
Don't Breathe a Word by Holly Cupala

blakehalsey's review

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I. Love. This. Book. Poetic, visually stimulating, sexy, tense, empowering. DON'T BREATHE A WORD has it all. I love Joy/Triste's journey, full of realistic heartbreak and fear and courage. A fabulous read and an eye-opener about the teenage homeless.

emiliebookworld's review

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When Holly Cupala's debut book Tell Me a Secret Came Out in 2010, I heard nothing but good things about her and her book but never really got around to reading it. So when I got the opportunity to read Don't Breathe a Word, I jumped at the chance. And of course I found out for myself just how great Holly Cupala is.

Though on the surface Joy appears to be living the perfect life in the suburbs with her family, when you scratch the surface a little everything isn't so idyllic. The truth is, Joy is suffocating in more ways than one. To escape the suffocation, Joy runs away to the streets of Seattle, hoping to find the boy who once said he would help her if she needed it. Now living as a homeless teen on the streets of Seattle, Joy finds running away may be more difficult than she originally thought. But with Creed's help, Joy just may be able to survive and escape her old life. But there are some parts of her life she just may not be able to leave behind.

Wow. Just wow. That was pretty much my initial reaction when I finished reading the book. Right from the start I found myself getting very invested in Joy's story. But soon that story grew to involve more and more people who lives I also found myself getting invested in. Everyone felt very real, an I couldn't help but want things to work out for the best for everyone. But aside from the characters and their lives, I loved just about everything about this book. I most especially loved how well it dealt with the subjects of teen homelessness and abuse. Nothing felt overdone, it was just perfect.

Like I've already said, right from the start of the book I found myself getting invested in Joy's life. But I also found myself loving her as a person right from the start. I could really feel her pain despite having never gone through what she has. But more than anything, Joy was just someone trying to find her place in the world in order to survive. And that's something I admired about her. She definitely had some good people looking out for her, the best probably being Creed. Right from the start, Creed seemed like someone you could count on despite the fact that he didn't even know Joy. And I'll admit that I even developed a bit of a crush on him. He was just so great with Hoy, always reading to jump in and defend and protect her, even when he barely knew her. And that's something that really made me respect him.

Dont't Breathe a Word was absolutely amazing. The further I got into the book, the more I loved it. Definitely pick this book up if you get the chance, you might just be surprised by how much this book as to offer.

jlove731's review

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Don't Breathe A Word is a moving, emotional story about dealing with struggles and learning that even if you think you've hit rock bottom, there's a way to come out on top.

Joy suffers from asthma but that's not all. Her parents are too overprotective and her boyfriend, Asher, is way too possessive. Joy feels like she's completely suffocating and cannot take anymore, so she decides to run away. She takes to the streets of Seattle to try and live on her own, but she quickly realizes how harsh it is on her own. Joy knows whatever happens, that she cannot risk going home. After changing her name to Triste and meeting Creed, she hopes that she'll be able to finally breathe, but things don't always get better right away.

Firstly, I love this cover. The girl with her eyes closed, blonde hair flowing around her face it's beautiful and perfectly describes the whirlwind Joy is thrown into. Also the fact that it's purple and yellow which is two of my favorite colors! Just gorgeous!

Don't Breathe A Word is a very gritty, but powerful book. It shows you what can happen when someone is pushed too far, when someone is forced to do the unthinkable just to stay alive, and what can happen if you give yourself hope. Living on the street is not the freedom Joy wanted, what she finds is a harsh world that she's not so sure she fits into. Could you imagine selling your body for money? Digging in the trash for food? Stealing? I know I couldn't and wouldn't want to.

Joy is an admirable character. After all she goes through she still comes out on top. She gives herself and those around her hope and things to look forward to. She also finds love in the most unexpected way, which I believe is the best way. The other characters in the story I enjoyed as well. May and Santos, who are part of her "street crew" are exactly the kind of homeless teens that show you how strong or how weak (depending on how you look at it) you have to be to survive on the streets. But, beneath all the tough exterior are soft hearts if you just dig enough to look for them. And finally, Creed. I loved Creed. He is very into his music and I so admire that about him. He also, is the "big brother" to their crew and he does what he can to look out for them all and keep them safe. Yet, Creed still has a smart head on his shoulders and in the end he sets things right for himself.

