
Get Real, by Tellulah Darling

bookwyrm32's review against another edition

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Oh. My. Gosh....

This was the first book that I've read by this author and I just have to say; Tellulah, Darling, you did an amazing job of making me want to read more!

Hot swoony guy? Check
Sassy girl? Check
Action and suspense? Check
Cheeky comments and moments that will make you laugh? CHECK

I'd recommend this book for anyone who wanted a fun romance read with a good dose of fantasy thrown into it. As well as a good adventure!

Read this book. You won't regret it.

denizyildiz's review against another edition

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Swoony? Yep
Cute? Uh-huh
Fun? Oh yes!
Cheeky? It's Darling...
Must read? Defo!

A cute & fluffy must read!!


Straight up: the book delivers exactly what it promised.
It's got loads of action, sassy characters and swoony romance. And if you loved Darlings previous books, you going to adore this one.

My first coherent thought when I finished: I want more...My second: I think this is Darling's best novel to date. ( I did totally fangirl all over my Goodreads review before I actually could have a coherent thought)

The story-line is super fast- in the best sort of way, Darling throws you into the deep end right from the start. And there is action non-stop. In fact I read this more or less in one reading. It's the kind of novel you don't wanna put down, because something important is always happening.

The romance is sweet and swoony. There is a huge amount of fun banter going around. I definitely could tell this is a Darling book when it comes to those two aspects but I also could tell by the group of friends. Essentially Darling thrives at the cute, sassy and funny thing but also she builds great groups of friends- diverse groups, I could see parallels between this group and the group in the previous books. Not that I mind at all. Mainly because Darling did a good job at character building. Each character is unique and relatable. She really does a good job at bringing in their different backgrounds, their fears and strength. Even though at times they do feel a bit politically correct and a tad cliche. At least I felt like this at the beginning of the book. At the end of it though? I still do think that, but I don't care. Because I grew to love this group of misfits and I seriously do hope there will be loads of more books about them, each one of them.

The writing style is classic Darling: fun, sassy with a seriously good dose of humor. I love her writing style and I honestly can say she is one of my favorite authors in this genre. Very few manage to keep the balance between action, humor and romance- she does. Her books are entertaining and fun, but also they are well written.
While I would say that Darling's strength lies in her humor and her character building....
In Get Real my favorite part was the world building.

Honestly it's fabulous! I totally love the idea. And it's incredibly well done. I love the traveling aspects. And most importantly for me, Darling gets the different locations beyond right. Because New York in get real is still my New York and so is Rome... and all other locations. Which is actually due to Darling's amazing writing, her descriptions of the locations is great, but she conveys the feel of the venues so incredibly brilliant, that I felt like I was there again. I should mention that I've been in most places Darling does describe... So it's not just me imagining how a place should be, but I actually experienced it. And again she just got it right.

So if you looking for a cute & fluffy adventure, that's well written - this is YOUR book.

bookbriefs's review against another edition

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**You can see this full review and more at Book Briefs:**

I love Tellulah Darling so much. I am such a big fan of her mythology series, the Blooming Goddess series. But sometimes you never know what to expect when you read something totally different from an author. Get Real is a new adult urban fantasy romance and I am here to was SO. FREAKIN'. GOOD!! This is on my list of top 2015 reads. Get Real is one of those books that made me totally unsociable and rude. I flat out ignored people to keep reading. If you like your paranormals or urban fantasy with a heavy side of romance, Get Real is the perfect book for you.

Get Real puts us in the international world of cads, or people with magical abilities. These abilities generally fall into one of 5 (or 6) categories, with people in each category have particular sub-strengths and gifts. These gifts point them in the direction that their schooling will take place. Get Real is the story of Francesca, a fiery Italian "good girl" that comes from a very prestigious healer family. Only problem is, Frankie doesn't want to be a healer. She wants to use her ability to manipulate bio matter to become a boiler, a law enforcement field agent. The other side of the equation is Rafael, who has a really cool power (nope not telling) and he just wants to make it on his own, and not his father's name. Frankie and Rafael have a fiery bantering relationship, which I could just not get enough of. I loved that their romance was front and center throughout Get Real, but at the same time it didn't compete with the awesome action story that was taking place.

