
The Tyre by E.C. Huntley, C.J. Dubois, Andrew Lownie

aligra77's review

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This isn’t my usual type of read but boy am I glad that I did! I really loved this book about a poor Indian family and their hopes and dreams. I was quickly hooked as the story gently draws you in and you find yourself rooting for Ranji and his family.

Ranji and his family’s lives are dependent on what he can scavenge by the roadside each day. One day a tyre falls from a passing truck, is this a blessing and a possible way out for him and his family or will it prove to be a curse? As Ranji becomes obsessed with trying to sell the tyre he begins to neglect all that he holds dear, including his wife whose eyes start to wander.

This is a book about hope and perseverance and about how a life of poverty can be lived with respect and dignity.

Thank you Thistle Publishing for providing me with a free copy of this book for an honest review.

barnsey's review

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The Tyre tells the story of Ranji and his wife Meena who are from a lowly caste in India. Illiterate and barely managing to scrape a living for life's essentials - food, clothing and a roof over their heads - they have no choice but to withdraw their son from education and send him to find work in a city far from home.

When an enormous tyre falls from a passing truck, Ranji believes his prayers have been answered. Full of renewed hope for the future, he begins the arduous task of finding a buyer. He hopes the sale will make his and Meena's lives easier by using the profit to buy a second-hand bicycle.

The Tyre is a delightful story of hope in the face of adversity. It's a social commentary on India's caste system - where the top flourish and the bottom, or dalit (untouchables), are stuck in poverty. It's about injustice, hopes and dreams, expectations and survival. Will selling the tyre really bring happiness to Ranji and Meena or does it already exist within them?

Far from the usual type of books I normally read, this was a simple tale with a beautiful message. I'd like to thank C. J. Dubois, E. C. Huntley and David Haviland at Thistle Publishing for sending it my way.

Grab yourself a copy here (UK only):

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