Holly Cupala created a very enjoyable, dark story... a story I really loved reading. I love to read about teens who hit rock bottom and then crawl their way back up. It's the darkness of a book I believe that grabs hold of you at first and pulls you in, but then ends up being very encouraging and inspiring in the end. If you're considering reading Don't Breathe A Word, I say go for it, it's a great read.

**Special thank you to Fiktshun, since I won this book from her! Thank you!!**

jackiestone's review

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I was really dissapointed. It really wasn't as good as I had hoped.
I felt it was anticlimactic, and not a lot happened.
I don't recommend it.

bookladysreviews's review

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I've been meaning to pick this book up for a while now but I had my doubts.I didn't know if I was gonna like it so I kept putting it off but...I had to read it.And I have to admit that,while reading it,I liked and enjoyed it more than I expected.It was a great read and I love Holly Cupala's writing.And as things got more and more interesting,I couldn't put the book down.But of course it was a quick read and it finished a bit too soon but,can't do anything about that.It was really easy to connect with the characters and fall in love with them,and the plot was just so realistic and touching!The events were just moving inside my head like a movie and I love it when that happens!

The main character,Joy went through so much and I understand why she did what she did.I would've done the same thing.She was really brave and strong and I loved the way she handled things in the end.She should've done it sooner but better late than never.I think the author did a great job describing Joy's life on the streets and it really got me thinking about those homeless teenagers and what they must have been through in their lives.Life one the streets is rough and impossible and the worst thing is that,there is no hope.And yes,if you really think about it you'll realized that there isn't.The end was a bit abrupt and really rushed but that way,the author made you believe that there is hope,somewhere.And that after all the difficulties and obstacles the characters face in their lives,they finally got something close to a happily ever after.And that's something...

Not let's talk about Creed.I loved him as a character but sometimes,I just felt like he was really cold and detached from the rest of the characters.And sometimes,it was like he wasn't ''there'' if you know what I mean.But if you put that aside,he was a great character who cared about his little family and they watched out for each other.May was not a character I liked but by the end of the book,that changed.Even though the choices she made made me hate her,she had to do it and in the end,she was just someone that life disappointed.Even though it seemed like she betrayed them in the end,she was loyal and did whatever she could to survive.Even though I really really liked Creed as the main character,Santos holds that special place in my heart Creed should've held.I loved his relationship with Joy,the things he did for her,his personality.He's become one of my favorite male characters.

Don't Breathe A Word was an easy and quick read I thoroughly enjoyed.If you haven't picked it up yet,well what are you waiting for?Of course I wish there were books about May and Santos as well.Explaining what happened to them after the end of Don't Breathe A Word and what they did with their lives.What they went through before.Because seriously?I think they both deserve their happily ever after as well after all they've been through...

cupcakegirly's review

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Another beautifully written book by Holly Cupala that's heartbreaking, gritty and real. Everyone needs some breathing room in their lives but for Joy, it's become a struggle of life or death. Each breathe leads her one step closer to suffocation or one step closer to freedom. Freedom from her parents constant worry, freedom from her boyfriend Asher's control and freedom to figure out who she's meant to be. If she can manage to escape, to find the homeless boy who offered to help her, maybe she'll be able to breathe again.

Joy, a life-long asthma sufferer is literally suffocating in her life. Her family suffocates her with their constant worry about her health - is she taking her medicine? Does she have her emergency inhalers? Will the next coughing fit land her in the hospital again, or worse, will this be the time she stops breathing for good? The medical bills and her parents job situations have taken a toll on everyone in the family. Then there's her asthma. If the air isn't clean enough or she strains her lungs too much she literally suffocates.

Her boyfriend Asher, who is the definition of "control freak", suffocates her with his words, affection and the manipulative way he shows his love to her. (which isn't love at all) He leaves scars that are both seen and unseen. Her family either doesn't notice or chooses to not to notice how much of driving force he is in her life.