See, Rafael and Frankie get sucked from Europe to New York by some unknown force, right before their induction into adult training. Which leads them into the bulk of the action of the story. I love how fast paced and intense their fight was to figure out what was going on with Minna, the mysterious girl they think is behind it all. Minna reminded me of Jason of the X-men. That should give you some idea of how crazy the book could turn at any moment.

I love the powers aspect of Get Real, but the real star of this book was the clash of personalities between Rafael and Frankie. And their romance of course. I know this may seem kind of strange, but I also really liked that she was Italian and he was Spanish. Normally you only see one accent in a couple, but here we had two! And each one of them thought the other's accent was cute. It was all totally adorable to me. I cannot say enough good things about Get Real. It has one of the best romances I have seen in a new adult paranormal or fantasy. The storyline is utterly engaging and the writing is perfect. Everyone needs to read this book. Tellulah Darling is a fantastic writer. One of the best books I have read this year.

This review was originally posted on Book Briefs

nicolemhewitt's review

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This review and many more can be found on my blog: Feed Your Fiction Addiction

Get Real is a New Adult paranormal romantic comedy with a fun and sassy cast of characters. The book takes place in an alternate version of the world where a small subset of the population has powers. There are four different types of "Cadabras" (people with powers) - Bruisers, who either have super strength or super speed, Bios, who can manipulate organic materials, Moody's, who can read or manipulate people's feelings, and Gizmos, who can manipulate technology and the like. Francesca is a Bio and has spent her whole life training to be a Healer, like her mom - but what she really wants is to become a sort of Cad detective. She can't bring herself to tell her moms that, though. But when she and Rafa, who has his own parental issues, find themselves under magical attack, they end up investigating and Rafa might get her chance to solve magical crimes after all.


I loved Francesca's brand of snarky humor and smarts. She was the type of character that I easily was able to like because she was believable and real. And while she had a whole slew of positive qualities, she wasn't without a flaw or two (her biggest being her inability to speak up for herself to her moms - she truly was a good girl with a snarky undertone, which I kind of loved).

Cultural diversity.
The characters in this book were very diverse. Just with the two main characters, you had three different languages thrown in - Francesca was Italian and Rafa was Venezuelan. I liked seeing bits of those cultures and languages thrown in throughout the book. In the author's notes at the end, I found out that Darling has family members from both of these cultures and she pooled from her experiences with them and used their expertise to help write the book - it showed because it all felt very authentic!

The magical system.
I loved Darling's brand of magic - similar to superpowers but with enough differences to make it unique. I was especially intrigued by how the Cads used magic with their technology. The powers were interesting because, although there were only four major types, they could manifest themselves in different ways, giving the Cads very different ways that they could use them. And I'm eager to find out more about Minna's unique brand of magic in future books - I can't give away too much about what makes it unique without spoiling things, but I'll just say that I'm very intrigued!

The negatives:

Slightly confusing in some small parts.
While I loved the magical system in this book, there were times that it was just a little bit confusing - trying to figure out who could do what and why and why Minna's magic was so different. Also, the characters traveled a lot (and very quickly, due to the magic involved) and I sometimes had trouble keeping track of where they were. I wish there had been a little bit more definition to the settings, especially the foreign ones. There were three narrators to the book (Francesca, Rafa and Minna) - I didn't have trouble keeping track of who was who or anything, but people who aren't fans of multiple narrators might find this to be a negative. Really, though, the moments of confusion or keeping track of these things was minimal - I mostly just really enjoyed this book!

This is the second series I've read by Darling (LOVED her first one) and this one does not disappoint - I'm eager to see what Darling has in store in future books! Oh, and while this is a series, there's no cliffhanger - it could almost be a standalone except for the overall story arc that Darling has created - I thought that she did this perfectly - gave us resolution but a definite direction for future books. I give this installment 4/5 stars.

***Disclosure: This book was provided to me by NetGalley and the author in exchange for an honest review. No other compensation was given and all opinions are my own.***

bookishlyruby's review

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Rating: 4.5 stars

*Disclaimer: I received an eARC from Te Da Media and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

It's no secret that I love Tellulah Darling's books. So it should not surprise anyone that I adored Get Real.

