting the characters or story, I can't hold it against the author, because she did something amazing. She is so passionate about dancing that she actually manage to put this passion in her characters and trough them - I just felt it in every word. It made me google the competition, the costumes and different dances, I even watched some videos (and I'm pretty sure, rumba is my favourite now). And that is why I love this series so much. Not because is perfect, but because I felt what characters felt. I was laughing, worrying, crying. I was dancing whit them and loved it, even if I got two left legs in real life. But it doesn't matter. I just enjoyed it and I need more!