Joy's relationship with Asher is unhealthy right from the start. The pull she feels towards him is a powerful one and she recognizes the control he has over her but she can't seem to make herself leave. After awhile, he won't let her. When things go too far one night, farther than just cruel words, or mere threats, Joy realizes the only way to protect herself and her family is to escape.

She's convinced that the best place to go is the streets of Seattle, to disappear into the homeless population there. She's seen them numerous times, even accompanied her older brother Jesse while he handed out sandwiches but it was the last time with her friends that's etched in her mind. Asher had been upset with her and after the homeless boy witnessed Asher's harsh treatment, he'd offered Joy his help, saying, "If you ever need help, you know where to find me." (pg 79) She believes if she can just find that boy again, she'll be okay.

With a drastic new appearance and only a backpack to her name Joy sets off to search for the boy and begin her new life on the street. When she finally does catch up with "Creed", she discovers that life out there is much harder and more dangerous than she ever imagined. He lives with two others, Santos and May, in an abandon house with no running water which means no bathroom facilities and no showers. They sleep on dirty mattresses while scavenging for food in dumpsters or shoplifting it. Joy meets other people too, many of whom are not as nice and who are willing to do whatever it takes to survive on the streets. Whether it's selling drugs, prostitution, panhandling or modeling (nude) for local art students these teens will do whatever is necessary to survive. There are shelters nearby offering clean showers, hot meals and warm beds but many of the kids are afraid of being returned to foster care or in Joy's case, turned into the police if her family or Asher is looking for her.

Joy learns that looks can be deceiving and even though Santos is a tough kid, he has a kind heart and a love of reading. He takes Joy under his wing and shows her how to acquire food and gets her asthma medicine when she needs it. May was the character who broke my heart. She's a product of the streets with a drug addict Mom who proves the point that many homeless kids feel living on the street is safer than at home. As a result, she's built a wall around herself using sarcasm as a means of protection.

Creed is the self appointed protector of the group. (He was also my favorite) He wasn't able to protect those he loved back home so he did was he thought was best and left. His dream is to be a musician and he plays on street corners and fills in at gigs when he can. He's kind and generous and doing what he needs to in order to provide for those around him. It's obvious that he cares for Joy or Triste, as she goes by on the street but he doesn't allow anything to happen between them. This frustrates her but he knows what Asher did to her and the last thing she needs is another guy trying to control her.

Joy and Creed grow closer the longer she spends on the street and she begins to realize that neither one of them can run away from their pasts forever. Eventually, you have to decide to stop struggling and face your life in order to become the person you were meant to be. When she does return home, she's forced to face the truth - about her family, Asher and why she left. She comes through her experience stronger and more aware of who she is and the she also learns what real love is. Real love isn't cruel or hurtful and it certainly doesn't leave scars. Real love is joy, pure joy.

aamethystash's review

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this is a decent book yes but my gosh does it need trigger warnings , i read this book when i was 17 and i assumed it was just about a runaway i didn’t expect it to be so scary ? i feel like yes i understand the reading of why it got so dark but i will not read it again personally, i wouldn’t recommend unless you don’t get triggered from dark themes

lemmyrose's review

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Warning: This review contains some light spoilers.
I don't give books 5 stars very often, but this book was breathtaking. Joy leaves her home and abusive boyfriend to live on the streets and find a homeless boy who once offered to help her. Being homeless, while completely different than she imagined, was still better than what she left behind.
This book blew me away. The characters are rich, full and realistic. They make mistakes, do stupid things, feel fear and embarrassment and all other sorts of genuine qualities. The main character, Joy, is very true to character in the way that she plays the part of a victim trying to break free of her abuser. She is very lovable and heartbreaking. I wanted her to be happy so very much.
Alert: This book is pretty graphic. It mentions a lot of drug and alcohol use along with rape, violence and self-injury. There are a lot of swear words and this is raw in the way that it portrays the world of living on the streets and gives us a solid look into the terrifying reality that too many people in our world face.
The ending of this book was perfect for me. It was realistic, but still had enough touches of fairy tale ending to please the squealing little girl I have inside of me.
Fantastic work, Holly. I'll definitely read more of your books.

thona's review

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Loved it honest to the holy matrimony

nykare's review

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