
On the Edge of Scandal by Tamsen Parker

darkness223's review

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This was a great addition to the Snow and Ice Games series. This is Bronwyn story she is a hockey player and is so happy to be competing she also thinks that her boyfriend Brody is there to support her but she starts to realise that he is not the one for her and breaks it off with him. Ash is the coach of the woman's team and is in love with Bronwyn but has never acted on his feeling for her. This was such a sweet story my favorite so far in the series

jackiehorne's review against another edition

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beckyrendon's review against another edition

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On the Edge of Scandal is a sweet story with a realism I appreciated more than the naughty bits. Don't get me wrong, I love naughty. It's just something about the "Not a ripped muscle bound Greek god" hero that made me like it even more. Do I like those books...duh! I adjusted liked the realism of the hero's character being the draw for the heroine. Not all nice guys finish last!!!

jeannethinks's review against another edition

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This is the first book I've read by the author. Thankfully it doesn't appear that this series needs to be read in any particular order. The title really does say it all. After a very ugly and public breakup with her long term bothering Bronwyn needs a distraction. Enter her coach, Ash. What starts as moral support quickly gets into more than they bargained for. Can they handle what happens when their relationship becomes public?
The characters are engaging. Somewhat surprising at times that the big secret wouldn't have been common knowledge, but you can likely get past it.

emmascc's review against another edition

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3.5 stars
I'm all about hockey romances. This feels way to close to home with the USA womens team winning the gold in a shootout just like the olympics a few days ago

greylandreviews's review against another edition

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DNF'd 57%
ARC provided for honest review by NetGalley

Really couldn't get into this one. Hopefully the fourth one is better.

mags_louise's review against another edition

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On the Edge of Scandal was an enjoyable story. That drew me in from the start, and kept me engaged. Even though it did lose me a little in the middle.

But the characters were likable, shared a spark, and a few hot moments. Plus, it was very easy to read, relatively angst free and fairly sweet.

And I certainly thought it was a good addition to the Snow and Ice Games Series. And therefore anyone who has enjoyed the previous books is sure to enjoy this one too.

**I was kindly provided with an ARC by the Publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**

verityw's review against another edition

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****Copy from NetGalley in return for an honest review******

Ok, so I didn't love this. I liked Ash and the way that he looks after his players and protects them, but I found Bronwyn a bit difficult to take at times - and it turns out that coaches and their student athletes is a taboo that I'm not a big fan of. I really liked the way that the book dealt with Ash's osteoarthritis and the challenges it gave him. I wanted Ash to be happy - which meant with Bronwyn - but it seemed to go against his character to take that risk and to be so unprofessional and risk his career. And their falling out near the end (ahead of the final denouement) made me screamy-angry - he had to do what he did and she should have seen that and realised what their relationship was risking for him and been more reasonable. I also wanted more comeuppance for her ex.

lenoreo's review against another edition

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I received a free copy through NetGalley in exchange for an honest and unbiased review/opinion.

4 stars — OK, this book surprised me in a lot of ways!! And mostly good, so woop woop! I wondered if perhaps it was because I hadn’t reread the blurb before diving in, but nope — there was a lot that wasn’t hinted at!

Ash was so unexpected. First of all, I wasn’t expecting his health issues, and that this would be a disability diversity read. I thought that his struggles were showcased really well, and it gave him a strength of character that I wasn’t expecting. It was hard seeing him in pain, but I loved that for the most part he accepted his limitations and tried not to feel shame for it, but just didn’t want attention drawn to it.

I also wasn’t expecting him to be a beta boy. And he totally was. He was less aggressive, but such a good guy deep down. He was so smart and forthright in his coaching, and I loved the way he saw the game and his role and how he treated both his players and opposing players. He had a true appreciation for the game, and I loved how impressed and proud he was of women’s hockey, and how it differs from men’s. I honestly loved so much about Ash, but he was by no means perfect. In particular, I hated the way he dealt with the scandal of his relationship with Bronwyn, but I’ll come back to that.

Bronwyn was a strange mix of strong and vulnerable. I feel like I was missing some background from her on why she was so needy though… But maybe there wasn’t any reason, maybe it was just an aspect of her personality. But it just…felt like there was more there. I LOVED the way she dealt with Brody in general. And I appreciated the way she didn’t have many good excuses for still being with Brody, other than inertia. I was disappointed with her in the beginning, with her hockey play choice, but I felt like it worked for the story.

