
Trophy of the Dragon by Calista Skye

balyeska's review

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a classic

geekxgirl's review

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1 Star

Eh, I didn't like it. It was barely an ok read for me. New to me author and although the writing was okay with a few misspelled words I found myself bored throughout the entire book.

The premise seemed somewhat interesting but nothing truly ever happened of interest. Earth dealing with a pandemic that essentially killed nearly every male on the planet was an unusual approach but sorta interesting which is why earth hooked up with some agency to find baby daddies, I mean mates, for all willing. And well, that aspect of the story was rather useless.

Overall the entire book was just flat. It never picked up. I contemplated not finishing it a couple times but it was late and I was too tired to find a new book so I pushed on. And yet, it was still disappointing. The entire book was just so uneventful.

And worst of all was the lack of chemistry between the MCs. It was emotionless and I hate to abuse this word, but boring. And then they get married by the end...haha sure the alien dragon acts like every human man. Okay.

This certainly didn't work for me in the sci-fi/paranormal genre because it had very little of it. And the lack of details regarding the male MC and his dragon was sad. So yeah, I was disappointed. Others might find this enjoyable but one dimensional at best for me.

poppymonster's review

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Cute, but occasionally cringey

I like the play on mars needs women - twisting it into earth needs men. Evelyn was a relatable FMC. The MMC was really annoying and self centered. I liked parts of his personality redemption arc, but he just rubbed me the wrong way.

I was most annoyed by the book description, which made it sound like the MMC was this super grumpy alien who was unaware of appropriate earth behavior. Instead he was a sarcastic but relatively cheerful MMC who picked up earth language and such pretty easily

Also, what a missed opportunity to have a truly alien alien! But that’s just a personal preference and didn’t affect the rating of the book.

Spice: 2/5

Triggers: as$ault (not SA), references to past tragedy

katskinner's review

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Trophy Of The Dragon is a neutral themed novel, leaning towards light-hearted.


This novel is aimed at mature readers. There are numerous erotica scenes.

It features some action scenes, although not particularly gory in any manner.


Trophy of the Dragon is a standalone novel in the Cosmic Kissed Series.

The novel is 216 pages long, making it shorter than a standard romance novel length (of 300 pages average).

You can find out more about the series on the Cosmic Kissed Series Review page.


I have to start the review by saying that Calista Skye is one of my favourite authors. Her novels are action packed and delicious, and never dwell too far into sensitive topics or are overtly dramatised.

That’s not to say that there isn’t any drama. The character’s have their flaws. Broxag is so self-assured that he’s arrogant. Thanks to his upbringing he struggles to see things from other’s perspectives, wondering why he even should. This causes many issues with other characters as arguments and misunderstandings arise.

The story flow is wonderful within Trophy Of the Dragon. Calista mixes the plot with just enough character development with tension scenes to leave you wondering what will happen next. There are a few action scenes within the novels, raising the stakes of romance and putting the character’s lives in danger.

Unlike Alana Khan’s Love on Impact and Love Uncaged and AWOL Alien by Kelsey Nicole Price, Evelyn and Broxag are both legally matched through the match-making services. This still allows you to explore the world that the multiple authors are building. In Trophy Of The Dragon you finally get to meet some of the last remaining human men in existence, for example. You also get to see the world from a slightly wealthier individuals life; seeing how Earth has evolved from the upper-middle class perspective.


I really enjoyed reading Trophy Of The Dragon. I love the smug and arrogant Broxag, especially how Calista writes his character development over the course of the novel.

nikkisbooknook's review

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When a pandemic wiped out most of the male population of Earth, the females had to look elsewhere to be able to keep the population of Earth alive. There are strict protocols in place for mating with alien species but not every matching agency is as ...rigid or costly as the elite ones.

Evelyn loves her job. She is the curator at an alien museum, where the profits go to looking after some of the last males of Earth, who live under a dome nearby. Her museum is way down the line so they do tend to get the ...less attractive items (i.e. rubbish!) She has been satisfied with her life but now she feels a pang to connect to someone and maybe even make little hybrid human/alien babies!

But one drunken surf of the net leads to a rather large, red, scaled, dragon arriving on her doorstep. He equally annoys and irks her and then does something weirdly sweet and protective. But he does have a weird fascination with her basement (not a euphemism!)

Broxag is one very irked dragon. He has a mission on Earth and Evelyn is merely a means to an end. Why then are his scales changing colour and his luck is ...faltering?

Broxag is a tad mercurial in his affections. He wants Evelyn about as much as he wants to be King but can he have one without losing the other? I loved Evelyns motley "lost boys" that she helps look after, they are so sweet! There's plenty of action once Broxags foe turns up on Earth. One of the highlights for me was the tours Broxag gives of the mudeum - what a hoot!