
Charade by Cambria Hebert

lolasreviews's review

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I got a copy for review in exchange for an honest review.

I loved this book! I really enjoyed book 1, but this book is so much better. We already are introduced to the world in book 1 and it seems the real story starts in this book. And the story is great, I didn't want to put this book down.

What I really love about this series are the characters. They develop so much in this series, you see heven growing and geting stronger. But also the relationships between the characters are so nicely done. The characters act very believeable and change sometimes comes slowly, but it is there. And I love seeing the characters change. There are also a few new characters introduced in this book. And I really liked the unexpected twists. And I just love the relationship between Heven and Sam.

The story is another great parts of this book. Most introcudtion and explanation of the world was already done in book 1 and this book just builds on this. We get to see more of the monsters of Hell and learn a bit more about Heaven. Also where book 1 still was a bit predictable this book left me suprised by all the twist and turns. It was just great, the author made some twists in the story I really didn't see coming! Although there where also a few twists that I did expect.

I hardly know what to say about this book. It's a really good story and I really enjoyed it. It is so much better than book 1. The ending of this book left me shocked, it definitely wasn't what I expected and I can't wait to see what is going to happen next. I am really looking forward to read the next book.

To conclude: I really loved this book. It is a great story, with many twists and turns. And I really love the characters and seeing them develop. I can't wait to read the next book!

tracemus's review

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Too predictable. I don't care to read the 3rd.

danicapage's review

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My Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars.

Disclaimers: I received an electronic copy of this book from the author in exchange for my honest opinion.

An Overview of the Novel: Sam and Heven are in more danger than ever. Heven and Sam have been entrusted with a sacred scroll that includes everybody who will make good contributions in the world (ie: who will find the cure for cancer). Heven and Sam want to keep it safe; the demons want it so they can get kill off these people before they can successfully accomplish what they are destined to do.

Word is out that Heven has the document and the demons will do anything to have it back. Heven will do anything to protect it and Sam will do anything to protect Heven.

But when everybody is after you, who can you really trust? Heven knows she can trust Sam, but the list stops there. Heven and Sam love each other and would do anything for each other. But what do you do when everything seems to be set on tearing you apart.

My Overall Thoughts/Impressions: I love Cambria Hebert's writing. I have read three short stories by her and now two novels. Each time I am sucked in more absolutely. She is a master at characterization and at developing intriguing plots that will leave you sucked in from the very first page to the very last page.

I loved Heven and Sam after reading Masquerade, the first novel in the series. So I was anxious to discover what happened to them next. Often novels experience what is known as the sophomore slump. Charade expertly avoided that trap and that makes me even more excited to read the third one in the series.

I love that Heven and Sam both seem so real and that we get to see inside both of their heads through the switching POVs. However, Cambria also does a great job at creating strong secondary characters. Some of them I absolutely hate, others I love, and others just frustrate me. She does an excellent job at portraying the whole spectrum.

And then comes her ability to create a gripping plot. This is a genre that I normally wouldn't love, but Cambria is just such a great writer that I have loved both books in this series anyway.

If you like a writer who creates brilliant characters and an incredible plot, then look no further than Cambria Hebert.

So Why starts 4.5 out of 5 stars? I loved this novel. Cambria was an expert at characterization and at developing the plot. I loved both of those elements. It just lacked that extra something to make this a 5-star rating; that something that makes you so wrapped up in a book that you can't think about anything else. However, I still really loved the novel.

In Summary: Cambria Hebert's Heven and Hell series will sweep writers away and plant them into a world full of intrigue, suspense, and love that they won't want to leave.

Warnings/Side-notes: This novel is actually quite clean in all aspects. That's something I really like. I don't think books need to be edgy to be good, and I love that this novel shows that.

The Wrap-up: Basically, I adored this novel in case you couldn't tell. I'll be anxiously awaiting until I can read the next book in the series. Sam and Heven are definitely two characters I need to read more about. Check out Masquerade, you won't regret doing it. Even if this isn't your normal genre of choice, I still think you'll like this one. Just give it a shot.


Danica Page

caroline_ck's review

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It was amazing. I could not put it down once I started reading it. By the time I reached the end, I was throughly hooked and kinda upset. I can't wait to readthr next one and finally get some answers.

awise420's review

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Oh Cambria I love this story the more it goes on! So many emotions and questions throughout this book! Thankfully the were pretty much answered before then end! Heven and Sam sure as hell (see what I did there?) can't catch a break. Lots of new surprising information that I still can't believe! I am all over the place after reading this book, if you couldn't tell, so I will be off to read Tirade!

lifeandliterature's review against another edition

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Review to come.

lostinanovel's review against another edition

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Will leave this unrated because didnt finish it
for few reasons 1. cant find next book
2. predictable
3. to immature for me

ljaquier1's review against another edition

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I don't know how she did it, but Ms. Hebert wrote an even better book than the first (Masquerade). I couldn't put this down and read it into the wee hours of the morning.

Sam and Heven have made it through the unbelievable, only to have Heaven ask them to give their everything on a task that Heven and Sam alone can complete. Trial after trial are upon them, people they love and know the most surprising them at every turn. And the cliffhanger at the end?? Can their lives get anymore horrible and complicated? And yet the two of them, linked as one, are able to make it through even the most daunting days.

I just have to say this book was very well written. I loved her descriptions of the bond between Heven and Sam, the landscaping and demons and dragon in hell...I could go on and on, but it would be better if you read it yourself. Do NOT miss out on this book!!

amb3reads's review against another edition

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5 out of 5 Stars

Charade is book 2 in the Heven and Hell Series. I really enjoyed Charade and can't wait to continue with the series. I love Heven and Sam.

very_vero's review against another edition

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In the second book of the Heven and Hell series, Sam and Heven are faced with the aftermath of getting the scroll and are burdened by their mission to return it to Rome. Heven is getting attacked by demons after the scroll almost everyday and Sam is trying to figure out what's wrong with his brother, Logan, who just found him. A lot of new characters are intoduced, fallen angels, witches, a dragon and quite a few more demons. From the catacombs of Rome to the darkest places of Hell, this book really has it all.

For me the story was a little bit slower than I expected at the beginning. But I was really looking forward to their Rome trip, which didn't last as much as I wanted it too. But once they were in Rome and even after they came back the pace was so much faster. A lot of things when on in this book. Surprising revelations, new friends and enemies, and of course a lot of twists and turns, some of them expected and some of them not.

What I loved about this book, surprisingly enough, was Heven. Reading the first book I was a huge fan of Sam and simply liked Heven, but now... now I love Heven. She is becoming a great person. Strong, confident, selfless. She knows what's right and does it even if she doesn't really want to. She pushes herself to be the person she wants to be and it's working. I think there is so much more potential in her and we will probably see that in the next book.