
The Mermaid's Touch by Lynn Patrick

turophile's review

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Sometimes I books on impulse, particularly ebooks, because the cover and description offer promise. Those purchases don’t always work out, especially where I look closely at reviews or learn more about authors.

I bought this book because I thought it was about mermaids and a friend in my writing group is writing a mermaid tale. Unfortunately, it’s a contemporary novel where the hero thinks he sees a heroine in the opening scene but it’s really a human. That’s not what made me dislike the book, but the unmet expectations didn’t help.

I can’t put my finger on what made me dislike this book, but it may have been the feeling that the author (or authors, as it was actually written by two women) were trying to hard. Too many adverbs. An attraction between the characters that is too instant and a relationship that’s built mainly on sexual attraction and nothing else. Cliched phrasing. And a truly unbelievable plot line.

Our hero is investigating the sinking of several ships, including one that had nuclear-energy rods. Call me crazy, but if there were nuclear-energy rods going missing it seems like it would be a much bigger deal. International incident kind of deal.

I can deal with one or two of the flaws mentioned above, but not that many in a romance where the characters and their romance don’t develop well.

Rated on my 5 star romance scale.
