
It's All In Your Head: A Guide to Getting Your Sh*t Together by Rae Earl

whatthelog's review

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Rae Earl is a very funny writer. She uses lots of metaphors about planes and cats (both of which she’s obsessed with) and writes in a very down-to-earth manner that I appreciated. She’s not afraid to be silly, and not afraid to be serious when she needs to be, either. The book covers a bunch of mental health topics, including depression, anxiety, OCD and psychosis, all of which Rae Earl has dealt with herself. I liked this personal touch, though of course this means that certain topics couldn’t be covered, because it was so personal. However, in some ways I think that’s a good thing, because it means that Rae Earl is only giving advice about things that she really knows about. (Supplemented by facts and suggestions by a doctor.)

It is also peppered throughout with great illustrations by Jo Harrison.

I really appreciated everything that Rae Earl had to say in this book. It was exactly what I needed at this difficult point in my life, and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this book to others.