Francesca was such a funny heroine. I loved her sense of duty. I was so sad for her because she was willing to give up her dreams to keep her family traditions alive, but in a way I also understood her and her reasons. I loved her relationship with her friends. I can't wait to read more about her in the next books and see how other characters perceive her.

Rafael....Oh my. He was cute. It was interesting to see things from his perspective too. It also helped me like him a lot, because I feel like I wouldn't have been too fond of him had the story been told only from Francesca's POV. This way I got to understand his reasons and I really felt bad for him.

What was interesting about this book was how the subject of sexual orientation was approached. It didn't give me the impression that it was something so out of the norm and it wasn't taboo or something that needs to be kept a secret. Which was great and I really want to read more books like this. It was also refreshing to see how certain relationships are mended in a way, how sometimes we have the wrong idea about a person really close to us and how we can judge them harshly for something they didn't do. Lots of cold truths in there and I really enjoyed that.

At times the story moved a little too fast, but while a bit confusing, it also helped experiencing a little of what Rafael and Francesca were experiencing. I loved the phrases in other languages. It made the characters feel real in a way. It helped that I knew what the phrases meant, I know, but for me it made it real that these characters have a multicultural background.

I did not expect that ending. I really, really want to know what happens next.

ruthsic's review

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Francesca Bellafiore is a good Jewish girl, living up to family expectations that she use her magic to heal others. Underneath, she’s a wannabe badass with her heart set on becoming a detective and solving magical crimes. But nice girls don't disappoint their moms. Party boy Rafael Muñoz does everything possible to publicly disappoint his high profile father. Privately, it's a different story. His carefully crafted bad boy reputation masks the fact he’s a master illusionist, forced into solo covert ops. The role is wearing thin and Rafael longs to be part of a team.

When Francesca meets Rafael at a friend's party, she's taken by the sexy stranger. Until he speaks. Beautiful plumage doesn't compensate for spectacular ego. Rafael finds Francesca's sweetness a turn-on. For about five minutes. Judgmental golden girls are more trouble than they're worth. Then a terrified girl with reality warping powers, locked and loaded on their destruction, whisks the pair to Manhattan. Francesca and Rafael are caught in a web of magic, minions, secrets, and enough sexual tension to power NYC. Desperate to prove themselves, their only chance to save the city and survive is to team up, trust each other–and maybe even fall in love. Provided they don't kill each other first.

I have read Tellulah Darling's Blooming Goddess series before, and it had a pretty good romance, so I was interested in how the author would fare in the new adult genre. Granted, I haven't read many in NA but that's more due to the plots not appealing to me. Get Real sets a brilliant world in which magic is a part of life; there are humans who have magic, called Sapiens and those who do, called Cadabras. Not the most intelligent naming, if you ask me, including that of the magical types and MAGE. So, the story revolves around these two freshly graduated teens who by some chance, get involved in an unknown girl's magic. Instead of going back to the MAGE and letting the pros handle it, they are determined to prove themselves to their respective families and so they set out as mystery solvers.

Now while they are on the run, being hunted down by this powerful girl, they have time to initiate a romance (of course) and much of it is hot glances and vague attempts at flirting, and some getting each other off. The attraction between them seemed forced at times, and the rest of it was mostly him being a douche and trying to create superficial obstacles. Was I really supposed to root for them? The secondary characters were more interesting than their romance! As for them, they are really a great group of friends - the perfect gang to hang out with, having each others' backs and being perceptive of others' feelings. The antagonist(?) of the story, Minna had a few chapters devoted to her, but it gave no indication as to why she was trying to freaking kill them. Deter them - I understand, but she sent katana-wielding minions after them, man! And nobody has a problem with that, even until the end! Also, the added Spanish and Italian words just caused redundancy when followed with the English words. Speaking of unnecessary, the details were focused in wrong places, like clothes (every outfit described!) and backstories, which don't fit with a first-person POV.

In summary, good world-building (definitely has potential) and general plot, but suffers from bad writing and not clear delineation of obstacles.

Received a free galley from Te Da Media via Netgalley; this does not influence my opinions or review.