I was a bit concerned about the forbidden romance aspect of this story. And at first I was pleasantly surprised with how it came about. I loved that they tried to do the right thing and resist at first…they did take the issue seriously and the challenges of it. But then there were moments that made me mad at both of them… The problem is, I’m not sure how the story could have played out in any other way. But I was seriously concerned. It came back together in the end though, and I was satisfied with how it worked out. I will admit there is a part of me that wanted a second epilogue where we find out everyone’s reactions, but…eh.

As I eluded to when talking about Ash, I really loved the sports aspect to the story. I especially loved the attention that women’s hockey was given, and the kinds of problems they face from ignorant hockey fans (often men) who don’t appreciate the differences.

So yeah. Despite this not being a trope I’m particularly attracted to, I found myself really loving Ash and Bronwyn together, and hoping that they could find a way with few consequences.

briarsreviews's review against another edition

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Surprise, surprise - I am reading another Tamsen Parker book. What can I say? I'm addicted, and Tamsen fills the prescription.

Oh man, oh man. Tamsen loves her taboos, and she doesn't let us down with a Mentor-Mentee relationship (well, coach and team member if you want to get really picky). Throw in a splash of angst with all the ooey gooey romance, and you've got yourself a home run (wrong sport, but you get the point).

This Snow and Ice Games book is all about HOCKEY. As a Canadian, I approve! Finally a book that I will understand all the sports terms and be able to identify if Tamsen knows her stuff or is just really good at making up sports terms! Woo hoo!

Bronwyn and Ash are another great duo. I have never been so happy in my life to see a couple break up in a piece of literature - because Brody drove me insane. Coming from a formal athlete, I HATED IT when male athletes put down us female athletes. Brody drove me up the wall and made me hate him, which might be one of the cons of this book? I wish I had reasons to like Brody, but I really didn't. I understood where he was coming from, but he just fell flat. Maybe one day Tamsen will give him a chance for redemption in another novel?

I loved Bronwyn - she is a strong woman who isn't afraid to give a piece of her mind. I was so happy and proud of a certain moment in this novel, because honestly I was rooting for team Bronwyn the whole time.

There were some points in this novel where I was a little...uneasy. Not with the content, but imagining it actually happening. Lying down and sleeping with your coach? It was consensual, but it seemed kinda...weird? I can see it happening, but at the same time it just seemed odd to me. Does this actually happen? I'm from a small town, so things like this rarely happen (the coaches are normally double the age of any of the participants) around my area. Maybe it's just my past experience clouding my vision.

I will say - this book is hot. It's steamy. It's sensual. It's racy. It's everything you want in an erotic romance and more. Okay, maybe it's not EVERYTHING (this isn't Tamsen's BDSM series, it's pretty calm), but it's still a quality romance novel (with some R rated scenes). I even felt my heart jump a few times thinking about how sweet these two are (and how they finally get together).

I like this series a lot more than a lot of the romances I used to read. The Snow and Ice Games just kinda click. They are sweet, short and sexy. Tamsen doesn't put in useless information, she doesn't lead you astray and she doesn't make you think to hard (Side note: don't you hate those romance books that throw in some "Inception" like plot but don't follow through with them?). Tamsen is the queen of easy, sexy reads! And probably the most important: her books aren't the same thing over and over.

I respect Tamsen so much (and I've said this in other reviews) on how she grows as an author. Some romance authors stick to the same story line over and over and over and over... It gets excessive. Tamsen might use the same premise (romance story, erotic, a little taboo) but she changes up the characters (M/M, F/F, M/F, etc), the plot lines (dramatic storytelling vs just a romance) and how steamy these books go, and so on. These books are all different and have their own identity, which is SO NICE TO SEE. I'm tired of reading the same book by the same author over and over again!

Overall, it's another hit for me. I'm having a hard time trying to figure out which book is my fave for far. I'll have to wait until I read all five to actually put them in an order of how much I enjoyed them, because the first three are all fighting for top spot and rotate depending on my mood (or the day).

Five out of five stars.

I received an electronic copy through Tamsen Parker and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.