
10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse: Lose Up to 15 Pounds in 10 Days! by J.J. Smith

itabar's review

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The reason you lose weight drinking these smoothies is because that's ALL you eat/drink: 3 smoothies/day. And it ain't much!! The average is 1 handful of veggies and 1 fruit/ handful of grapes *per* meal.

If I had enough willpower to eat next to nothing for 3 days, it wouldn't just be smoothies.

amyma's review

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I found this book on one of my daily bookbub emails and was so excited because it was for smoothies and not juicing (what I accidentally purchased last time). I didn't realize the book had the weight loss claim in the title until I just pulled it up here on Goodreads, as I didn't look at the cover on my e-reader. I'm looking forward to trying out the recipes, but think I'll be skipping the dandelion greens, yuck!

readwithrenee's review

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Very clearly presented and simple to follow. A few questions I would have liked addressed, but overall one of the simplest diet books I've read. I start the 10 days tomorrow. Hopefully, the smoothies will taste good. Lots of recipes for after the 10 day cleanse in the book. We like smoothies for breakfast most days, so now I have more than 100 new smoothie recipes.

mgr_classy's review

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Great book. I had great results following the cleanse.

jaymeeloo's review

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Update 12/1/14: Mission accomplished. Finished the 10 days just before Thanksgiving.

The good: more energy, slight weight-loss, slept great and found some great green smoothie recipes to keep drinking.

The bad: experienced lightheadedness/dizziness, sugar craving not curbed afterwards, even thought I found alot of the smoothies too sweet tasting, had to go pee all the time, and thank heaven for the boiled eggs and nuts without them I don't know if I could have done it.

The ugly: days 5 and 6 were really tough. I think it was the kale apple smoothies, I really didn't enjoy those at all. It was on those days that I was hungriest and experienced dizziness.

Overall conclusion: I'm glad I tried it and was proud of myself for sticking with it, it was a challenge that was satisfying to accomplish. As far as overall health benefits for me i didn't loose much weight but that was not my goal. I think the greatest outcome for me is the knowledge and experience of withstanding unhealthy cravings and finding other, better things to eat. The cravings are still there but they are more manageable.

Well I've read it and now I've got to try it. Not looking to lose any weight but the other benefits sound very appealing.

haddyaddy's review

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I am not above saying that this cleanse program is kickass and I'd totally do it again. Even though now that I'm off of it I probably won't voluntary entertain the idea of anything with spinach or kale in it for at least 3 weeks.

Besides de puffing and losing some necessary Halloween candy and "eff it im travelling I'll eat whatever the crap I want," lbs, my skin look super awesome and I had insane energy and focus the whole time I was doing the cleanse.

There are some weird typing/language inconsistencies which bothered me (there is no chance that someone who holds a profession as an actual Editor edited this book), but the content is clear and easy to follow and makes sense. Regardless of whether or not it's actually "legit," I feel way healthier now and my pants fit again which is a total plus, since buying new clothes is super expensive and sucks.