
Bring On The Night by Sonya Clark

lalabristow's review

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# and a half stars out of 5!

This is was the first time that I encountered an Urban Fantasy book in such a short format. I have found that it is usually Paranormal Romance novels that come out this way from ePublishers. I have to say that the only thing that I didn't really like about this book was it being so short. Which might seem like it's not much, but it did have in impact in the overall book.

Jess is a vampire on an official mission from the vampire king. She needs to out a stop in some gruesome killings that are disturbing in more than one way, because despite the current cold war between Vampires and Werewolves, the said murders seem to be the work of a gang of weres and vamps alike. To avoid detection by the public, Jess needs to hunt this gang down and stop the killings.

The book is told in the third person and goes back and forth between a few characters. Brandon, a reporter; Kirkbride, a priest; Jess and a couple more. I had no problem with this and I know that since the novel was so short, it was necessary to help give the whole picture. However, I also felt that, because of this constant change and short length, we never really got to know the characters in a more in depth manner and they just came across a little shallow.

All in all, Bring On The Night has a lot of potential to be a great book, but because it is so short it fails to achieve its possible greatness. That being said, I really enjoyed it and I just wanted to know more about Jess and the people she met in the book. I also want to know if there is a possibility for her and Brandon, I just totally can see them together.
Here's hoping that it becomes a series!