
The Lost Letters of Brother Gabriel by Bree Despain

julaliciousbookparadise's review

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So it was interesting to read those letters. I'll admit that sometimes, I had trouble understanding this old english (after all, English is not my main language), but I think it brought a bit more to the background story of the series about Gabriel.

absentminded_reader's review

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After the release of the second book in the Dark Divine series came this li'l promo. It was meant to wet the appetite of readers who hadn't purchased [book: The Lost Saint]. Some reviewers here pan the book for not being a BOOK, but it was never meant to be anything more than a behind-the-scenes look at Brother Gabriel, a historical character in the story. Each letter from Brother Gabriel to his sister was released as a blog post on Bree Despain's blog in January 2011, then later compiled into an ebook.

Although the first letter feels rough compared to the others, Despain finds her voice quickly. I enjoyed the record of Gabriel's descent into the madness of the wolf—then redemption—and thought it a compelling read. As supplemental material to the Dark Divine, these letters give insight into a character who was pivotal to the story without taking attention away from the focus on the main antagonists in [book: The Lost Saint].

lookingglassreader's review

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I am so thankful to Bree Despain and everyone who decided to publish this series of letters. Up until now, I had connected with Gabriel's character, but only barely. Now, after hearing from his own words, the history of the Urbat, it is really heartwrenching and I can absorb his point of view more clearly.

Even though this was only twenty pages, they were all sapped with enough emotion to fill a novel. Gabriel is writing to his dear sister, Katherine in all of the letters, even after she is killed by his wolf side. She must've been a really understanding person to still have faith in her brother after everything he admits to, which makes her am admirable character even though we never see her directly.

All he wants is redemption after killing all of those people, innocent or not. He was helpless and not strong enough to resist succumbing to the wolf's heading desires.

I became more aware in this story about his dire need for a cure. I am beginning to think he will do anything necessary to get it. Although, since he didn't succumb to his wolf nature and kill Miguel, it is hard to say where he will draw the line. The things mentioned about Grace in one of the letters sparked again my curiosity about the wolf cure. I hope this is one of the main plot points to the next book because it has been one of the lingering anomalies since the last book.

This story makes the Dark Divine upcoming book in the trilogy even more unpredictable. I will be keeping my eye out for the Savage Grace, coming to bookstores March 13, 2012!

rayne's review

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Short and sweet and answered a few questions I had about Gabrielle and the curse.

lawralthelibrarian's review

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This is tortuous! I can't wait for the next install,ent of this series! This mini-ebook was also a great refresher of the mythology of Despain's werewolves as opposed to all the others I have read about since reading The Lost Saint.