
Team Awkward by Katy Birchall

mehsi's review against another edition

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Anna is back again! And in this book she tumbles through life again. Throwing discus in people’s faces backwards, really, don’t ask, falling in plant pots and much much more!

I was delighted when this book came in yesterday, finally my pre-order was here and finally I could read it! I have been looking forward to it ever since I finished book 1 and found out about 2.

Anna is a great character, hilarious, and I do wonder how she has survived up to age 14 so far. I mean, this girl is so accident prone that it is a miracle she is still in one piece (and those around her as well). OK, sure, she also has some good talents, but she has an uncanny skill to do something which she totally didn’t mean.
But she is also determined, determined to get better and to stop stumbling around. In this book we can also see it. She is at times depressed, but she still continues to try out, to try to find something she is good at, and that she wants to do.
Her crush on Connor was adorable, though I am sad we didn’t get a lot of romantic moments, I was really looking forward to it after the last book. :(

However, I do have to say that I didn’t always like Anna. She was just so depressing at times, and yes, I can imagine why, but still, I just got tired of her going on and on that she couldn’t do one thing, that she was hopeless and all that. Don’t get me wrong, if it was a bit less dramatic I might just have liked it. But after a few times of it? I got bored and just wanted to shake Anna and tell her to stop being so negative. Yes, you are a clumsy girl, but I am sure you can do great things. You are great friends with your friends, you are motivated to try again, you are doing fine in school, you have a great family (though crazy, very very crazy), and you have Connor (though that one was kind of meh in this book).

Connor didn’t help in this book. In the end we find out why, and all that, but by then I couldn’t give a damn about Connor. He mostly dodged Anna, he didn’t even try to go on a date with her, barely talked to her. I just didn’t like Connor. The last parts really made him better, but yeah, my thoughts for him were still negative.

But in overall, I just laughed my butt off while reading this book. Wedding planning, and all that follows with that (Dear Lord, I just felt sorry for the dad), Dog and his antics (seriously how did that dog survive until now?), Jesse and Danny’s stuff (especially Jess is a magnificent and fun character), the whole sports event that is going on in the book (and all that happens around and at the event).
It was a great book and I flew through it.

I also loved that we had email and note conversations, I really loved reading those!

What more can I say? Well, I would love to see a third book about our It-Girl Anna, after all we still got a wedding, and some stuff with Connor is just starting off, also I would like to see the new couple that popped up (which was kind of suprising, but I quickly saw that these two liked each other (though Anna… did not, her reaction was brilliant)).

Would I recommend this book? Yes. It might get a bit depressing at times, but for most of the time you will be laughing your butt off.

Review first posted at

michalice's review against another edition

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I loved the first book in this series, so when Team Awkward landed on my door step I was pleasantly surprised, but disappointed that I wouldn't find time to fit it in before publication. Months later and the Easter weekend off work, I dove head first into this book, and devoured it in a matter of hours. With that in mind, I have no review notes for this book, I'm writing this review from what I can remember.

The thing I love about this series the most is it isn't a serious book, you don't have to think you way through twists and turns, it's a fun read that doesn't leave your brain packed with details. Its a perfect book to escape the world for a few hours.

Things are just as crazy for Anna as they were in the previous book, her Dad and  Helena are trying to plan their wedding with some outrages dresses and ideas, Anna has also been slated by the press, as being an IT Girl for nothing. But Anna is determined to prove she can do something, even if it means volunteering herself as the Puffins captain for sports day, a decision made even worse when Anna has not got a sporty bone in her body. With the help of a fellow team mate, Anna starts her training, and although it's funny to read, it definitely puts me off running for life.

Anna is such a lovable character, you can't help feel sorry for her and the predicaments she gets herself into, one of them being gullible and believing Jess...which is something I can relate to.

Team Awkward brings back our favourite characters, including Dog. It draws us into the chaos of Anna's life, but leaves us laughing at the events that occur. We get to meet a few new faces who only end up in our good books, and it leaves Sophie with a lot to be embarrassed about

Final Verdict
Team Awkward is a fun, quick read, and is sure to appeal to fans of the Geek Girl series.

zackarinareads's review against another edition

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Wie der erste Teil auch ist dieses Buch recht amüsant und leicht mal eben so zu lesen.
Auch die Charaktere sind eigentlich ganz nett, allerdings führen sie zum Teil extrem unrealistische Gespräche.
Ich habe außerdem nicht verstanden, warum es ein großes Problem für Anna ist, dass sie für nichts Bestimmtes berühmt ist, weil das auch eigentlich keiner von ihr erwarten kann und sie ja theoretisch auch nicht darum gebeten hat, berühmt zu sein.
Darüber hinaus ist die Handlung zum Teil etwas vorhersehbar.

Naja insgesamt ganz nett, wenn auch etwas unlogisch.

isabellhaaa's review against another edition

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even though i've read this book more times than i can count, it always makes me laugh and i absolutely loved it as always

wilhelmiina's review against another edition

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This book was just brilliant. Funny and entertaining. I highly recommend it!

rebecca_hedger's review against another edition

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I love this series a lot! I think the voice is great and I love how emails and voicemail messages are woven into the narrative. On to the next one I think...

emhromp's review

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Och wat heb ik weer heerlijk gelachen om Anna en om het commentaar van haar omgeving. Vreemd genoeg vind ik dat Anna's vader en mijn vader wel een beetje op elkaar lijken. Zou ik daarom ook zo awkward zijn?

De humor is gewoon heerlijk en ik zou dit boek aan alle meiden vanaf een jaar of elf aanraden!

zackarina_reads's review against another edition

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Wie der erste Teil auch ist dieses Buch recht amüsant und leicht mal eben so zu lesen.
Auch die Charaktere sind eigentlich ganz nett, allerdings führen sie zum Teil extrem unrealistische Gespräche.
Ich habe außerdem nicht verstanden, warum es ein großes Problem für Anna ist, dass sie für nichts Bestimmtes berühmt ist, weil das auch eigentlich keiner von ihr erwarten kann und sie ja theoretisch auch nicht darum gebeten hat, berühmt zu sein.
Darüber hinaus ist die Handlung zum Teil etwas vorhersehbar.

Naja insgesamt ganz nett, wenn auch etwas unlogisch.

taegibee's review against another edition

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I still have all the same issues with this book as I did the first. The opening joke of Anna falling in a plant pot was dragged out way too much, but I am living for Rebecca and Helena's friendship.

_laurenhorsley_'s review against another edition

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I really like how this book follows the life of a normal teenage life as well as the fame element Anna Huntly faces. One of my favourite parts is the focus of teamwork, inspiration and not giving up. It clearly shows you don't need to be the best at something to excel and that teamwork really is the best.

The it girl follows the life of Anna Huntly as she hides behind the attention of media and tries to change the media's perception of her. After her dad getting engaged to a famous actor all eyes are now on Anna. She faces the attention of the media and criticm of it girls being useless and famous for nothing. Anna is determined to change this, mainly in the hopes of winning over the boy she likes. But to do this Anna has to go out her comfort zone. She volunteers as sports day team captain to prove a point that with a bit of hard work and determination you can achieve whatever you put your mind to