
With This Heart by R.S. Grey

eyleen's review against another edition

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I had some issues with this overall okay book:

1. The main character. Abby was really inconsistent. At times she was a shy little girl and at other times she was very bold and out-there. I never knew what to think about her

2. The insta-love. Ugh. I hate insta-love and this one was so extreme I wanted to put the book aside after the first chapter. I mean which girl would go in a roadtrip with a complete stranger just because he's hot?? It's beyond stupid!

3. The ending. Why was the extra-drama and super-cheesy resolution necessary?? I couldn't stop rolling my eyes.

So in conclusion I'm unsure if I'll pick up another R.S. Grey book in the future.

ameserole's review against another edition

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This was really cute!

With This Heart introduces you to Abby and Beck. She wants to taste freedom after surviving what no kid should go through - a heart transplant. When she ran into Beck, he was intrigued and she thought he was strange. Everything changed the day - they took a chance.

Not going to lie, both MC's were adorable and intrigued me like no other. I just felt like things were missing from their storyline or even their backstory. Honestly, I just wanted to know more about them and it's why I flew through this thing.

In the end, this was an emotional roller coaster ride that will either make you tear up, break your heart, or be optimistic af and hope for true love one day. It was so good and I can't wait for my next R.S. Grey book!

rgregory11's review against another edition

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Omg wow! so perfect!

kavmaher's review against another edition

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Cute story!

simplyxkate's review against another edition

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Sweet story. It started a little slow and the way that Abby and Beck meet is a little out there but as they started off on their road trip, I really enjoyed watching their relationship grow and their back and forth banter. At times I felt like Abby seemed immature for her age but I chalked it up to her being sick for the majority of her life. Beck is wonderful. If I could rate sections of this book, I'd give the ending 5 stars.

sophieroseobooks's review against another edition

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An okay easy light read but it didn’t really keep my attention I maybe read 80% of this book. I found it very silly.

j_m_miller's review against another edition

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*5 Stunning Stars for a Remarkable Road Trip*

This book…Wow!

I was honestly blown away. I really enjoyed R.S. Grey's Behind His Lens so I knew I'd enjoy this book, but I had no idea just how much. With This Heart captured me and held on, taking me on a profound journey that I'm sure will live with me for a long time.

Abby Mae is relatively new to most things in life, though she has experienced some of worst heartache that life has to offer. Just as she is about to take a life-validating road trip, Beck appears. Somehow this quirky and awesomely hot guy is able to sneak his way into her plans. They both have no idea what might happen along their journey, but it forever changes them.

Let me just say READ THIS!
I mean it.
Seriously. Read this.

R.S. Grey's writing is beautiful. I was fabulously caught up in the story, laughing and crying right along with Abby and Beck.
I have so many favorite lines. Here are a few.

"What?" I asked.
He shook his head, but his grin never faltered. "Nothing. Just trying to remember this moment." ………
"Why?" I asked.
"Because our lives will never be the same."

"Don't you want to be that person? Don't you want to have memories of this summer that don't include measuring your freaking footprint?"

Staring at each other over that bonfire, it became clear that there were one million ways to view the world, but that Beck and I saw everything in the same wavelength. Like life was one big private joke that we got to share.

I could seriously go on and on, but I don't want to spoil it for you.
It's sweet, funny, and heart wrenching, touching emotion in the most poignant way. It makes you want to look in the mirror and weigh your worth. It makes you want to take a road trip, throw your feet on the dash, turn on some John Denver, and explore everything that life has to offer.

Thank you for this gorgeous story, R.S.!

duartepatri's review against another edition

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3 1/2

totallyotherworld's review against another edition

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Rate: 8/10
Bardzo fajna książka, pełna akcji i wzruszająca

afretts's review against another edition

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This book is phenomenal. It's very nearly a masterpiece. This is without a doubt the very best book I have read all year. I don't give out 5 star reviews lightly. There are only 16 (17 now) on my favorites shelf.

Almost everything about this is perfect. It's sweet, heartfelt, heartwarming, and heartbreaking all at the same time. It's sad, hopeful, and laugh out loud hilarious. Abby was gem and Beck is one of the best leading men I've ever read about.

Literally the ONLY criticism I have is they way Abby's eyes are so repetitively described. They are either "jade green" (4 times) or "sage green" (5 times). This was the only thing about this novel that was even remotely bad. Everything else was perfect.

Read this book now.