
Awakening by Laura Greenwood

megansendlessreads's review

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Not exactly sure of what to make of this book because so many things went down and I don't know if I like it yet. This might be one of those books that I have to read a second time and then see how the series progresses in order to get into the characters and the plot. I just felt a little disconnected to the characters and their plight where usually in a book that interests me I become attached to these characteristics of a novel. I guess I'll wait and see what happens next for the two characters of this novel now that a choice was made and a path chosen...

momwithareadingproblem's review

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I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of this review

Let me preface this review with saying that this novella was just okay for me. I’m not big on erotica books and this would qualify as such.

Awakening by Laura Greenwood is the first book in a unique retelling of the classic Sleeping Beauty. Keira is the princess of Alventia and her whole life she has heard the stories about her mother’s curse. However she doesn’t believe them, until the eve of her 18th birthday she sits down at a spinning wheel, pricking her finger and falling into a wakeful sleep. Aware of what goes on around her but unable to respond, Keira drifts through life for 96 years until her Prince awakens her. But she doesn’t wake up human, instead she is now a vampire cursed to be either the greatest Queen Alventia has ever seen or usher in the Darkness to her kingdom.

So I didn’t love the characters of this book. Keira and the Prince fell flat for me. There wasn’t a lot of exploration into the reasoning behind their actions. However since this is a novella I’m able to overlook this. Keira starts out as your typical princess, but during her sleep changes into what I call a vampire…you know drinking and craving blood, though daylight doesn’t seem to be an issue for her ;) Philip the Dark King’s son is the prince lucky enough to waken her. Philip is kind and despite his upbringing I found him rather sweet. His whole focus is on Keira. Everything he has done has been for her. It’s a bit overwhelming to wake up after 96 years to find your Prince has been searching for you that long!

This novella centers around Keira becoming whatever she’s become after her cursed sleep. Keira accepts her fate without much question or emotion. Me…I would’ve been freaking out if I woke up craving blood, Keira acted like it was just another day. Then there was the insta-love or I guess it was more lust between Philip and Keira that then turned to love. I don’t know why but it kinda annoyed me. I mean she wakes up after 96 years and basically jumps the guy. I mean kiss the guy sure but jump in the sack with him…I don’t think so.

Overall the premise of the story was intriguing and the ending itself was enough to leave me wanting to read the next one. Also I love the tie in to Hansel and Gretel. In this retelling they are seers and Gretel is a powerful witch. I <3 Gretel! She’s my fave character. If you enjoy dark fantasy, fairy tale retellings, and new adult then I think you’ll enjoy this book. Just keep in mind it is a novella, so it is short!

kasfire's review

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4/5 Stars

This was a short but pleasant read. It was also an intriguing twist to the Sleeping Beauty fairy tale. In this rendition, Keira is cursed to join the Darkness after she turns eighteen. Her aunt casts a sleeping spell on her in order to try and keep this from happening.

I found this an intriguing read because Keira essentially becomes a vampire, but one that chooses the light. And I also liked that we got a chapter from her perspective as she slept. Overall, I enjoyed this short work.