
Curse Breaker: Enchanted by Melinda Kucsera

kitvaria_sarene's review

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Curse Breaker Enchanted by Melinda Kucsera has potential, but didn't always fully deliver on it.

While I found the world intriguing, there was too much that didn't feel fully fleshed out to me. The different parts just didn't always interweave smoothly, so the "map" in the characters mind had a strong litRPG feel to it, while the rest of the story did not. And while mixing and matching styles can work, here it just felt a bit bumpy.

The character was likable, but half of the plot could have been avoided if only people actually talked to each other every so often. This is a device that has always annoyed me in any genre, so definitely grinded on me.

The plot was interesting enough to keep me reading to the end, however it was quite repetitive in places. Quite a bit of back and forth without any real forward motion. Neither in solving the MCs problems, nor in understanding more of the mystery. This made the book feel really long and slow in places.

The actual solutions and action scenes often felt a bit rushed, while the other parts felt a bit meandering, so the pacing just was a bit uneven overall.

So while I didn't actively dislike it, it sadly also won't be a favourite. 2,5* rounded up 

selket16's review

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Four chapters! Seriously. Four Chapters. That's how long the first part of the book has a guy walking through a hall with his eyes closed, being all angsty and worried about being seen. He can't open his eyes because they have glowy magic and he's not supposed to be there and the eye magic would give it away and he's possibly late and not quite sure where he is. There you have it, a less boring version of the first four chapters. By the time he runs into somebody at the end of the fourth chapter, I just don't care. I imagine the rest of the book is more of that. It might get better, I don't know. I have a long backlog of books, and four chapters should be enough time to get your sh** together.